

sudo hwclock --localtime --systohc


命令: hwclock

全称: hardware clock硬件时钟

作用: Query or set the hardware clock.


-h, --help          show this help text and exit

-r, --show          read hardware clock and print result

--get            read hardware clock and print drift corrected result

--set            set the RTC to the time given with --date

-s, --hctosys        set the system time from the hardware clock

-w, --systohc        set the hardware clock from the current system time

--systz          set the system time based on the current timezone

--adjust        adjust the RTC to account for systematic drift since the clock was last set or adjusted

-c, --compare        periodically compare the system clock with the CMOS clock

--getepoch      print out the kernel's hardware clock epoch value

--setepoch      set the kernel's hardware clock epoch value to the value given with --epoch

--predict        predict RTC reading at time given with --date

-V, --version        display version information and exit


-u, --utc            the hardware clock is kept in UTC

--localtime      the hardware clock is kept in local time

-f, --rtc     special /dev/... file to use instead of default

--directisa      access the ISA bus directly instead of /dev/rtc

--badyear        ignore RTC's year because the BIOS is broken

--date     specifies the time to which to set the hardware clock

--epoch   specifies the year which is the beginning of the hardware clock's epoch value

--update-drift  update drift factor in /etc/adjtime (requires --set or --systohc)

--noadjfile      do not access /etc/adjtime; this requires the use of either --utc or --localtime

--adjfile specifies the path to the adjust file; the default is /etc/adjtime

--test          do not update anything, just show what would happen

-D, --debug          debugging mode


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