云计算 应用

Cloud is one of the buzz words in the technology industry. According to the Gartner’s predictions done in Year 2011, Cloud Computing was standing on the first position on their Top Strategic Technologies list. The worldwide market of cloud computing was $8 billion, where the U.S. Market has covered approximately 40% share of the worldwide market and its still rising rapidly because of the higher demand for cloud based solutions.

云是技术行业的流行语之一。 根据Gartner在2011年所做的预测,云计算在其“顶级战略技术”列表中排名第一。 云计算的全球市场规模为80亿美元,其中美国市场已占据了全球市场约40%的份额,并且由于对基于云的解决方案的需求增加,其市场仍在Swift增长。

哪些因素使基于云的应用程序对小型企业如此有吸引力? (What factors have made cloud based applications so attractive for small businesses?)

Whether it is a small business or an individual planning to improve its accounting process, launching an effective campaign for email marketing, finding a simple way to book appointments online, the cloud based applications are getting much familiar with people and becoming the right tool they always wanted for making their multiple task easier.


There are several factors that makes cloud applications so much appealing for small businesses such as: Cost, Accessibility & Ease of Set-up and Use.

有几个因素使云应用程序对小型企业如此具有吸引力,例如: 成本可访问性以及易于设置和使用

Cost: The most important advantage of cloud based applications is that most of the companies can afford the cloud based software’s as they are much affordable and fits to most budgets. Another benefit is that the service provider itself maintains and monitors the program and performs necessary upgrades and updates as needed.

成本:基于云的应用程序最重要的优势在于,大多数公司都能负担得起基于云的软件,因为它们价格合理且符合大多数预算。 另一个好处是服务提供商本身可以维护和监视程序,并根据需要执行必要的升级和更新。

Accessibility: Since, the applications are cloud based, they are usually installed on a server which is 24×7 accessible from any corner of the world. All that is required is a network connectivity to access the data via Internet browser. It is the best solution for people who are always on moving.

可访问性:由于这些应用程序是基于云的,因此通常将它们安装在服务器上,该服务器可以从世界的任何角落进行24×7的访问。 只需通过网络连接即可通过Internet浏览器访问数据。 对于一直在移动的人来说,这是最好的解决方案。

Ease of Set-up and Use: Usually, the cloud applications don’t need any installations or download. Since, the developers of such cloud applications knows that small business owners are going to use them, they are created in such a ways that it is easy to learn and utilize. There are many cloud applications available out there for free trial to see whether it fits your small business or not.

易于设置和使用 :通常,云应用程序不需要任何安装或下载。 由于此类云应用程序的开发人员知道小型企业所有者将要使用它们,因此以易于学习和利用的方式创建它们。 有许多云应用程序可供免费试用,以查看它是否适合您的小型企业。

适用于小型企业的各种云应用程序: (Different kinds of Cloud Applications available for Small Businesses:)

1. Online Customer Self-Scheduling 2. Data Storage and Backup 3. Human Resources Software 4. Online Payment Programs 5. Accounting Software 6. Document Uploads and Management 7. Marketing and Sales Programs


省时省钱的基于云的应用程序: (Time and Money Saving Cloud Based Applications:)


: A painless billing application an accounting manager, to manage invoicing, several expenses and time sheets for customers, and ability to send/receive unlimited number of invoices for free. Available for free trial.

FreshBooks :一个无痛的计费应用程序,一个会计经理,可以管理发票,为客户提供若干费用和时间表,并可以免费发送/接收无限数量的发票。 可免费试用。

 Constant Contact

: An customer relationship management (CRM) application for small organizations to create and grow customer relationship. Available for free trial.                                                                                      .

持续联系 :小型组织的客户关系管理(CRM)应用程序,用于创建和发展客户关系。 可免费试用。 。


: A free photo sharing/editing application, just like the Photoshop to share, edit, crop, resize and rotate pictures in the cloud. Available for free.                                                                                                                    .

Picnik :免费的照片共享/编辑应用程序,就像Photoshop一样,可以在云中共享,编辑,裁剪,调整大小和旋转照片。 免费提供。 。


: A social customer relationship management application, to maintain the track of your online business, personal, and social networking contacts which can be shared among your team. Available for free trial.

BatchBook :社交客户关系管理应用程序,用于维护可以在团队之间共享的在线业务,个人和社交网络联系的跟踪。 可免费试用。


: An automatic cloud based online backup service to secure your personal files and offer features like continuous and minute-by-minute backup. Available for free.                                                                                 .

CrashPlan :基于云的自动在线备份服务,可保护您的个人文件并提供连续和按分钟备份等功能。 免费提供。 。


: A cloud based application for scheduling meetings and sharing the times and dates with others. Available for free.                                                                                                                                                                      .

Doodle :一个基于云的应用程序,用于安排会议并与他人共享时间和日期。 免费提供。 。


: A cloud based file sharing application that allows you to share photos, documents and videos with others across the world. Available for free.                                                                                                                .

Dropbox :基于云的文件共享应用程序,可让您与世界各地的其他人共享照片,文档和视频。 免费提供。 。


: A simple and secure cloud based application that automatically backup your files and allows you to restore the files within few clicks. Available for free trial.                                                                                             .

Carbonite :一个简单且安全的基于云的应用程序,可自动备份文件,并允许您单击几下即可还原文件。 可免费试用。 。


: A cloud based finance management application to manage financial transactions, taxes, and keeps the business on track. Available for free trial.                                                                                                        .

Outright :基于云的财务管理应用程序,用于管理财务交易,税收并保持业务正常进行。 可免费试用。 。


: A cloud based online accounting software for small business, which is easy-to-use and offers various features such as online invoicing tools and templates, support for online banking, payroll and time tracking. Available for free trial.

QuickBooks :适用于小型企业的基于云的在线会计软件,该软件易于使用,并提供各种功能,例如在线发票工具和模板,对在线银行业务的支持,工资单和时间跟踪。 可免费试用。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/cloud-computing-applications/

云计算 应用

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