
STM32CubeMX………: 6.2.1
Firmware Package……: V1.9.0
硬件 ……………………: 安富莱V7开发板




在Platform Setting下设置SD卡插入检测引脚。



#include "string.h"
#include "stdio.h"
DIR DirInf;
FILINFO FileInf;static void DispMenu(void);
static void ViewRootDir(void);
static void CreateNewFile(void);
static void ReadFileData(void);
static void CreateDir(void);
static void DeleteDirFile(void);
static void WriteFileTest(void);
/* FatFs API的返回值 */
static const char * FR_Table[]=
{"FR_OK:成功",                                            /* (0) Succeeded */"FR_DISK_ERR:底层硬件错误",                           /* (1) A hard error occurred in the low level disk I/O layer */"FR_INT_ERR:断言失败",                                  /* (2) Assertion failed */"FR_NOT_READY:物理驱动没有工作",                         /* (3) The physical drive cannot work */"FR_NO_FILE:文件不存在",                                /* (4) Could not find the file */"FR_NO_PATH:路径不存在",                               /* (5) Could not find the path */"FR_INVALID_NAME:无效文件名",                          /* (6) The path name format is invalid */"FR_DENIED:由于禁止访问或者目录已满访问被拒绝",         /* (7) Access denied due to prohibited access or directory full */"FR_EXIST:文件已经存在",                              /* (8) Access denied due to prohibited access */"FR_INVALID_OBJECT:文件或者目录对象无效",                /* (9) The file/directory object is invalid */"FR_WRITE_PROTECTED:物理驱动被写保护",                   /* (10) The physical drive is write protected */"FR_INVALID_DRIVE:逻辑驱动号无效",                        /* (11) The logical drive number is invalid */"FR_NOT_ENABLED:卷中无工作区",                             /* (12) The volume has no work area */"FR_NO_FILESYSTEM:没有有效的FAT卷",                    /* (13) There is no valid FAT volume */"FR_MKFS_ABORTED:由于参数错误f_mkfs()被终止",            /* (14) The f_mkfs() aborted due to any parameter error */"FR_TIMEOUT:在规定的时间内无法获得访问卷的许可",      /* (15) Could not get a grant to access the volume within defined period */"FR_LOCKED:由于文件共享策略操作被拒绝",              /* (16) The operation is rejected according to the file sharing policy */"FR_NOT_ENOUGH_CORE:无法分配长文件名工作区",             /* (17) LFN working buffer could not be allocated */"FR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES:当前打开的文件数大于_FS_SHARE", /* (18) Number of open files > _FS_SHARE */"FR_INVALID_PARAMETER:参数无效"                       /* (19) Given parameter is invalid */
void fatfs_test(uint8_t cmd)
{printf("\r\n");switch (cmd){case '1':printf("【1 - ViewRootDir】\r\n");ViewRootDir();      /* 显示SD卡根目录下的文件名 */break;case '2':printf("【2 - CreateNewFile】\r\n");CreateNewFile();    /* 创建一个新文件,写入一个字符串 */break;case '3':printf("【3 - ReadFileData】\r\n");ReadFileData();        /* 读取根目录下armfly.txt的内容 */break;case '4':printf("【4 - CreateDir】\r\n");CreateDir();      /* 创建目录 */break;case '5':printf("【5 - DeleteDirFile】\r\n");DeleteDirFile(); /* 删除目录和文件 */break;case '6':printf("【6 - TestSpeed】\r\n");WriteFileTest();  /* 速度测试 */break;default:DispMenu();break;}}
*   函 数 名: DispMenu
*   功能说明: 显示操作提示菜单
*   形    参:无
*   返 回 值: 无
static void DispMenu(void)
{printf("\r\n------------------------------------------------\r\n");printf("请选择操作命令,打开SD卡模拟U盘操作期间不支持再调用命令1-6:\r\n");printf("1 - 显示根目录下的文件列表\r\n");printf("2 - 创建一个新文件armfly.txt\r\n");printf("3 - 读armfly.txt文件的内容\r\n");printf("4 - 创建目录\r\n");printf("5 - 删除文件和目录\r\n");printf("6 - 读写文件速度测试\r\n");printf("a - 打开SD卡模拟U盘\r\n");printf("b - 关闭SD卡模拟U盘\r\n");
*   函 数 名: ViewRootDir
*   功能说明: 显示SD卡根目录下的文件名
