
Google Calendar is simply a great calendar application, and for many of us it has become the logical choice. The only problem is that to add a new appointment you have to open the calendar. There should really be a simpler way.

Google日历只是一个很棒的日历应用程序,对于我们许多人来说,它已成为合乎逻辑的选择。 唯一的问题是,要添加新约会,您必须打开日历。 确实应该有一个更简单的方法。

And it turns out there is, in the form of an extension called Google Calendar Quick Add. All you have to do is use the Ctrl + ; keyboard shortcut to pop up this dialog:

事实证明,它的扩展名为Google Calendar Quick Add。 您所要做的就是使用Ctrl +; 键盘快捷键弹出此对话框:

You’ll notice that the blue link in the screenshot above shows the name of my default calendar. If you have multiple calendars you can just click on the link to switch to a different calendar.

您会注意到上面屏幕截图中的蓝色链接显示了我的默认日历的名称。 如果您有多个日历,则只需单击链接即可切换到其他日历。

Either way the item will be added to your calendar.


You can also use the option on the tools menu if you so choose.


The one thing you should note is that you need to be already logged into Google Calendar at some point in your browsing session, although you don’t need to keep it open.


Download Google Calendar Quick Add from Mozilla Add-ons





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