
1、四川省2018年高等职业院校单独招生考试文化考试(中职类)英语试题第I卷(共70分)一、单项填空(本大题共W小题,每小题2分,共20分)从A、B、G、D四个备选项中,选 出最佳选项。错选、多选或未选均无分。1. It ispleasure to work with Andy, for he is kind and helpful.A. 一B.aC. D. an2. Fve read all the booksDad bought for me.A. whichB. thoseC. thatD. they3. Here is the menu, madam. Pleaseyour time.A.。

2、 makeB. haveC. takeD. use4. Tom is looking forward toa chance to visit the modern China.A. havingB. haveC. hasD. had5. Lets have the outing as planned unless it.A. will rainB. is rainingC. rainD- rains6. The whole world feela pity to have lost the great scientist, Stephen Hawking.A. thatB. itC. this。

3、D. such7. do you like your fish cooked?Well done, please.A. WhenB. WhyC. HowD. Where8. Youre my best friend. I never suspectyou say.A. whatB. thatC. whyD. how9. iMay I speak to Mr. Brown, please?A. Im sorry, I cant.B. Good morning. This is Sunshine Hotel.C. May I take a message?D. Just a moment, ple。

4、ase. Ill put you through.10. Jim still couldnt win the gamehe tried hard.A. becauseB. thoughC. ifD. whether二、语言应用(本大题共W小题,每小题2分,共20分)从A、B、G三个备选项中,选出最 佳选项。错选、多选或未选均无分。Part A11. When is the STAAR TEST for math?1STAAR-EnghshlEngli零h III Writing.Afjnf 2STAAR- Grade 4 &7 Writing Day 1 STAAR-Grade 5 & 8 M。

5、ath STAAR - English I & III ReadingApnt 3STAAR - Grade 4 & 7 Writing Day 2 STAAR- Grade 5 & 8 Reacting STAAR- English II Wdbng/on( 4STAAR-English II ReadingA. On April 2.B. On April 3.C. On April 4.12. Which level should you go if you want to take a bus?Taxis;:/,: Train tdCHy. T1 Carpark T?,Car-Pa?,。

6、-A. park14. How much do threeA. $25.GoodwoodParkHOTFLSingaporeGOODWOOD PARK HOTEL 22 Scotts Uoad5ingapore -TELEPHONE + FACSIMILE +65 6732 8558 ertquiriesgoodwoodparkhotel.com www.goodwoodparkhotel.comC. hotelB. palace:fruits cost?GrapefruitB. S6.75.C. S2.25.15. How long will the meeting last?announc。

7、ementNext GeneralAssembly MeetingApril 3,2018Further Information will beposted. Stay tunedWhenWhere6:30PM GA Begins 8 :30PM end of GA First United Methodist 621 Tacoma Ave S Tower EntranceA. 1 hour.B. 2 hours.C. 3 hours.16. Where was the letter sent to?VIA AIR MAILA. California.17. Mike Marfori is a。

8、朦AB. Charlotte.C. Webb.MIKE MARFORIMILLION DOLLAR AWARD 、鍾solder B.200 -CWWW.MIKEMARFORCmA. businessmanB. doctorC.teacherPartBReceipt No.:Table: 20 Guest: 30 0 0 0 0 00 1.7 6 2 o 11 2$ $ $ $ $ $Date & time: 27-08-16 11:50 Cashier:Benjamin3 Pork Ribs Soup 1 Braised Pigs Trotters 1 Kai Lan1 Mee Sua So。

9、up1 Plain Rice1 Chinese Tea Bag 1 Home Made Lime uiceSub-Total$40.401% SVC Charge$0.407% GST$2.85 11:56TOTAL$43.65cash $50.00IChange$ 6.3518. The receipt is most likely from a.A. restaurantB. barC. bank19. According to the receipt, how much is a bowl of Pork Ribs Soup?A. $3.B.$7.C. $21.20. According。

10、 to the receipt, how much is the total cost?A. $40.40.B. $43.65.C. $50.三、阅读理解(本大题共W小题,每小题3分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个 备选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。错选、多选或未选均无分。A12 days ofJ/omeworkOn the 1st day of Christmas-say something kind to someone to make them smile!On the 2nd day of Christmas-help someone do a household c。

