If you copy the ‘infinitescroll’ folder on your webroot, the files

will end up under the default theme. This should be ok in most

installations because Magento falls back to the default theme when it

can find files in the custom themes. The rest of this article covers

the scenario where the plugin isn’t loaded correctly from the default


The first thing you should do is move them to the package/theme you’re

using, just to be sure they’ll be loaded.

Browse the repository to see where the files are located. Those that are inside the ‘app/design/frontend/default/default’ should be

moved to your package/theme: ‘app/design/frontend/package/theme’.

Visit the following url: 07001 and make sure there’s

some Javascript being printed. If you get a 404 then the module is not

loaded properly. If its blank or you get an exception then the module

probably has trouble finding the layout or template files.

Once the URL above returns javascript, visit a page in your catalog and view its source. Make sure you can find the following

string within the source: “infinitescroll/js” – it should exist as

part of the URL for a SCRIPT tag. If you can’t find it then you have a

compatibility problem with the layout file (which in the repository is

located at


If the string exists however then the plugin is loaded and configured properly.

Finally, once you know the plugin is being loaded, you will have to adjust the options under System -> Configuration -> Catalog ->

Infinite Scroll in order to configure InfiniteScroll options properly.

You will find two types of selectors. The first one is the container, by default called “category-products”, which “contains” all

the items. category-products

Then you will find another selector called “products-grid” which is

the item selector. item

This two selectors are the ones you must enter in the Infinite Scroll

configuration under Content and Items.category-products

Next: next

You can get the code by doing a second click on the screen and picking

“Inspect element” in any modern browser.

For this extension to work with any theme, the theme must have a

container div, like category-products and also a item div like


Also the theme must have the pager active, otherwise the extension

wont work because of the lack of some selectors.

For more information on how to configure the options follow this link:



If problem not solved then

After the installation

Add the following in layout.xml:


Copy from app/design/frontend/base/default/template/strategery path to the same path in your theme

Copy from skin/frontend/base/default/js/infinitescroll path to the same path in your skin-theme

Make sure that the /js/jquery/infinitescroll path exist and have four *.js files inside

Configure plugin:

always set Yes on Include jQuery field

always view that your product-list div class is same as in Content field. In default theme is “.category-products” class (with the dot is

a first sign in class name)

always set No on Hide Toolbar field

Of cource you should flash all possible cache

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