英文童话故事After the Storm 风雨后

Percy the park keeper couldn't sleep.

Outside his hut a great storm was raging, with thunder and lightning and pouring rain.

Percy wasn't frightened by the thunder and he loved to watch the lightning as it lit up the whole park. He didn't even mind the rain.

But there was one thing that Percy didn't like.

He didn't like the wind. It blew down fences in the park and ripped branches off the trees. He didn't like it one bit.

"Oh dear," he sighed as he watched from his window. The wind tugged at the trees, making them creak and groan. "It looks like I'm going to be busy tomorrow."

He pulled his pillow over his head and tried to get to sleep.

Percy was up early in the morning. The wind had stopped and the sky was clear.

Percy loaded up his wheelbarrow with all the things he would need to make repairs and clear up after the storm. Then he set off to inspect the damage.

He felt happy as he took deep breaths of the fresh, clean air. Perhaps the damage wouldn't be too bad.

But he was wrong. Something dreadful had happened. A great big oak tree that had stood by itself on top of a little hill had been blown over by the storm.

The giant tree had been one of Percy's favourites. Now it looked very sad lying on its side with its mass of tangly roots sticking up into the air.

But it wasn't just one of Percy's favourite trees; some of Percy's animal friends lived there. Now their homes were wrecked. Percy hurried up to the fallen tree.

The animals were gathered by the tree looking cross and unhappy. When they saw Percy everyone started talking at once.

Percy sat down with his friends and listened as they told how the storm had brought down the great tree.

"and now we had nowhere to live," said the badger. "Some of us lived in the tree and some of us lived under it. But we are all homeless now."

Some of the rabbits looked close to tears and the fox was very sniffy. Percy passed him his handkerchief and the fox blew his nose.

Percy stood up.


英文童话Two Mice and a Cat




英文童话After the Storm:https://www.ryedu.net/syy/seyy/201311/34131.html

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