







流管理线程的创建与注册的slot 和 TmModule 对应的关系参见我的之前的一遍文章中创建非工作线程的子线程部分

suricata 各个线程干的事情 -- 主线程_xuwaiwai的博客-CSDN博客suricata 各个线程的作用 -- 主线程https://blog.csdn.net/xuwaiwai/article/details/120086508?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501




注册的模块的初始化,管理线程只注册了一个slot(即 FlowManager 模块),

初始化函数为 s->SlotThreadInit 在此对应为

static TmEcode FlowManagerThreadInit(ThreadVars *t, const void *initdata, void **data)


static TmEcode FlowManagerThreadInit(ThreadVars *t, const void *initdata, void **data)
{FlowManagerThreadData *ftd = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(FlowManagerThreadData));if (ftd == NULL)return TM_ECODE_FAILED;ftd->instance = SC_ATOMIC_ADD(flowmgr_cnt, 1);SCLogDebug("flow manager instance %u", ftd->instance);/* set the min and max value used for hash row walking* each thread has it's own section of the flow hash */uint32_t range = flow_config.hash_size / flowmgr_number;if (ftd->instance == 0)ftd->max = range;else if ((ftd->instance + 1) == flowmgr_number) {ftd->min = (range * ftd->instance) + 1;ftd->max = flow_config.hash_size;} else {ftd->min = (range * ftd->instance) + 1;ftd->max = (range * (ftd->instance + 1));}BUG_ON(ftd->min > flow_config.hash_size || ftd->max > flow_config.hash_size);SCLogDebug("instance %u hash range %u %u", ftd->instance, ftd->min, ftd->max);/* pass thread data back to caller */*data = ftd;FlowCountersInit(t, &ftd->cnt);PacketPoolInit();return TM_ECODE_OK;

可能会有多个管理线程,所以将flow_config.hash_size 根据管理线程数等分,并根据每等份设置ftd->min 和 ftd->max,相当于把 FlowBucket *flow_hash 这个hash桶数组等分,这样管理线程循环中根据这个区间去遍历 FlowBucket *flow_hash 数组中各个区间中流。



设置tv的flag为THV_INIT_DONE,以便主线程将此 tv->flag 的暂停标记去除。


r = s->Management(tv, SC_ATOMIC_GET(s->slot_data));

由于slot对应的是FlowManager 模块,则此函数为

static TmEcode FlowManager(ThreadVars *th_v, void *thread_data)

此函数主要作用是管理流表并使流超时和流紧急时间处理,处理的数据来源是各个FlowBucket中的 Flow *evicted 和 Flow *head,主要在线程循环中执行。


  • 在紧急模式下,对哈希表进行完整遍历
  • 非紧急模式下,只扫描部分哈希表,只是进一步缩小遍历的范围

其都最终在 static uint32_t FlowTimeoutHash(FlowManagerTimeoutThread *td, struct timeval *ts, const uint32_t hash_min, const uint32_t hash_max, FlowTimeoutCounters *counters)函数中检测超时,在FlowBucket *flow_hash中 检测此区间【uint32_t hash_min, const uint32_t hash_max】的流。




#if __WORDSIZE==64
#define BITS 64
#define TYPE uint64_t
#define BITS 32
#define TYPE uint32_t

1、先设置一个 uint64_t check_bits 的位图,每1位表示一个bucket是否有超时的flow,方法是每次循环64次检查t每个bucket的next_ts与最新时间,有超时的话在check_bits中对对应的第i为设为1。

