ever 逾期

4ever:永远 (4ever: Forever)

4ever is an abbreviation of Forever.


It is an expression, which is commonly used in messaging or chatting on social media networking sites like Facebook, Yahoo Messenger, and Gmail, etc. When a user wants to express his emotions as something should go for a very long time, they use the abbreviation 4ever instead of Forever. So, the 'For' in 'Forever' gets replaced by the digit '4'.

它是一种表达形式,通常用于在Facebook,Yahoo Messenger和Gmail等社交媒体网站上进行消息传递或聊天时。当用户想要表达自己的情感时,他们应该长时间使用,因此他们使用缩写4ever代替Forever 。 因此, “ Forever”中“ For”将替换为数字“ 4”

Let us take an example to make it easy to understand.


    1. Person1: We both are made for each other.
2.  Person1: We are going to be together 4ever.
3.  Person2: Yes, 4ever.

Now, these days, the demands of acronyms are very high on social media online chatting or messaging, so the users usually use 4ever as a replacement for Forever.


Let us take one more example.


    1.  Person1: It will take a long time to construct the building.
2.  Person2: Long time!! I think it will take 4ever by the speed they are working.

So, in this way, the slang 4ever is used mostly in the social media platform. While this slang is very common in social media platforms, still many are unaware of this slang.

因此,以这种方式,the语4ever主要用于社交媒体平台。 尽管此语在社交媒体平台中非常常见,但仍有许多人不知道此this语。

In the corporate industry too, these slangs are common and used in a very large manner. The industry itself likes those employees who are smart enough and stay updated with such digital languages which are familiar, easy and are good at time management.

在公司行业中,这些语也很常见,并且使用量很大。 该行业本身喜欢那些足够聪明的员工,并使用熟悉,易用且擅长时间管理的数字语言保持最新状态。

So, from now isn't forever, it's 4ever in the digital world.

因此,从现在开始不是永远,在数字世界中已经是4 了。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/4ever-full-form.aspx

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