
3GPP TS 24.301    ESM information request procedure    General
The ESM information request procedure is used by the network to retrieve ESM information, i.e. protocol configuration options, APN, or both from the UE during the attach procedure if the UE indicated in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message that it has ESM information that needs to be sent security protected. The purpose of this procedure is to provide privacy for the ESM information if ciphering is enabled in the network.    ESM information request initiated by the network
The network intiates the ESM information request procedure by sending a ESM INFORMATION REQUEST message to the UE, starting timer T3489 and entering the state PROCEDURE TRANSACTION PENDING (see example in figure This message shall be sent only after the security context has been setup, and if the ESM information transfer flag has been set in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message.

The MME shall set the EPS bearer identity of the ESM INFORMATION REQUEST message to the value "no EPS bearer identity assigned" and include the PTI from the associated PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST message.

    UE                                        NetworkESM INFORMATION REQUEST<---------------------------------------  Start T3489ESM INFORMATION RESPONSE--------------------------------------->  Stop T3489

Figure ESM information request procedure    ESM information request completion by the UE
Upon receipt of the ESM INFORMATION REQUEST message, the UE shall send an ESM INFORMATION RESPONSE message to the network. The UE shall include all the protocol configuration options that need to be transferred security protected, and APN if required, to the network in the ESM INFORMATION RESPONSE message. The UE shall set the EPS bearer identity of the ESM INFORMATION RESPONSE message to the value "no EPS bearer identity assigned" and include the PTI from the ESM INFORMATION REQUEST message.    ESM information request completion by the network
Upon receipt of the ESM INFORMATION RESPONSE message, the network shall stop timer T3489 and enter the state PROCEDURE TRANSACTION INACTIVE. A protocol configuration options IE or extended protocol configuration options IE included in the ESM INFORMATION RESPONSE message replaces any protocol configuration options IE or extended protocol configuration options IE that the network previously may have received during the attach procedure execution.    Abnormal cases in the UE
Apart from the case described in subclause 6.3.3, no abnormal cases have been identified.    Abnormal cases on the network side
The following abnormal cases can be identified:
a)    Expiry of timer T3489:
    On the first expiry of the timer T3489, the MME shall resend the ESM INFORMATION REQUEST message and shall reset and restart timer T3489. This retransmission is repeated two times, i.e. on the third expiry of timer T3489, the MME shall

abort the procedure, release any resources for this procedure and reject the associated PDN connectivity procedure including the ESM cause #53 "ESM information not received", in the PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message.    ESM信息请求过程    概述
如果UE在PDN连接请求消息中指示其具有需要发送安全保护的ESM信息,则网络使用ESM信息请求过程在附着过程中从UE获取ESM信息,即协议配置选项、APN或两者。如果网络中启用了加密,则此过程的目的是为ESM信息提供隐私。    网络发起的ESM信息请求

    UE                                        NetworkESM INFORMATION REQUEST<---------------------------------------  Start T3489ESM INFORMATION RESPONSE--------------------------------------->  Stop T3489

图 ESM信息请求过程    UE完成ESM信息请求

在收到ESM信息请求消息后,UE应向网络发送ESM信息响应消息。UE应在ESM信息响应消息中包括需要安全保护传输的所有协议配置选项以及APN(如果需要)到网络。UE应将ESM信息响应消息的EPS承载身份设置为“未分配EPS承载身份”的值,并包括来自ESM信息请求消息的PTI。    网络完成ESM信息请求
收到ESM信息响应消息后,网络应停止计时器T3489并进入程序事务未激活状态。ESM信息响应消息中包含的协议配置选项IE或扩展协议配置选项IE将替换网络先前在附着过程执行期间可能接收到的任何协议配置选项IE或扩展协议配置选项IE。    UE中的异常情况
除第6.3.3节所述情况外,未发现异常情况。    网络侧异常情况

a) 计时器T3489到期:



[0xB0ED]                 OTA LOG                  07:12:16.836016          LTE NAS EMM Plain OTA Outgoing Message Attach request Msg       1
          pdn_type = 1 (0x1) (Ipv4)
          req_type = 1 (0x1) (initial request)
          info_trans_flag_incl = 1 (0x1)
          esm_info_trans_flag = 1 (0x1) 
[0xB0EC]                 OTA LOG                  07:12:17.037031          LTE NAS EMM Plain OTA Incoming Message Authentication request Msg 1
[0xB0ED]                 OTA LOG                  07:12:19.558281          LTE NAS EMM Plain OTA Outgoing Message Authentication response Msg 1
[0xB0EC]                 OTA LOG                  07:12:20.062057          LTE NAS EMM Plain OTA Incoming Message Security mode command Msg 1
[0xB0ED]                 OTA LOG                  07:12:20.066016          LTE NAS EMM Plain OTA Outgoing Message Security mode complete Msg 1
[0xB0E2]                 OTA LOG                  07:12:20.217995          LTE NAS ESM P

[0xB0E2]                 OTA LOG                  07:12:20.217995          LTE NAS ESM Plain OTA Incoming Message ESM information request Msg 1
prot_disc = 2 (0x2) (EPS session management messages)
trans_id = 1 (0x1)
msg_type = 217 (0xd9) (ESM information request)
[0xB0E3]                 OTA LOG                  07:12:20.220052          LTE NAS ESM Plain OTA Outgoing Message ESM information response Msg 1
prot_disc = 2 (0x2) (EPS session management messages)
trans_id = 1 (0x1)
msg_type = 218 (0xda) (ESM information response)
    acc_pt_name_incl = 1 (0x1)
      num_acc_pt_val = 6 (0x6)
      acc_pt_name_val[0] = 5 (0x5) (length)
      acc_pt_name_val[1] = 67 (0x43) (C)
      acc_pt_name_val[2] = 77 (0x4d) (M)
      acc_pt_name_val[3] = 73 (0x49) (I)
      acc_pt_name_val[4] = 79 (0x4f) (O)
      acc_pt_name_val[5] = 84 (0x54) (T)
    prot_config_incl = 0 (0x0)
    ext_prot_config_incl = 0 (0x0)


在SIM loaded或者apn change之后,查找ia类型的APN,设置attach APN给modem。具体流程主要分为以下几个步骤:
1.从modem获取attach pdn list,发送消息 QMI_WDS_GET_LTE_ATTACH_PDN_LIST_REQ_V01
2.判断当前APN是否能够在attach pdn list中匹配成功,调用qdp模块函数qdp_match_lte_attach_profile_params()
3.如果没有匹配成功,则调用qdp模块函数qdp_lte_attach_profile_lookup()创建新的attach APN
4.设置 ia apn给modem,发送消息 QMI_DSD_SET_APN_INFO_REQ_V01
5.更新attach pdn list,,发送消息 QMI_WDS_SET_LTE_ATTACH_PDN_LIST_REQ_V01


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