    for (uint32_t idx = hash_min; idx < hash_max; idx+=BITS) {TYPE check_bits = 0;const uint32_t check = MIN(BITS, (hash_max - idx));for (uint32_t i = 0; i < check; i++) {FlowBucket *fb = &flow_hash[idx+i];check_bits |= (TYPE)(SC_ATOMIC_LOAD_EXPLICIT(fb->next_ts, SC_ATOMIC_MEMORY_ORDER_RELAXED) <= (int32_t)ts->tv_sec) << (TYPE)i;}if (check_bits == 0)continue;for (uint32_t i = 0; i < check; i++) {FlowBucket *fb = &flow_hash[idx+i];if ((check_bits & ((TYPE)1 << (TYPE)i)) != 0 && SC_ATOMIC_GET(fb->next_ts) <= (int32_t)ts->tv_sec) {if (FMTryLockBucket(fb) == 0) {Flow *evicted = NULL;if (fb->evicted != NULL || fb->head != NULL) {/* if evicted is set, we only process that list right now.* Since its set we've had traffic that touched this row* very recently, and there is a good chance more of it will* come in in the near future. So unlock the row asap and leave* the possible eviction of flows to the packet lookup path. */if (fb->evicted != NULL) {/* transfer out of bucket so we can do additional work outside* of the bucket lock */evicted = fb->evicted;fb->evicted = NULL;} else if (fb->head != NULL) {int32_t next_ts = 0;FlowManagerHashRowTimeout(td,fb->head, ts, emergency, counters, &next_ts);if (SC_ATOMIC_GET(fb->next_ts) != next_ts)SC_ATOMIC_SET(fb->next_ts, next_ts);}if (fb->evicted == NULL && fb->head == NULL) {SC_ATOMIC_SET(fb->next_ts, INT_MAX);} else if (fb->evicted != NULL && fb->head == NULL) {SC_ATOMIC_SET(fb->next_ts, 0);}} else {SC_ATOMIC_SET(fb->next_ts, INT_MAX);rows_empty++;}FBLOCK_UNLOCK(fb);/* processed evicted list */if (evicted) {FlowManagerHashRowClearEvictedList(td, evicted, ts, counters);}} else {rows_busy++;}} else {rows_skipped++;}}if (td->aside_queue.len) {cnt += ProcessAsideQueue(td, counters);}}
  • 如果fb->evicted 不为NULL,则里面所有的流都要回收,暂时保存在此函数的 Flow *evicted的临时队列中。再在后续的流程中调用 static void FlowManagerHashRowClearEvictedList (FlowManagerTimeoutThread *td, Flow *f, struct timeval *ts, FlowTimeoutCounters *counters)函数处理,将出evicted 中的所有flow 放入td->aside_queue 这个队列。

    static void FlowManagerHashRowClearEvictedList(FlowManagerTimeoutThread *td,Flow *f, struct timeval *ts, FlowTimeoutCounters *counters)
    {do {FLOWLOCK_WRLOCK(f);Flow *next_flow = f->next;f->next = NULL;f->fb = NULL;DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(f->use_cnt > 0 || !FlowBypassedTimeout(f, ts, counters));FlowQueuePrivateAppendFlow(&td->aside_queue, f);/* flow is still locked in the queue */f = next_flow;} while (f != NULL);
  • 如果 fb->head 不为NULL,调用FlowManagerHashRowTimeout 进行超时处理, 超时的流放到了 td->aside_queue 这个队列;
    static void FlowManagerHashRowTimeout(FlowManagerTimeoutThread *td,Flow *f, struct timeval *ts,int emergency, FlowTimeoutCounters *counters, int32_t *next_ts)
    {uint32_t checked = 0;Flow *prev_f = NULL;do {checked++;/* check flow timeout based on lastts and state. Both can be* accessed w/o Flow lock as we do have the hash row lock (so flow* can't disappear) and flow_state is atomic. lastts can only* be modified when we have both the flow and hash row lock *//* timeout logic goes here */if (FlowManagerFlowTimeout(f, ts, next_ts, emergency) == 0) {counters->flows_notimeout++;prev_f = f;f = f->next;continue;}FMFlowLock(f); //FLOWLOCK_WRLOCK(f);Flow *next_flow = f->next;counters->flows_timeout++;/* never prune a flow that is used by a packet we* are currently processing in one of the threads */if (f->use_cnt > 0 || !FlowBypassedTimeout(f, ts, counters)) {FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(f);prev_f = f;counters->flows_timeout_inuse++;f = f->next;continue;}RemoveFromHash(f, prev_f);FlowQueuePrivateAppendFlow(&td->aside_queue, f);/* flow is still locked in the queue */f = next_flow;} while (f != NULL);counters->flows_checked += checked;if (checked > counters->rows_maxlen)counters->rows_maxlen = checked;


