Ubuntu下运行Swarm Bee节点

1. 安装

基本安装步骤比较简单,可以直接[Swarm Bee参考官方文档](Quick Start | Swarm Bee Client (ethswarm.org))。

1.1 Bee Clef安装

在安装Bee之前,建议首先[安装Bee Clef软件包](Clef External Signer | Swarm Bee Client (ethswarm.org))。[Clef](go-ethereum/cmd/clef at master · ethereum/go-ethereum (github.com))是Go以太坊客户端使用的独立签名器(单独的一个对以太坊交易进行签名认证的服务),能够管理基于key-file的账户和硬钱包账户。[Bee-Clef](ethersphere/bee-clef: bee-clef is official ethereum clef binary wrapped and preconfigured for bee as a service (github.com))则在clef基础上针对bee做了定制化配置。Bee节点可以通过bee-clef来访问Swarm测试网或以太坊主网。当然,你也可以直接在本地运行原生的[clef](go-ethereum/cmd/clef at master · ethereum/go-ethereum (github.com)),然后增加自己的配置在运行Bee。如果确定要使用Bee-clef,必须在Bee之前先安装Bee Clef。


  • 打开[Bee-clef下载页面](Releases · ethersphere/bee-clef (github.com)),查看最新版本。写当前文档时的最新版本为v0.4.12。


  • 下载Bee-clef

    wget https://github.com/ethersphere/bee-clef/releases/download/v0.4.12/bee-clef_0.4.12_arm64.deb
    sudo dpkg -i bee-clef_0.4.12_arm64.deb



# ll /etc/bee-clef/
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  163 Feb 25 01:48 4byte.json
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  249 Feb 25 01:48 rules.js



  • /etc/bee-clef/4byte.json


  • /etc/bee-clef/rules.js


    function OnSignerStartup() {return "Approve"
    function OnApprovedTx() {return "Approve"
    function ApproveListing() {return "Approve"
    function ApproveTx() {return "Approve"
    function ApproveSignData() {return "Approve"
  • /var/lib/bee-clef/clef.ipc


    bee-clef正常启动后,一旦bee节点开始跟bee-clef交互,日志中每隔几秒或几分钟就会打印INFO [05-11|23:41:53.365] Op approved.

# bee-clef-service start
bee-clef-service /var/lib/bee-clef /var/lib/bee-clef/password /etc/bee-clef
Waiting for the clef.ipc file to show up at /var/lib/bee-clef/clef.ipcWARNING!Clef is an account management tool. It may, like any software, contain bugs.Please take care to
- backup your keystore files,
- verify that the keystore(s) can be opened with your password.Clef is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
INFO [05-11|23:35:49.197] Using stdin/stdout as UI-channel
INFO [05-11|23:35:49.925] Loaded 4byte database                    embeds=146841 locals=4 local=/etc/bee-clef/4byte.json
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"ui_onInputRequired","params":[{"title":"Master Password","prompt":"Please enter the password to decrypt the master seed","isPassword":true}]}
Waiting for the clef.ipc file to show up at /var/lib/bee-clef/clef.ipc
INFO [05-11|23:35:51.134] Rule engine configured                   file=/etc/bee-clef/rules.js
INFO [05-11|23:35:51.134] Starting signer                          chainid=5 keystore=/var/lib/bee-clef/keystore light-kdf=true advanced=false
INFO [05-11|23:35:51.135] IPC endpoint opened                      url=/var/lib/bee-clef/clef.ipc
INFO [05-11|23:36:12.193] Op approved
INFO [05-11|23:36:12.203] Op approved
INFO [05-11|23:41:53.365] Op approved
INFO [05-11|23:45:04.948] Op approved
INFO [05-11|23:45:08.734] Op approved



  • 1e4b791d7af0cf7a42a8/- bee-clef账户保险库,里边的config.json文件中会保存加密过的key/value配置文件。
  • clef.ipc- 刚才提到的IPC通信管道。
  • keystore/- bee-clef的账户地址。bee通过这个地址接入测试网或主网。
  • masterseed.json- 存放bee-clef密码
  • password账户的密钥文件
# ll /var/lib/bee-clef/
total 24
drwxr-x---  4 bee-clef bee-clef 4096 May 11 19:07 ./
drwxr-xr-x 50 root     root     4096 May 11 00:26 ../
drwx------  2 bee-clef bee-clef 4096 May 11 00:24 1e4b791d7af0cf7a42a8/
srw-rw----  1 root     root        0 May 11 19:07 clef.ipc=
drwx------  2 bee-clef bee-clef 4096 May 11 00:24 keystore/
-r--------  1 bee-clef bee-clef  868 May 11 00:24 masterseed.json
-rw-------  1 bee-clef bee-clef   32 May 11 00:24 password

1.2 Bee安装



先到[Bee版本下载](Releases · ethersphere/bee (github.com))查看最新版本,当前最新版本为v0.5.3.


wget https://github.com/ethersphere/bee/releases/download/v0.5.3/bee_0.5.3_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i bee_0.5.3_amd64.deb


安装完毕以后默认配置文件在/etc/bee/bee.yaml。也可以运行bee printconfig &> bee-default.yaml打印当前的Bee配置作为模板来自己修改。其中几个地方需要注意。