11、hore.n the 3rd day of Christmas-hold the door for someone when you are out.On the 4th day of Christmas-give a relative/friend a hug.On the 5th day of Christmas-tell someone a joke to make them laugh.On the 6th day of Christmas-draw a picture for someone in your family.On the 7th day of Christmas-tid。

12、y up your room without being asked.On the 8th day of Christmas-writc a thank you letter to someone you love.On the 9th day of Christmas-play a game with a sibling or friend.On the 10th day of Christmas-read a book for a friend or pet!On the 11th day of Christmas-pick up a piece of litter and put it 。

13、in the bin.On the 12th day of Christmas-try something new! (Food,activity, game)We are very proud of how sensible and happy you have been in the first term of year 1. Have a lovely Christmas and a happy new year! See you next term!Love From,Mrs. Cufley, Miss Dea and Mrs. English21. According to the 。

14、text, how long will the Christmas break probably last?A. 6 days.B. 8 days.C. 10 days.D. 12 days.22. Who is the homework most likely for?A. First-year pupils.B. College juniors.C. Senior citizens.D. Parents.23. When might a pet be most useful for the homework?A. On day 2.B. On day 5.C. On day 10.D. O。

15、n day 11.24. On which day can the homework be done alone?A. Day 1.B. Day 4.C. Day 8.D. Day 9.25. Miss Dea is most likely a.A. cookB. teacherC. scientistD. friendBReduce, reuse, and recycle! These are 3 ways we can do away with waste. Keeping a clean Earth is good for our health! If we keep our air a。

16、nd land waste-free, we will be happier and healthier.It is Important to reduce what we buy. Imagine if everyone in the world bought as much as they wanted. Then they did not use everything. We would have a lot of waste on Earth. We should buy less and make smart choices about what to buy. It is bett。

17、er to buy one big container of milk. Try not to buy single-serving cups.Reusing items is another way to control waste. We can use many things again and share them with others. For example, we should buy reusable forks and knives instead of ones we throw away. Bring cups to the coffee shop and cloth 。

18、bags to the store. If we have clothing we do not want anymore, host a yard sale or bring them to a second-hand store for someone else to buy.Many things can be recycled. They can be remade into the same thing or new things. Recycling uses less energy and fewer resources. Aluminum cans, card board, a。

19、nd plastic bottles can be recycled.What we do with our waste affects our Earth. Keep our planet clean. Reducing, reusing, and recycling are important for the Earth. They are also fun and easy to do!26. How can we reduce what we buy according to paragraph 2?A. By buying less.C. By using bigger things。

20、.B. By buying more.D. By using smaller things.27. What is paragraph 3 mainly about? A. Throwing away waste.C. Sharing resources.B. Reusing waste. D. Saving money.28. How is paragraph 3 mainly developed? A. By questioning.C. By telling a story.B. By comparing.D. By giving examples.29. Which of the fo。

21、llowing items can be recycled according to the text?A. Plastic bottles. B. Cloth bags.C. Coffee cups.30. What could be the best title for the text?D. Second-hand forks.A. How to Make Life Simple C. How to Live a Healthy LifeB. Environmental PollutionD. The 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle第II卷(共30分)四、翻译(。

22、本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)请将下面的英语句子翻译成汉语。31. Ping-Pong is my favorite sport.32. Here is a small gift for you.33. China is a large and beautiful country.34. Dont be afraid of making mistakes in learning.35.1 will do my best to catch up with them.36. How useful English is!37. No pains, no gains.38.1 am from。

23、 Canada and he is from England.39. Fish stay in water, or they will die.40.1 did it because I wanted to.四川省2018年高等职业院校单独招生考试文化考试(中职类)英语参考答案一、单项填空(共10小题,l.B2.C3.C每小题2分,共20分)7.C8. A9.D10. B4. A5.D6.B二、语言应用(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)11. A12. C13. C14. C15. B16. B17. A18. A19. B20. B三、阅读理解(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)21. D 22. A 23. C24. C25. B26. A27. B28. D29. A30. D四、翻译(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)31. 乒乓是我最喜欢的运动。32. 来,送你一份小礼物。33. 中国是一个美丽的大国。34. 在学习上不要怕犯错误。35. 我会尽全力赶上他们。36. 英语真有用啊!37. 不劳无获。38. 我来自加拿大,而他来自英格兰。39. 鱼离开水就会死。40. 因为我想做,所以就做了。


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