python web应用

Living in today’s world, we are surrounded by different data all around us. The ability to collect and use this data in our projects is a must-have skill for every data scientist.

生活在当今世界中,我们周围遍布着不同的数据。 在我们的项目中收集和使用这些数据的能力是每位数据科学家必不可少的技能。

There are so many tutorials online about how to use specific Python libraries to harvest online data. However, you can rarely find tutorials on choosing the best library for your particular application.

在线上有太多关于如何使用特定的Python库来收集在线数据的教程。 但是,您很少会找到有关为特定应用程序选择最佳库的教程。

Python offers a variety of libraries that one can use to scrape the web, libraires such as Scrapy, Beautiful Soup, Requests, Urllib, and Selenium. I am quite sure that more libraries exist, and more will be released soon considering how popular Python is.

Python提供了多种可用于抓取网络的库,例如Scrapy,Beautiful Soup,Requests,Urllib和Selenium等库。 我很确定存在更多的库,并且考虑到Python的流行程度,很快就会发布更多的库。

In this article, I will cover the 5 libraries I just mentioned, will give an overview of each of them, for example, code and what are the best applications and cases for each of them.


For the rest of this article, I will use this sandbox website containing books to explain specific aspects of each library.


1.崎cra (1. Scrapy)

Scrapy is one of the most popular Python web scrapping libraries right now. It is an open-source framework. This means it is not even a library; it is rather a complete tool that you can use to scrape and crawl around the web systematically.

Scrapy是目前最流行的Python Web抓取库之一。 这是一个开源框架。 这意味着它甚至不是图书馆。 它是一个完整的工具,可用于系统地在网络上抓取和爬网。

Scrapy was initially designed to build web spiders that can crawl the web on their own. It can be used in monitoring and mining data, as well as automated and systematic testing.

Scrapy最初旨在构建可自动爬网的网络蜘蛛。 它可以用于监视和挖掘数据以及自动和系统的测试。

It is also very CPU and memory effecient compared to other Python approaches to scrape the web. The downside to using Scrapy is that installing it and getting to work correctly on your device can be a bit of a hassle.

与其他刮取Web的Python方法相比,它在CPU和内存方面也非常有效。 使用Scrapy的缺点是安装它并在您的设备上正常工作可能有点麻烦。

概述和安装 (Overview and installation)

To get started with Scrapy, you need to make sure that you’re running Python 3 or higher. To install Scrapy, you can simply write the following command in the terminal.

要开始使用Scrapy,您需要确保运行的是Python 3或更高版本。 要安装Scrapy,您只需在终端中编写以下命令即可。

pip install scrapy

Once Scrapy is successfully installed, you can run the Scrapy shell, by typing:

成功安装Scrapy之后,您可以通过键入以下命令运行Scrapy Shell:

scrapy shell

When you run this command, you will see something like this:


Author’s screenshot

You can use the Scrapy shell to run simple commands, for example, you can fetch the HTML content of a website using the fetch function. So, let's say I want to fetch this book website; I can simply do that it in the shell.

您可以使用Scrapy shell来运行一些简单的命令,例如,您可以获取使用网站HTML内容fetch功能。 所以,让我们说,我想取这本书的网站; 我可以在外壳中简单地做到这一点。


Now, you can then use the view function to open up this HTML file in your default browser. Or you can just print out the HTML source code of the page.

现在,您可以使用view功能在默认浏览器中打开此HTML文件。 或者,您可以只打印页面HTML源代码。


Of course, you won’t be scaring a website just to open it in your browser. You probably want some specific information from the HTML text. This is done using CSS Selectors.

当然,您不会只是在浏览器中打开网站而感到害怕。 您可能需要HTML文本中的一些特定信息。 这是使用CSS选择器完成的

You will need to inspect the structure of the webpage you want to fetch before you start so you can use the correct CSS selector.


什么时候使用Scarpy? (When to use Scarpy?)

The best case to use Scrapy is when you want to do a big-scale web scraping or automate multiple tests. Scrapy is very well-structured, which allows for better flexibility and adaptability to specific applications. Moreover, the way Scrapy projects are organized makes it easier o maintain and extend.

最好使用Scrapy的情况是要进行大规模的Web抓取或自动化多个测试时。 Scrapy的结构非常好,可以为特定应用程序提供更好的灵活性和适应性。 此外,Scrapy项目的组织方式使维护和扩展变得更容易。

I would suggest that you avoid using Scrapy if you have a small project or you want to scrape one or just a few webpages. In this case, Scarpy will overcomplicate things and won’t add and benefits.

如果您的项目很小,或者只想抓取一个或几个网页,我建议您避免使用Scrapy。 在这种情况下,Scarpy将使事情变得复杂,并且不会增加收益。

2.要求 (2. Requests)

Requests is the most straightforward HTTP library you can use. Requests allow the user to sent requests to the HTTP server and GET response back in the form of HTML or JSON response. It also allows the user to send POST requests to the server to modify or add some content.

请求是您可以使用的最直接的HTTP库。 请求允许用户将请求发送到HTTP服务器,并以HTML或JSON响应的形式返回GET响应。 它还允许用户向服务器发送POST请求,以修改或添加一些内容。

Requests show the real power that can be obtained with a well designed high-level abstract API.


概述和安装 (Overview and installation)

Requests is often included in Python’s built-in libraries. However, if for some reason you can’t import it right away, you can install it easily using pip.

请求通常包含在Python的内置库中。 但是,如果由于某种原因无法立即导入,则可以使用pip轻松安装。

pip install requests

You can use Requests to fetch and clean well-organized API responses. For example, let’s say I want to look up a movie in the OMDB database. Requests allow me to send a movie name to the API, clean up the response, and print it in less than 10 lines of code — if we omit the comments

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