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MSF Risk Management Discipline相关推荐

  1. MSF Project Management Discipline 转载于: ...

  2. Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 2 —— Banks

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  3. 软件流程和管理(三):Risk Management

    目录 1. 理解风险管理的基本原理 1.1 Risk vs Uncertainty 1.2 为什么要进行正式的风险管理 2. 理解风险管理流程 3. Risk Management Planning ...

  4. Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 11 —— Correlations and Copulas

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  5. Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 16 —— Basel II.5,Basel III, and Other Post-Crisis

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  6. SWEN90016 软件开发管理 Risk management

    风险是: possible future that has negative results Uncertain event代表有好有坏 每天都在处理风险 目标: 最小化负面,最大化正面的影响. Ri ...

  7. 美联储SR 11-7:模型风险管理指南(Guidance on Model Risk Management)-万字收藏

    各位学员好,前天有个<python信用评分卡建模(附代码)>课程学员向我提问.她在银行工作,银行对金融风控模型验证和压力测试非常重视.目前不清楚如果对风控模型压力测试. 这个问题很专业,很 ...

  8. 1. Fomula-Fundations of Risk Management

    1. 风险与收益的平衡(RAROC) RAROC=RewardRiskRAROC=\frac{Reward}{Risk}RAROC=RiskReward​ 2. CML E(RP)=RF+[E(RM) ...

  9. Project Management

    Project Management 文章目录 Project Management 1. Intruduction 2. Organization 3. Project Management Pro ...


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