
  • 1> 基数词
    • 1.1> 0 ~ 12
    • 1.2> 13 ~ 19
    • 1.3> 20 ~ 90
    • 1.4> 21,22...
  • 2> 百、千
  • 3> 年份
  • 4> 电话号码
  • 5> 小数
  • 6 > 时刻

1> 基数词

1.1> 0 ~ 12

zero one two three four
0 1 2 3 4
five six seven eight nine
5 6 7 8 9
ten eleven twelve
10 11 12

1.2> 13 ~ 19

thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen
13 14 15 16
seventeen eighteen niniteen
17 18 19
  • 词尾teen

1.3> 20 ~ 90

twenty thirty forty fifty sixty
20 30 40 50 60
seventy eighty ninety
70 80 90
  • ty结尾

1.4> 21,22…

twenty-one thirty-two forty-three fifty-five sixty-seven
21 32 43 55 67

2> 百、千

  • zillion : 无限大

102 : one hundred (and) two;
1,347: one thousand three hundred (and)forty-seven;
10,000 : ten thouand;
96,504: ninety-six thousand five huandred (and) four;
480,932 : four hundred (and) eighty thousand nine hundred (and) thirty-two;
7,601,918 : seven million six huandred (and) one nine huandred (and) eighteen.

3> 年份

1900年: nineteen hundred;

2003年:twenty and three;

2019年:twenty eighteen;

  • 2位2位读;

4> 电话号码

Tel, No 923-7522
number nine two, seven five two two.

5> 小数

12.98 : twelve point nine eight

123.03: one hundred twenty-three point zero three
one hundred twnty-three point O three

6 > 时刻

12:00 : twelve o’clock;
08:30: eight thirty, thirty past eitht
07:05: seven five, five past seven. five after seven
10:53: ten fifty-three, seven to eleven, seven befor eleven.
06:15: six fifteen, fifteen past six, six a quarter;

  • what time is it?
    What is the time?
    Do you have the time?

  • Do you have time?


  1. English语法_序数词

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