一直有这样一个有趣的想法:可不可以定制一个Linux系统,实现效果是开机启动后直接打开指定的一个网页并且全屏显示,类似现在有许多服务性单位的营业厅中或者医院自助服务台使用了的设备,但是我大致接触操作过的系统应该都是基于Windows系统+开机启动项做的,有的甚至还能长按触摸屏出来鼠标右键菜单.倒还真是没见过有用Linux做底层的.扒出来一篇2014年的文章,描述了基于Ubuntu 14.04实现上述效果,还没做实验,先贴出来,头一次做翻译,不准确的地方还望大家指正.



Single-purpose kiosk computing might seem scary and industrial but thanks to cheap hardware and Ubuntu, it’s an increasingly popular idea. I’m going to show you how and it’s only going to take a few minutes to get to something usable.



Hopefully we’ll do better than the image on the right.


We’re going to be running a very light stack of X, Openbox and the Google Chrome web browser to load a specified website. The website could be local files on the kiosk or remote. It could be interactive or just an advertising roll. Of course you could load any standalone application. XBMC for a media centre, Steam for a gaming machine, Xibo or Concerto for digital signage. The possibilities are endless.

我们接下来要运行一个轻量的X服务,使用Openbox桌面环境以及Google Chrome浏览器来加载指定的一个网站.这个网站可以是本地的或者互联网上的.整套系统搞下来可以做成交互式的或者仅仅作为滚动广告屏.当然你也可以加载任何本地的应用程序.XBMC(注:这货现在叫Kodi,是一个开源的媒体播放器)或者媒体中心,做成游戏机,Xibo(注:这货是个电子引导标示系统)或者Concerto(注:这货貌似是用在医疗和教育领域的一套系统,标示不太清楚)

The whole thing takes less than 2GB of disk space and can run on 512MB of RAM.


Update: If you’ve already installed, read this companion tutorial if you want to convert an existing Ubuntu Desktop install to a kiosk.


Step 1: Installing Ubuntu Server

第一步:安装Ubuntu Server

I’m picking the Server flavour of Ubuntu for this. It’s all the nuts-and-bolts of regular Ubuntu without installing a load of flabby graphical applications that we’re never ever going to use.

为毛要用Ubuntu Server呢?因为这个发行版里面没有乱七八糟的其他程序包之类的,相当于最小化使用Ubuntu底层服务的一个内核,方便后面按需定制.

It’s free for download. I would suggest 64bit if your hardware supports it and I’m going with the latest LTS (14.04 at the time of writing). Sidebar: If you’ve never tested your kiosk’s hardware in Ubuntu before it might be worth download the Desktop Live USB, burning it and checking everything works.


Just follow the installation instructions. Burn it to a USB stick, boot the kiosk to it and go through. I just accepted the defaults and when asked:


  • Set my username to user and set an hard-to-guess, strong password.
  • 设置用户名为user,再设置个复杂到你自己都记不住的密码(手动滑稽)
  • Enabled automatic updates
  • 启用自动更新
  • At the end when tasksel ran, opted to install the SSH server task so I could SSH in from a client that supported copy and paste!
  • 最后当tasksel运行的时候(这个貌似不太明白),选择安装并启用SSH服务,这样就可以远程管理了(废话,当然要开SSH了)

After you reboot, you should be looking at a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ubuntu tty1 login prompt. You can either SSH in (assuming you’re networked and you installed the SSH server task) or just log in.


The installer auto-configures an ethernet connection (if one exists) so I’m going to assume you already have a network connection. If you don’t or want to change to wireless, this is the point where you’d want to use nmcli to add and enable your connection. It’ll go something like this:


sudo apt install network-manager
sudo nmcli dev wifi con <SSID> password <password>

Later releases should have nmtui which will make this easier but until then you always have man nmcli :)


Step 2: Install all the things


We obviously need a bit of extra software to get up and running but we can keep this fairlycompact. We need to install:


  • X (the display server) and some scripts to launch it
  • X(图形显示的服务)以及一些启动脚本
  • A lightweight window manager to enable Chrome to go fullscreen
  • 一个轻量的桌面管理器来让Chrome浏览器全屏启动
  • Google Chrome
  • 就不翻译
  • PulseAudio for sound
  • 需要声音的话还得装PulseAudio

We’ll start by adding the Google-maintained repository for Chrome:


sudo add-apt-repository 'deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main'
wget -qO- https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | sudo apt-key add -

Then update our packages list and install:


sudo apt update
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends xorg openbox google-chrome-stable pulseaudio

If you omit --no-install-recommends you will pull in hundreds of megabytes of extra packages that would normally make life easier but in a kiosk scenario, only serve as bloat.