*   形    参:无
*   返 回 值: 无
extern SD_HandleTypeDef hsd1;
static void ViewRootDir(void)
{FRESULT result;uint32_t cnt = 0;FILINFO fno;/* 挂载文件系统 */result = f_mount(&SDFatFS, SDPath, 0);   /* Mount a logical drive */if (result != FR_OK){printf("挂载文件系统失败 (%s)\r\n", FR_Table[result]);}/* 打开根文件夹 */result = f_opendir(&DirInf, SDPath); /* 如果不带参数,则从当前目录开始 */if (result != FR_OK){printf("打开根目录失败  (%s)\r\n", FR_Table[result]);return;}printf("属性        |  文件大小 | 短文件名 | 长文件名\r\n");for (cnt = 0; ;cnt++){result = f_readdir(&DirInf, &FileInf);      /* 读取目录项,索引会自动下移 */if (result != FR_OK || FileInf.fname[0] == 0){break;}if (FileInf.fname[0] == '.'){continue;}/* 判断是文件还是子目录 */if (FileInf.fattrib & AM_DIR){printf("(0x%02d)目录  ", FileInf.fattrib);}else{printf("(0x%02d)文件  ", FileInf.fattrib);}f_stat(FileInf.fname, &fno);/* 打印文件大小, 最大4G */printf(" %10d", (int)fno.fsize);printf("  %s\r\n", (char *)FileInf.fname);  /* 长文件名 */}/* 打印卡速度信息 */if(hsd1.SdCard.CardSpeed == CARD_NORMAL_SPEED){printf("Normal Speed Card <12.5MB/S, MAX Clock < 25MHz, Spec Version 1.01\r\n");           }else if (hsd1.SdCard.CardSpeed == CARD_HIGH_SPEED){printf("High Speed Card <25MB/s, MAX Clock < 50MHz, Spec Version 2.00\r\n");            }else if (hsd1.SdCard.CardSpeed == CARD_ULTRA_HIGH_SPEED){printf("UHS-I SD Card <50MB/S for SDR50, DDR50 Cards, MAX Clock < 50MHz OR 100MHz\r\n");printf("UHS-I SD Card <104MB/S for SDR104, MAX Clock < 108MHz, Spec version 3.01\r\n");   }    /* 卸载文件系统 */f_mount(NULL, SDPath, 0);
*   函 数 名: CreateNewFile
*   功能说明: 在SD卡创建一个新文件,文件内容填写“www.armfly.com”
*   形    参:无
*   返 回 值: 无
char FsWriteBuf[1024] = {"FatFS Write Demo \r\n www.armfly.com \r\n"};
static void CreateNewFile(void)
{FRESULT result;uint32_t bw;char path[32];/* 挂载文件系统 */result = f_mount(&SDFatFS, SDPath, 0);           /* Mount a logical drive */if (result != FR_OK){printf("挂载文件系统失败 (%s)\r\n", FR_Table[result]);}/* 打开文件 */sprintf(path, "%sarmfly.txt", SDPath);result = f_open(&SDFile, path, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);if (result == FR_OK){printf("armfly.txt 文件打开成功\r\n");}else{printf("armfly.txt 文件打开失败  (%s)\r\n", FR_Table[result]);}/* 写一串数据 */result = f_write(&SDFile, FsWriteBuf, strlen(FsWriteBuf), &bw);if (result == FR_OK){printf("armfly.txt 文件写入成功\r\n");}else{printf("armfly.txt 文件写入失败  (%s)\r\n", FR_Table[result]);}/* 关闭文件*/f_close(&SDFile);/* 卸载文件系统 */f_mount(NULL, SDPath, 0);
*   函 数 名: ReadFileData
*   功能说明: 读取文件armfly.txt前128个字符,并打印到串口
*   形    参:无
*   返 回 值: 无
char FsReadBuf[1024];
static void ReadFileData(void)
{FRESULT result;uint32_t bw;char path[64];/* 挂载文件系统 */result = f_mount(&SDFatFS, SDPath, 0);           /* Mount a logical drive */if (result != FR_OK){printf("挂载文件系统失败 (%s)\r\n", FR_Table[result]);}/* 打开文件 */sprintf(path, "%sarmfly.txt", SDPath);result = f_open(&SDFile, path, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ);if (result !=  FR_OK){printf("Don't Find File : armfly.txt\r\n");return;}/* 读取文件 */result = f_read(&SDFile, FsReadBuf, sizeof(FsReadBuf), &bw);if (bw > 0){FsReadBuf[bw] = 0;printf("\r\narmfly.txt 文件内容 : \r\n%s\r\n", FsReadBuf);}else{printf("\r\narmfly.txt 文件内容 : \r\n");}/* 关闭文件*/f_close(&SDFile);/* 卸载文件系统 */f_mount(NULL, SDPath, 0);
*   函 数 名: CreateDir
*   功能说明: 在SD卡根目录创建Dir1和Dir2目录,在Dir1目录下创建子目录Dir1_1
*   形    参:无
*   返 回 值: 无
static void CreateDir(void)
