
  1.Often inattentive when it comes to schoolwork, Maya was uncharacteristically ------- when she wrote her personal essay; rather than taking her typical ------- approach, she paid extremely close attention to every last detail.

  (A thorough . . cautious

  (B painstaking . . precise

  (C inconsiderate . . thoughtful

  (D nonchalant . . efficient

  (E meticulous . . careless

  2.Because he was ------- in the face of danger, the explorer won the government’s highest award for conspicuous bravery.

  Answer Choices

  (A virile

  (B heedless

  (C dauntless

  (D callow

  (E timorous

  3.To some scholars of medieval Britain, the legendary King Arthur is a genuine historical figure, while to others he and his Round Table are nothing more than ------- of myth and romance.

  (A harbingers

  (B trifles

  (C spoilers

  (D figments

  (E inventors

  4.Their conversation was unsettling, for the gravity of their topic contrasted so oddly with the ------- of their tone.

  Answer Choices

  (A uniqueness

  (B rapidity

  (C lightness

  (D precision

  (E reverence

  5.Because she has a great need for ------- , she loathes the public appearances demanded of her as a leading literary figure.

  Answer Choices

  (A luxury

  (B privacy

  (C reward

  (D devotion

  (E distraction

  6.Enrique did not take Marisol seriously when she told him she was going to bed to sleep for a week: he knew she was prone to -------.

  Answer Choices

  (A earnestness

  (B belligerence

  (C simile

  (D hyperbole

  (E understatement

  7.Troy was ------- when he wasn’t elected class president: his spirits were so low that there was nothing we could say or do to cheer him up.

  Answer Choices

  (A unctuous

  (B disconsolate

  (C ebullient

  (D inscrutable

  (E tenacious

  8.So that she would not be considered ------- in her actions, the department head made sure that the members of the advisory committee ------- her plans before she started to implement them.

  Answer Choices

  (A capricious . . ridiculed

  (B deliberative . . ignored

  (C impulsive . . approved

  (D tardy . . designed

  (E provocative . . mislaid


  1.The correct answer is E

  To be “meticulous” is to pay extreme care in the consideration or treatment of details. In this context, “careless” means not showing care or attention. The sentence indicates that Maya is often inattentive in her schoolwork; in other words, she tends not to pay attention to her work, or typically is careless. It certainly would be uncharacteristic, then, for Maya to give extremely careful consideration to details when writing her essay —that is, it would be out of the ordinary for her to be so meticulous.

  2.The correct answer is C

  Choice (C is correct. Someone who was “dauntless,” or fearless, when faced with danger might very well earn an award for bravery.

  3.The correct answer is D

  The sentence focuses on the contrast between what two groups of scholars think about King Arthur. Some scholars think King Arthur is a real “historical figure”—a real person—while others think he is not. Those who think King Arthur and his Round Table are not real would probably call them “figments,” or things that are made up.

  4.The correct answer is C

  Only “lightness” fits the logic of the sentence as being contrary to the “gravity” of the topic. Listening to others discuss a grave (or serious topic in a light-hearted tone would be unsettling and confusing.

  5.The correct answer is B

  The first part of the sentence describes a cause and the second part describes resulting behavior. The literary figure desires “privacy” and so she finds public appearances loathsome.

  6.The correct answer is D

  “Hyperbole” is extravagant exaggeration, often not intended to be taken literally. If Marisol is prone, or has a tendency or inclination, to greatly exaggerate things or make extravagantly exaggerated statements, Enrique would know not to take seriously her statement that she was going to sleep for a week.


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