数据库挂了。打开远程,进了系统,service mysqld stop 失败。service mysqld start等了好大一会,提示Timeout error occurred trying to start MySQL Daemon

出现Can't start server: can't create PID file: No space left on device这个错误。


后用df -h 命令查看

find . -type f -size +100M

mysqld stop成功。




/sbin/umount.<suffix> {dir|device} [-nlfvr]

取消挂载之后RHEL_6.0 x86_64 Disc 1只是一个空的文件夹/目录。



170318 11:44:26 [ERROR] Can't start server: can't create PID file: No space left on device相关推荐

  1. ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file (/usr/local/var/mysql/what the fuck.local.pid)

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  7. Mysql 启动报错解析:Starting MySQL.. ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file (/usr/local/mysql/dat

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