处理上面获得的 td->aside_queue 中的超时的流,调用static uint32_t ProcessAsideQueue (FlowManagerTimeoutThread *td, FlowTimeoutCounters *counters) 函数:

static uint32_t ProcessAsideQueue(FlowManagerTimeoutThread *td, FlowTimeoutCounters *counters)
{FlowQueuePrivate recycle = { NULL, NULL, 0 };counters->flows_aside += td->aside_queue.len;uint32_t cnt = 0;Flow *f;while ((f = FlowQueuePrivateGetFromTop(&td->aside_queue)) != NULL) {/* flow is still locked */if (f->proto == IPPROTO_TCP &&!(f->flags & FLOW_TIMEOUT_REASSEMBLY_DONE) &&
#endiff->flow_state != FLOW_STATE_LOCAL_BYPASSED &&FlowForceReassemblyNeedReassembly(f) == 1){FlowForceReassemblyForFlow(f);/* flow ownership is passed to the worker thread *//* flow remains locked */counters->flows_aside_needs_work++;continue;}FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(f);FlowQueuePrivateAppendFlow(&recycle, f);if (recycle.len == 100) {FlowQueueAppendPrivate(&flow_recycle_q, &recycle);}cnt++;}if (recycle.len) {FlowQueueAppendPrivate(&flow_recycle_q, &recycle);}return cnt;


如果这里的超时流需要重组,则是又打回原来处理它的线程,由原线程的FlowWorker中的函数FlowWorkerProcessInjectedFlows 完成重组回收,FlowForceReassemblyForFlow函数把flow放入原线程的tv->flow_queue队列中,放入队列后,这里有两种处理方式:

  1. outqh_name是 "flow" (TMQH_FLOW)或者 "simple"(TMQH_SIMPLE) 时:对应的工作线程首先从tv->flow_queue这个队列中获取数据并处理,如果没有将等待管理线程发送信号激活。  管理线程就在此给flow所属线程发送信号(SCCondSignal(&tv->inq->pq->cond_q);),唤醒那个线程处理这个flow的重组回收。如果tv->flow_queue有多余的数据,则对饮的子线程直接获取处理。这种方式不深究,{ RUNMODE_AFP_DEV + "workers" }使用下面的第二种方式。

    /* same as 'simple' */
    Packet *TmqhInputFlow(ThreadVars *tv)
    {PacketQueue *q = tv->inq->pq;StatsSyncCountersIfSignalled(tv);SCMutexLock(&q->mutex_q);if (q->len == 0) {/* if we have no packets in queue, wait... */SCCondWait(&q->cond_q, &q->mutex_q);}if (q->len > 0) {Packet *p = PacketDequeue(q);SCMutexUnlock(&q->mutex_q);return p;} else {/* return NULL if we have no pkt. Should only happen on signals. */SCMutexUnlock(&q->mutex_q);return NULL;}
  2. outqh_name是 "packetpool" (TMQH_PACKETPOOL)时:{ RUNMODE_AFP_DEV + "workers" } ,放入tv->flow_queue队列后不在做任何处理。这个tv线程 在FlowWorker 函数中执行FlowWorkerProcessInjectedFlows时自然会处理。


        if (ftd->instance == 0 &&(other_last_sec == 0 || other_last_sec < (uint32_t)ts.tv_sec)) {DefragTimeoutHash(&ts);//uint32_t hosts_pruned =HostTimeoutHash(&ts);IPPairTimeoutHash(&ts);other_last_sec = (uint32_t)ts.tv_sec;}




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