If you talking to a friend or talking to a family member ,you can say:what's the metter or What's going on? But when you dealing with business situations you need to use more business professional【专业的】 language.

Let's look at that business language.


How we talk about Problems?

How we talk about Issues?

How we give Input about problems?

And the Recommendations ,solutions  that we have for problems.


  • What's the metter?
  • Are you ok?
  • What's the problem?
  • What's wrong?

正式场合表达ask & response

  • What is the real issue (hree)?
  • (I think) the major problem is...
  • Our primary concern is ...
  • The crux[关键,症结] of the matter is ...

When you talk about what you see is the issue:

  • (As I see it) ,the most important thing is ...
  • The main problem we need to solve is...
  • It all comes down to this:

When need to ask questions to get other people's opinions on what they think about the problem.

  • What should we do about it?
  • What needs to be done?
  • What do you think we should do?
  • Do you have any suggestions?
  • Any ideas?

Give your opinions or recommenditions:

  • I recommend that ...
  • I suggest that ...
  • I would like to purpose that ...
  • Why don't we ...



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