  • clef配置 - 需要根据Bee-Clef的配置设置对应的IPC路径。

    ## enable clef signer
    clef-signer-enable: true
    ## clef signer endpoint
    clef-signer-endpoint: /var/lib/bee-clef/clef.ipc
  • debug API地址 - 如果需要运行bee-dashboard,必须设置。默认为本机的1635端口,也可以自己修改。

    ## debug HTTP API listen address (default ":1635")
    ## enable debug HTTP API
    debug-api-enable: true
  • Swap节点 - 以太坊交换节点,也就是接入以太坊的入口节点。必须设置,默认为本机的:8545端口,如果你在本机运行geth (go的以太坊客户端)。否则,推荐使用Warm官方公共节点https://rpc.slock.it/goerli。也可以自己到Ethereum API | IPFS API & Gateway | ETH Nodes as a Service | Infura 注册一个,使用自己注册的节点来减少拥堵。

    ## enable swap (default true)swap-enable: true## swap ethereum blockchain endpoint (default "http://localhost:8545")swap-endpoint: https://rpc.slock.it/goerli

其它配置请参考配置文件 – MoDocs (lovpia.com)。





  • faucet-request (discord.com) - 通过faucet机器人领取,是好是坏,碰运气。
  • Goerli: Authenticated Faucet (mudit.blog) 需要先在Twitter上发布条信息,然后把twitter链接粘贴到页面里领取,可以一次领取37.5gETH,然后到Bzzaar (ethswarm.org)兑换即可,成功率很高,而且可以兑换不止10个gBZZ.

可以直接执行bee start来启动,然后查看运行日志是否正常。如果使用自定义配置文件,就加上--config <path to bee.yaml>

Bee正常启动以后,会默认监听:1633端口,当日志中出现api address: xxxx时,Bee已经启动。如果打开了debug api,也会在日志中看到debug api address: xxx:1633.

# bee start --config bee.yaml Welcome to the Swarm.... Bzzz Bzzzz Bzzzz                \     /            \    o ^ o    /              \ (     ) /   ____________(%%%%%%%)____________  (     /   /  )%%%%%%%(  \   \     )  (___/___/__/           \__\___\___)     (     /  /(%%%%%%%)\  \     )      (__/___/ (%%%%%%%) \___\__)              /(       )\            /   (%%%%%)   \                 (%%%)                   !                   INFO[2021-05-18T13:55:09+08:00] version: 0.5.3-acbd0e2                       INFO[2021-05-18T13:55:09+08:00] using swarm network address through clef: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> INFO[2021-05-18T13:55:09+08:00] swarm public key <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  INFO[2021-05-18T13:55:09+08:00] pss public key <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> INFO[2021-05-18T13:55:09+08:00] using ethereum address <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>INFO[2021-05-18T13:55:09+08:00] debug api address:            INFO[2021-05-18T13:55:11+08:00] using default factory address for chain id 5: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> INFO[2021-05-18T13:55:12+08:00] using existing chequebook <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> INFO[2021-05-18T13:55:25+08:00] database capacity: 2000000 chunks (approximately 7.8GB) INFO[2021-05-18T13:55:33+08:00] name resolver: no name resolution service provided INFO[2021-05-18T13:55:33+08:00] api address: [::]:1633...# 注意:其中的xxx为你的Bee节点对应的key和地址信息.



最基本的就是在浏览器直接查看localhost:1633, 也可以在命令行用curl命令查看,如果显示Ethereum Swarm Bee就说明已经在运行了。

# curl -s localhost:1633Ethereum Swarm Bee

其它信息可以通过[bee debug api](Bee Debug API (ethswarm.org))查看。


#!/usr/bin/env bash# get addresses of current nodeecho '====> 获取Bee节点地址...'echo '> curl -s localhost:1635/addresses'curl -s localhost:1635/addresses | jq# check connected peersecho '====> 获取已经建立连接的节点列表...'echo '> curl -s localhost:1635/peers'curl -s localhost:1635/peers | jq# check balance# echo '====> 获取账户基本信息...'# echo 'curl -s localhost:1635/balances'# curl -s localhost:1635/balances | jq# get chequebook balanceecho '====> 获取支票账户信息...'echo '> curl -s localhost:1635/chequebook/balance'curl -s localhost:1635/chequebook/balance | jqecho '====> 获取支票信息...'echo '> curl -s localhost:1635/chequebook/cheque'curl -s localhost:1635/chequebook/cheque | jq

另外一种方式是直接使用bee-dashboard查看,就是把bee debug api获取的状态通过图形界面可视化。需要提前打开debug api,具体参考[bee-dashboard教程](ethersphere/bee-dashboard: An app which helps users to setup their Bee node and do actions like cash out cheques (github.com))。

2. 其它注意事项

问题1:could not connect to backend at xxx

could not connect to backend at https://rpc.slock.it/goerli. In a swap-enabled network a working blockchain node (for goerli network in production) is required. Check your node or specify another node using --swap-endpoint. Error: get chain id: Post "https://rpc.slock.it/goerli": dial tcp i/o timeout

因为Swap节点不可用,或者节点拥堵,建议到Ethereum API | IPFS API & Gateway | ETH Nodes as a Service | Infura 注册一个自己的节点,避免官方节点拥堵。

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