剪切/拼接视频文件是一种常见需求。在线视频网站现在往往将一个视频文件分割成 n 段,以减少流量消耗。使用 DownloadHelper/DownThemAll 这类工具下载下来的往往就是分割后的文件。能实现剪切/拼接视频文件的工具多种多样,但往往都需要进行视频重编码(transcoding),这就不可避免的带来了视频质量上的损耗,更不用提那长的令人发指的转换时间了…

其实借助 ffmpeg 我们就可以在不进行视频重编码的情况下完成此类任务:


ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss **START_TIME** -t **STOP_TIME** -acodec copy -vcodec copy output.mp4

其中 START_TIME/STOP_TIME 的格式可以写成两种格式:

  1. 以秒为单位计数: 80
  2. 时:分:秒: 00:01:20

拼接 :

拼接的情况稍微复杂些,我们需要将需要拼接的视频文件按以下格式保存在一个列表 list.txt 中:

file '/path/to/file1'
file '/path/to/file2'
file '/path/to/file3'


ffmpeg -f concat -i **list.txt** -c copy output.mp4


方便起见,我写了一个脚本来简化操作。放在 github 上,请自取:

#cut/join videos using ffmpeg without quality lossif [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; thenif ! [ -x "$(command -v brew)" ]; thenecho 'homebrew is not installed.'/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"fiif ! [ -x "$(command -v ffmpeg)" ]; thenecho 'ffmpeg is not installed.'brew install ffmpegfielif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ]; thenif ![ -x "$(command -v ffmpeg)" ]; thenecho 'ffmpeg is not installed.'fi
fiif [ -z $1 ] || [ -z $2 ]; thenecho "Usage:$0 c[ut] seconds <File>"echo "   eg. $0 c 10 80 example.mp4"echo "   eg. $0 c 00:00:10.100 00:01:20.200 example.mp4"echo "Usage:$0 j[oin] <FileType>"echo "   eg. $0 j avi"exit
ficase "$1" inc)echo "cuttig video..."echo $4fileName=$(echo $4 | rev | cut -f 2- -d '.' | rev)fileType=$(echo $4 | rev | cut -f 1 -d '.' | rev)echo $fileNameecho $fileTypestartTime=$( echo "$2" | tr ':' '_')endTime=$( echo "$3" | tr ':' '_' )echo $escapedFileNameffmpeg -i "$4" -ss $2 -to $3 -acodec copy -vcodec copy "$fileName-$startTime-$endTime.mp4";;j)echo "joinning videos..."rm temp_list.txt      for f in `ls *.$2 | sort -k 1n -t '.'`; do echo "file '$f'" >> temp_list.txt; done#printf "file '%s'\n" ./*.$2 > temp_list.txtffmpeg -f concat -i temp_list.txt -c copy output.$2rm temp_list.txt;;*)echo "wrong arguments";;


# Script name: MultiMedia Concat Script (mmcat)
# Author: burek (burek021@gmail.com)
# License: GNU/GPL, see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
# Date: 2012-07-14
# This script concatenates (joins, merges) several audio/video inputs into one
# final output (just like as if all the inputs were played in a playlist, one
# after another).
# All input files must have at least one audio and at least one video stream.
# If not, you can easily add audio silence, using FFmpeg. Just search the
# internet for "ffmpeg add silence".
# The script makes use of FFmpeg tool (www.ffmpeg.org) and is free for use under
# the GPL license. The inspiration for this script came from this FAQ item:
# http://ffmpeg.org/faq.html#How-can-I-join-video-files_003f
# If you find any bugs, please send me an e-mail so I can fix it.
# General syntax: mmcat <input1> <input2> <input3> ... <output>
# For example: mmcat file1.flv file2.flv output.flv
# would create "output.flv" out of "file1.flv" and "file2.flv".
################################################################################# change this to what you need !!!
EXTRA_OPTIONS='-vcodec libx264 -crf 23 -preset medium -acodec aac -strict experimental -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 128k'################################################################################
################################################################################# the version of the script
VERSION=1.3# location of temp folder
TMP=/tmp################################################################################echo "MultiMedia Concat Script v$VERSION (mmcat) - A script to concatenate multiple multimedia files."
echo "Based on FFmpeg - www.ffmpeg.org"
echo "Don't forget to edit this script and change EXTRA_OPTIONS"
echo ""################################################################################
# syntax check (has to have at least 3 params: infile1, infile2, outfile
if [ -z $3 ]; thenecho "Syntax: $0 <input1> <input2> <input3> ... <output>"exit 1
# get all the command line parameters, except for the last one, which is output
# $first  - first parameter
# $last   - last parameter (output file)
# $inputs - all the inputs, except the first input, because 1st input is
#           handled separately
inputs=${@:2:$len}# remove all previous tmp fifos (if exist)
rm -f $TMP/mcs_*################################################################################
# decode first input differently, because the video header does not have to be
# kept for each video input, only the header from the first video is needed
mkfifo $TMP/mcs_a1 $TMP/mcs_v1ffmpeg -y -i $first -vn -f u16le -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 2 -ar 44100 $TMP/mcs_a1 2>/dev/null </dev/null &
ffmpeg -y -i $first -an -f yuv4mpegpipe -vcodec rawvideo $TMP/mcs_v1 2>/dev/null </dev/null &# if you need to log the output of decoding processes (usually not necessary)
# then replace the "2>/dev/null" in 2 lines above with your log file names, like this:
#ffmpeg -y -i $first -vn -f u16le -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 2 -ar 44100 $TMP/mcs_a1 2>$TMP/log.a.1 </dev/null &
#ffmpeg -y -i $first -an -f yuv4mpegpipe -vcodec rawvideo $TMP/mcs_v1 2>$TMP/log.v.1 </dev/null &################################################################################
# decode all the other inputs, remove first line of video (header) with tail
# $all_a and $all_v are lists of all a/v fifos, to be used by "cat" later on
for f in $inputs
domkfifo $TMP/mcs_a$i $TMP/mcs_v$iffmpeg -y -i $f -vn -f u16le -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 2 -ar 44100 $TMP/mcs_a$i 2>/dev/null </dev/null &{ ffmpeg -y -i $f -an -f yuv4mpegpipe -vcodec rawvideo - 2>/dev/null </dev/null | tail -n +2 > $TMP/mcs_v$i ; } &# if you need to log the output of decoding processes (usually not necessary)# then replace the "2>/dev/null" in 2 lines above with your log file names, like this:#ffmpeg -y -i $f -vn -f u16le -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 2 -ar 44100 $TMP/mcs_a$i 2>$TMP/log.a.$i </dev/null &#{ ffmpeg -y -i $f -an -f yuv4mpegpipe -vcodec rawvideo - 2>$TMP/log.v.$i </dev/null | tail -n +2 > $TMP/mcs_v$i ; } &all_a="$all_a $TMP/mcs_a$i"all_v="$all_v $TMP/mcs_v$i"let i++
# concatenate all raw audio/video inputs into one audio/video
mkfifo $TMP/mcs_a_all
mkfifo $TMP/mcs_v_all
cat $all_a > $TMP/mcs_a_all &
cat $all_v > $TMP/mcs_v_all &################################################################################
# finally, encode the raw concatenated audio/video into something useful
ffmpeg -f u16le -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 2 -ar 44100 -i $TMP/mcs_a_all \-f yuv4mpegpipe -vcodec rawvideo -i $TMP/mcs_v_all \$EXTRA_OPTIONS \$last################################################################################
# remove all fifos
rm -f $TMP/mcs_*

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