
  • 论坛帖子
    • core_generation_info属性的用途
    • Tips for SDK C++ projects using C source files
    • MIG IP核中不勾选XADC对DDR使用的影响
    • run implemention without pin assignment
    • Why do I need to run "Create HDL Wrapper..."
    • SystemVerilog: How to handle two modules with the same name?
  • 官网AR
    • AR45810 - AutoESL - Integration of AutoESL Design with AP_FIFO and AXI_Stream Interface into System Generator using Blackbox Flow
    • AR55279 - Vivado HLS Coding Examples: Implement a simple parallel read/​write mechanism in Vivado HLS
    • AR59532 - Vivado High level Synthesis (HLS) AXI DMA example design with Ping-Pong Buffer
    • AR57197 - Vivado Timing - How to rename the generated clock that is automatically created by the tool
    • AR59762 - Vivado IP Flows - How can I change the name of an IP core without changing any settings?
    • AR56354 - Vivado write_bitstream - ERROR: [Drc 23-20] Rule violation (NSTD-1) Unspecified I/O Standard - X out of Y logical ports use I/O standard (IOSTANDARD) value 'DEFAULT', instead of a user assigned specific value
    • AR44651 - Vivado Constraints - Why use set_clock_groups
    • AR57546 - Vivado IP Flows - How to modify/edit IP core source files in Vivado?
    • AR69320 - 2017.x Vivado - Design fails in opt_design with a black-box error for a module implemented in a conditional statement (using generic or parameter value)
    • AR63964 SDK2014.4 How to edit a BSP
    • AR70016 - Vivado IP Flows - How can I modify the Synthesis settings for an IP OOC run in Vivado 2017.1 and later
    • AR69320 - 2017.x Vivado - Design fails in opt_design with a black-box error for a module implemented in a conditional statement (using generic or parameter value)
    • AR58616 - Vivado - Debugging opt_design trimming
    • AR53845 - Vivado Implementation - Is there a switch in Vivado that can be used to prevent trimming of unconnected logic?
    • AR59654 - 2013.4 Vivado - Controlling automatic BUFG insertion on reset nets during Vivado Implementation
    • AR62335 How can we turn off echoing of Tcl command
    • AR52217 Can I pass a parameter from a Tcl script to synthesis in vivado
    • AR51418 Running pre Tcl script modifying HDL sources for Synthesis shows Synthesis out-of-date when it is actually complete
    • AR38608 - 12.2 System Generator: Black Box outputs must be delayed for simulation to run with combinational feedback error



does the “core_generation_info” attribute affect the implementation of the core

Tips for SDK C++ projects using C source files

MIG IP核中不勾选XADC对DDR使用的影响

run implemention without pin assignment

Why do I need to run “Create HDL Wrapper…”

SystemVerilog: How to handle two modules with the same name?


AR45810 - AutoESL - Integration of AutoESL Design with AP_FIFO and AXI_Stream Interface into System Generator using Blackbox Flow

AR55279 - Vivado HLS Coding Examples: Implement a simple parallel read/​write mechanism in Vivado HLS

AR59532 - Vivado High level Synthesis (HLS) AXI DMA example design with Ping-Pong Buffer

AR57197 - Vivado Timing - How to rename the generated clock that is automatically created by the tool

AR59762 - Vivado IP Flows - How can I change the name of an IP core without changing any settings?

AR56354 - Vivado write_bitstream - ERROR: [Drc 23-20] Rule violation (NSTD-1) Unspecified I/O Standard - X out of Y logical ports use I/O standard (IOSTANDARD) value ‘DEFAULT’, instead of a user assigned specific value

AR44651 - Vivado Constraints - Why use set_clock_groups

AR57546 - Vivado IP Flows - How to modify/edit IP core source files in Vivado?

Xilinx Vivado定制subsystem IP核如何修改

AR69320 - 2017.x Vivado - Design fails in opt_design with a black-box error for a module implemented in a conditional statement (using generic or parameter value)

AR63964 SDK2014.4 How to edit a BSP

AR70016 - Vivado IP Flows - How can I modify the Synthesis settings for an IP OOC run in Vivado 2017.1 and later

AR69320 - 2017.x Vivado - Design fails in opt_design with a black-box error for a module implemented in a conditional statement (using generic or parameter value)

AR58616 - Vivado - Debugging opt_design trimming

AR53845 - Vivado Implementation - Is there a switch in Vivado that can be used to prevent trimming of unconnected logic?

AR59654 - 2013.4 Vivado - Controlling automatic BUFG insertion on reset nets during Vivado Implementation

AR62335 How can we turn off echoing of Tcl command

AR52217 Can I pass a parameter from a Tcl script to synthesis in vivado

AR51418 Running pre Tcl script modifying HDL sources for Synthesis shows Synthesis out-of-date when it is actually complete

AR38608 - 12.2 System Generator: Black Box outputs must be delayed for simulation to run with combinational feedback error

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