Hi All,

The "confidential" message is auto add by email server, please ignore it

Charles Yeh

TeL: +886-2-26546363 ext.522

Prolific Technology Inc.

-----Original Message-----

From: Yeh.Charles [葉榮鑫]

Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2018 6:52 PM

To: ''greg@xxxxxxxxx' (greg@xxxxxxxxx)'

Cc: Johan Hovold (johan@xxxxxxxxxx) (johan@xxxxxxxxxx); linux-usb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Subject: RE: Prolific: PL2303G Linux driver ( new USB to UART chip)

Hi Greg,

Because the VENDOR_WRITE_REQUEST & VENDOR_READ_REQUEST is different between old and new chip.


PL2303 (old chip) 0x01 0x01

PL2303G(new chip) 0x80 0x81

We hope the file name is different

I will discuss my leader about the file name issue..

I also study the Documentation/SubmittingPatches

Charles Yeh

TeL: +886-2-26546363 ext.522

Prolific Technology Inc.

-----Original Message-----

From: 'greg@xxxxxxxxx' (greg@xxxxxxxxx) [mailto:greg@xxxxxxxxx]

Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2018 4:20 PM

To: Yeh.Charles [葉榮鑫]

Cc: Johan Hovold (johan@xxxxxxxxxx) (johan@xxxxxxxxxx); linux-usb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Subject: Re: Prolific: PL2303G Linux driver ( new USB to UART chip)

On Wed, Sep 05, 2018 at 08:11:41AM +0000, Yeh.Charles [葉榮鑫] wrote:

>Hi all,

>I am a software engineer from Prolific.

>Do you have received the following email?

>Prolific has new USB to UART chip, we need to update new driver to Linux kernel.

Yes, we did, but you sent the email with this information in it:

>保密警語: 本電子郵件內容及其附加檔案均視為機密資料,受保密合約保護或依法不得洩漏。其內容僅供指定收件人按限定範圍或特殊目的合法使用,未經授權者收到此信息均無權閱讀、使用、複製、洩漏或散佈。若您並非本郵件之指定收件人,請即刻回覆郵件並永久刪除此郵件及其附件和銷毀所有複印文件。電子郵件的傳輸可能遭攔截、損毀、遺失、破壞、遲到或不完整、或包含病毒,無法保證其安全或無誤。寄件人不承擔因本電子郵件的錯誤或遺漏所產生的任何損害賠償責任。 Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message together with any attachments thereto (if any) is confidential, protected under an enforceable non-disclosure agreement, intended only for the use of the named recipient(s) above and may contain information that is privileged, belonging to professional work products or exempt from disclosure under applicable laws. Any unauthorized review, use, copying, disclosure, or distribution of any information contained in or attached to this transmission is strictly prohibited and may be against the laws. If you have received this message in error, or are not the intended recipient(s), please immediately notify the sender by e-mail and delete this e-mail message, all copies, and any attached documentation from your computer. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any damage caused by any errors or omissions in the contents of this email.

Sending "confidential" information to a public mailing list or any

kernel developer, means that they have to ignore it, right? We can't do

anything with information received in such a way.

Also, you should just send a patch to the existing driver, not duplicate

the entire thing again, that way is crazy and difficult for maintaining

the code over time. A single patch to the current kernel should be

fine. Information for how to do all of this can be found in

Documentation/SubmittingPatches in the kernel source tree. Please read

that and if you have specific questions about it, please let us know.


greg k-h

保密警語: 本電子郵件內容及其附加檔案均視為機密資料,受保密合約保護或依法不得洩漏。其內容僅供指定收件人按限定範圍或特殊目的合法使用,未經授權者收到此信息均無權閱讀、使用、複製、洩漏或散佈。若您並非本郵件之指定收件人,請即刻回覆郵件並永久刪除此郵件及其附件和銷毀所有複印文件。電子郵件的傳輸可能遭攔截、損毀、遺失、破壞、遲到或不完整、或包含病毒,無法保證其安全或無誤。寄件人不承擔因本電子郵件的錯誤或遺漏所產生的任何損害賠償責任。 Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message together with any attachments thereto (if any) is confidential, protected under an enforceable non-disclosure agreement, intended only for the use of the named recipient(s) above and may contain information that is privileged, belonging to professional work products or exempt from disclosure under applicable laws. Any unauthorized review, use, copying, disclosure, or distribution of any information contained in or attached to this transmission is strictly prohibited and may be against the laws. If you have received this message in error, or are not the intended recipient(s), please immediately notify the sender by e-mail and delete this e-mail message, all copies, and any attached documentation from your computer. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any damage caused by any errors or omissions in the contents of this email.

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