
  • 注解须知前言
  • @Target
  • @Retention
  • @Inherited
  • @Documented
  • @Repeatable




在讲解元注解概念之前,我们先建立元数据的概念。 元数据在英语中对应单词 metadata, metadata在wiki中的解释是:

Metadata is data [information] that provides information about other data


这样元注解就好理解了,元注解 meta annotation用于注解 自定义注解 的注解。


@Target 目标即作用范围
@Retention 保留
@Inherited 遗传,即注解是否可被继承
@Documented 文档,用javadoc命令生成API文档,会又相关信息

@Repeatable (java1.8 新增项)



/** Copyright (c) 2003, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.* ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.*/package java.lang.annotation;/*** The constants of this enumerated type provide a simple classification of the* syntactic locations where annotations may appear in a Java program. These* constants are used in {@link Target java.lang.annotation.Target}* meta-annotations to specify where it is legal to write annotations of a* given type.** <p>The syntactic locations where annotations may appear are split into* <em>declaration contexts</em> , where annotations apply to declarations, and* <em>type contexts</em> , where annotations apply to types used in* declarations and expressions.** <p>The constants {@link #ANNOTATION_TYPE} , {@link #CONSTRUCTOR} , {@link* #FIELD} , {@link #LOCAL_VARIABLE} , {@link #METHOD} , {@link #PACKAGE} ,* {@link #PARAMETER} , {@link #TYPE} , and {@link #TYPE_PARAMETER} correspond* to the declaration contexts in JLS** <p>For example, an annotation whose type is meta-annotated with* {@code @Target(ElementType.FIELD)} may only be written as a modifier for a* field declaration.** <p>The constant {@link #TYPE_USE} corresponds to the 15 type contexts in JLS* 4.11, as well as to two declaration contexts: type declarations (including* annotation type declarations) and type parameter declarations.** <p>For example, an annotation whose type is meta-annotated with* {@code @Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)} may be written on the type of a field* (or within the type of the field, if it is a nested, parameterized, or array* type), and may also appear as a modifier for, say, a class declaration.** <p>The {@code TYPE_USE} constant includes type declarations and type* parameter declarations as a convenience for designers of type checkers which* give semantics to annotation types. For example, if the annotation type* {@code NonNull} is meta-annotated with* {@code @Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)}, then {@code @NonNull}* {@code class C {...}} could be treated by a type checker as indicating that* all variables of class {@code C} are non-null, while still allowing* variables of other classes to be non-null or not non-null based on whether* {@code @NonNull} appears at the variable's declaration.** @author  Joshua Bloch* @since 1.5* @jls @Target* @jls 4.1 The Kinds of Types and Values*/
public enum ElementType {/** Class, interface (including annotation type), or enum declaration */TYPE,/** Field declaration (includes enum constants) */FIELD,/** Method declaration */METHOD,/** Formal parameter declaration */PARAMETER,/** Constructor declaration */CONSTRUCTOR,/** Local variable declaration */LOCAL_VARIABLE,/** Annotation type declaration */ANNOTATION_TYPE,/** Package declaration */PACKAGE,/*** Type parameter declaration** @since 1.8*/TYPE_PARAMETER,/*** Use of a type** @since 1.8*/TYPE_USE

@Target 表示这个注解能放在什么位置上,是只能放在类上?还是即可以放在方法上,又可以放在属性上。从源码中可见,目标注解的值是一个数组,举个例子



值得注意的是,在Java8ElementType 新增两个枚举成员TYPE_PARAMETERTYPE_USE ,在Java8前注解只能标注在一个声明(如字段、类、方法)上,Java8后,新增的TYPE_PARAMETER可以用于标注类型参数,而TYPE_USE则可以用于标注任意类型(不包括class)。如下所示



@Retention 表示生命周期

RetentionPolicy.SOURCE: 注解只在源代码中存在,编译成class之后,就没了。@Override 就是这种注解。
RetentionPolicy.CLASS: 注解在java文件编程成.class文件后,依然存在,但是运行起来后就没了。@Retention的默认值,即当没有显式指定@Retention的时候,就会是这种类型。
RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME: 注解在运行起来之后依然存在,程序可以通过反射获取这些信息




@Inherited 表示该注解具有继承性。
即如果一个使用了@Inherited 修饰的annotation 类型被用于一个class,则这个annotation 将被用于该class 的子类。


@Documented 如图所示, 在用javadoc命令生成API文档后,文档里会出现该注解说明



public class A {}


public @interface FilterPath {String [] value();
public class A { }
public @interface FilterPath {String  value();
@interface FilterPaths {FilterPath[] value();
class AA{ }


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