Top 10 Most Popular P2P File Sharing Clients of2010/2011

Due to the vastness ofthe p2p landscape, searching for the most efficient file sharing app asdictated by your needs and preferences can prove tiresome – that’s why wethought we should make this task easier for you by listing ten of the bestpeer-t0-peer programs currently in use.

1. uTorrent

uTorrent is like peanut butter – once you have tasted it, itsticks with you. Still favored by millions when it comes to downloading files –simple, fast, good-looking.

2.  Frostwire

While Limewire saw itsdownfall, its younger brother climbed up to new levels of popularity due to itsingenuity and newly added features (including its arrival to Android).

3. BitComet

A very familiar presencein this sort of charts, BitComet manages to remain a favorite among p2p users.

4. BitTorrent

One of the most popularfile-sharing programs around that inspired lots of other developers and alwayshad the power to reinvent itself.

5. Vuze

“DigitalLiberation” reads the official site and indeed, the abundance of features andoptions with this app is overwhelming - a most powerful bittorrent app with various types of mediaincorporation. This one is for those looking to expand their experience withall-in-one integration.

6.  BitLord

A ‘veteran’ like most ofthe applications listed here – neat BitTorrent client still enjoying greatpopularity.

7.  SoMud 

A cross-platformmulti-language P2P download-and-share program. Embedded Powerful search enginesupport allows you to search anything.

8. LimeRunner

A very strong filesharing app based on the defunct Limewire – it preserves all the latter’s goodfeatures (for free even those you had to pay in the original client) but  gets rid at the same time off all thecrapware.

9.  Ares Galaxy

Includes basically allthe main features met in this sort of apps. With Ares you can also join or hostchat rooms and make new friends.

10. Shareaza/Sharetastic

It was one of early p2papplications when p2p was still new concept. It connected to wide variety ofnetworks like Gnutella, Gnutella2, EDonkey Network, BitTorrent, FTP and HTTPnetwork protocols but these days it’s being controlled by the record labels(along with other former big p2p names – Lphant, BearShare, and iMesh whichtherefore lost greatly in popularity). However, we have still included it inour list due to this other program which borrows its main functions and then addssome – Sharetastic.


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