
Basic CV

Name: xxx nationality: China

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Exit and Entry: Shantou tall: 175 cm ? 60 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 22 years old

Training Certification: integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Talent type: ? graduates

Position: Computer categories: operations, data processing input auto sales or related business / management clerk

Work Experience: 1 Title: No Title

Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

Monthly requirements: 1500 - 2000 the hope that the Working Area: Guangzhou

Personal experience: 2007-07 to 2007-08, the West Plaza in front of the digital颐高store sales / maintenance of school needs

Educational background

Graduate colleges: College of Guangzhou University Matsuda

Highest level of education: college graduates - 2008-06-01

Studies by one: the Computer Network Technology II studies:

By education and training experience: 2005-09 to 2008-06 Matsuda Guangzhou University School of Computer Network Technology

2002-09 to 2005-06 South County Secondary School

September 2007 Huizhong -12 Zengcheng on driving school licensing C driver's license

June 2007 Institute of Guangzhou University of Chinese Communist Party members Matsuda training to prepare members

May 2006 NCRE level

Language ability

Foreign Language: English General

Mandarin level: the level of fine Cantonese: Good

The ability to work and other expertise

Proficiency in Excel, Word and other commonly used office software, able to do some computer maintenance. Rule out the possibility of computer problems and failures, can be text, data entry and processing. Adaptability and a good work attitude. Seriously and actively work to deal with good interpersonal skills.

Detailed personal autobiography

As a fresh graduate, I have to work and life is full of boundless enthusiasm, I will actively strive to learn from the attitude to the work of the continuation of life.

Personal Contact



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