We also need to make sure your user is in the audio group. This will allow PulseAudio to start up and manage sound for applications. This part is optional and many kiosks won’t need sound but I’ve had a lot of comments about it:


  sudo usermod -a -G audio $USER

Step 3: Loading the browser on boot


I know we’ve only been going for about five minutes but we’re almost done. We just need two little scripts.


Run sudoedit /opt/kiosk.sh first. This is going to be what loads Chrome once X has started. It also needs to wipe the Chrome profile so that between loads you aren’t persisting stuff. This in incredibly important for kiosk computing because you never want a user to be able to affect the next user. We want them to start with a clean environment every time. Here’s where I’ve got to:


#!/bin/bashxset -dpms
xset s off
openbox-session &
start-pulseaudio-x11while true; dorm -rf ~/.{config,cache}/google-chrome/google-chrome --kiosk --no-first-run  'http://thepcspy.com'

When you’re done there, Control+X to exit and run sudo chmod +x /opt/kiosk.sh to make the script executable. Then we can move onto starting X (and loading kiosk.sh).

脚本写好后保存退出,并给这个脚本文件加上可执行权限sudo chmod +x /opt/kiosk.sh,接下来就该搞启动x时候的脚本了

Run sudoedit /etc/init/kiosk.conf and this time fill it with:


start on (filesystem and stopped udevtrigger)
stop on runlevel [06]console output
emits starting-xrespawnexec sudo -u user startx /etc/X11/Xsession /opt/kiosk.sh --

Replace user with your username. Exit, Control+X, save.


X still needs some root privileges to start. These are locked down by default but we can allow anybody to start an X server by running sudo dpkg-reconfigure x11-common and selecting “Anybody”.

X服务还需要一些root权限来启动,这些权限默认是没有的,执行sudo dpkg-reconfigure x11-common并且选择Anybody来实现允许任何用户都能启动X服务.

After that we should be able to test. Run sudo start kiosk (or reboot) and it should all come up.

现在可以开始测试系统了,执行sudo start kiosk或者直接reboot

One last problem to fix is the amount of garbage it prints to screen on boot. Ideally your users will never see it boot but when it does, it’s probably better that it doesn’t look like the Matrix. A fairly simple fix, just run sudoedit /etc/default/grub and edit so the corresponding lines look like this:


GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

Save and exit that and run sudo update-grub before rebooting.

保存并退出后运行sudo update-grub,然后重启

The monitor should remain on indefinitely.


Final step: The boring things…


Technically speaking we’re done; we have a kiosk and we’re probably sipping on a Martini. I know, I know, it’s not even midday, we’re just that good… But there are extra things to consider before we let a grubby member of the public play with this machine:

  • Can users break it? Open keyboard access is generally a no-no. If they need a keyboard, physically disable keys so they only have what they need. I would disable all the F* keys along with Control, Alt, Super… If they have a standard mouse, right click will let them open links in new windows and tabs and OMG this is a nightmare. You need to limit user-input.

  • Can it break itself? Does the website you’re loading have anything that’s going to try and open new windows/tabs/etc? Does it ask for any sort of input that you aren’t allowing users? Perhaps a better question to ask is Can it fix itself? Consider a mechanism for rebooting that doesn’t involve a phone call to you.

  • Is it physically secure? Hide and secure the computer. Lock the BIOS. Ensure no access to USB ports (fill them if you have to). Disable recovery mode. Password protect Grub and make sure it stays hidden (especially with open keyboard access).

  • Is it network secure? SSH is the major ingress vector here so follow some basic tips: so at the very least move it to another port, only allow key-based authentication, install fail2banand make sure fail2ban is telling you about failed logins.

  • What if Chrome is hacked directly? What if somebody exploited Chrome and had command-level access as user? Well first of all, you can try to stop that happening with AppArmor (should still apply) but you might also want to change things around so that the user running X and the browser doesn’t have sudo access. I’d do that by adding a new user and changing the two scripts accordingly.

  • How are you maintaining it? Automatic updates are great but what if that breaks everything? How will you access it in the field to maintain it if (for example) the network dies or there’s a hardware failure? This is aimed more at the digital signage people than simple kiosks but it’s something to consider.

You can mitigate a lot of the security issues by having no live network (just displaying local files) but this obviously comes at the cost of maintenance. There’s no one good answer for that.


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