{FRESULT result;char path[64]; /* 挂载文件系统 */result = f_mount(&SDFatFS, SDPath, 0);          /* Mount a logical drive */if (result != FR_OK){printf("挂载文件系统失败 (%s)\r\n", FR_Table[result]);}/* 创建目录/Dir1 */sprintf(path, "%sDir1", SDPath);result = f_mkdir(path);if (result == FR_OK){printf("f_mkdir Dir1 Ok\r\n");}else if (result == FR_EXIST){printf("Dir1 目录已经存在(%d)\r\n", result);}else{printf("f_mkdir Dir1 失败 (%s)\r\n", FR_Table[result]);return;}/* 创建目录/Dir2 */sprintf(path, "%sDir2", SDPath);result = f_mkdir(path);if (result == FR_OK){printf("f_mkdir Dir2 Ok\r\n");}else if (result == FR_EXIST){printf("Dir2 目录已经存在(%d)\r\n", result);}else{printf("f_mkdir Dir2 失败 (%s)\r\n", FR_Table[result]);return;}/* 创建子目录 /Dir1/Dir1_1      注意:创建子目录Dir1_1时,必须先创建好Dir1 */sprintf(path, "%sDir1/Dir1_1", SDPath);result = f_mkdir(path); /* */if (result == FR_OK){printf("f_mkdir Dir1_1 成功\r\n");}else if (result == FR_EXIST){printf("Dir1_1 目录已经存在 (%d)\r\n", result);}else{printf("f_mkdir Dir1_1 失败 (%s)\r\n", FR_Table[result]);return;}/* 卸载文件系统 */f_mount(NULL, SDPath, 0);
*   函 数 名: DeleteDirFile
*   功能说明: 删除SD卡根目录下的 armfly.txt 文件和 Dir1,Dir2 目录
*   形    参:无
*   返 回 值: 无
static void DeleteDirFile(void)
{FRESULT result;uint8_t i;char path[64]; /* 挂载文件系统 */result = f_mount(&SDFatFS, SDPath, 0);            /* Mount a logical drive */if (result != FR_OK){printf("挂载文件系统失败 (%s)\r\n", FR_Table[result]);}/* 删除目录/Dir1 【因为还存在目录非空(存在子目录),所以这次删除会失败】*/sprintf(path, "%sDir1", SDPath);result = f_unlink(path);if (result == FR_OK){printf("删除目录Dir1成功\r\n");}else if (result == FR_NO_FILE){printf("没有发现文件或目录 :%s\r\n", "/Dir1");}else{printf("删除Dir1失败(错误代码 = %d) 文件只读或目录非空\r\n", result);}/* 先删除目录/Dir1/Dir1_1 */sprintf(path, "%sDir1/Dir1_1", SDPath);result = f_unlink(path);if (result == FR_OK){printf("删除子目录/Dir1/Dir1_1成功\r\n");}else if ((result == FR_NO_FILE) || (result == FR_NO_PATH)){printf("没有发现文件或目录 :%s\r\n", "/Dir1/Dir1_1");}else{printf("删除子目录/Dir1/Dir1_1失败(错误代码 = %d) 文件只读或目录非空\r\n", result);}/* 先删除目录/Dir1 */sprintf(path, "%sDir1", SDPath);result = f_unlink(path);if (result == FR_OK){printf("删除目录Dir1成功\r\n");}else if (result == FR_NO_FILE){printf("没有发现文件或目录 :%s\r\n", "/Dir1");}else{printf("删除Dir1失败(错误代码 = %d) 文件只读或目录非空\r\n", result);}/* 删除目录/Dir2 */sprintf(path, "%sDir2", SDPath);result = f_unlink(path);if (result == FR_OK){printf("删除目录 Dir2 成功\r\n");}else if (result == FR_NO_FILE){printf("没有发现文件或目录 :%s\r\n", "/Dir2");}else{printf("删除Dir2 失败(错误代码 = %d) 文件只读或目录非空\r\n", result);}/* 删除文件 armfly.txt */sprintf(path, "%sarmfly.txt", SDPath);result = f_unlink(path);if (result == FR_OK){printf("删除文件 armfly.txt 成功\r\n");}else if (result == FR_NO_FILE){printf("没有发现文件或目录 :%s\r\n", "armfly.txt");}else{printf("删除armfly.txt失败(错误代码 = %d) 文件只读或目录非空\r\n", result);}/* 删除文件 speed1.txt */for (i = 0; i < 20; i++){sprintf(path, "%sSpeed%02d.txt", SDPath, i);/* 每写1次,序号递增 */    result = f_unlink(path);if (result == FR_OK){printf("删除文件%s成功\r\n", path);}else if (result == FR_NO_FILE){printf("没有发现文件:%s\r\n", path);}else{printf("删除%s文件失败(错误代码 = %d) 文件只读或目录非空\r\n", path, result);}}/* 卸载文件系统 */f_mount(NULL, SDPath, 0);
*   函 数 名: WriteFileTest
*   功能说明: 测试文件读写速度
*   形    参:无
*   返 回 值: 无
#define TEST_FILE_LEN           (2*1024*1024)   /* 用于测试的文件长度 */
#define BUF_SIZE                (4*1024)        /* 每次读写SD卡的最大数据长度 */
uint8_t g_TestBuf[BUF_SIZE];
static void WriteFileTest(void)
{FRESULT result;char path[64]; uint32_t bw;uint32_t i,k;uint32_t runtime1,runtime2,timelen;uint8_t err = 0;static uint8_t s_ucTestSn = 0;for (i = 0; i < sizeof(g_TestBuf); i++){g_TestBuf[i] = (i / 512) + '0';}/* 挂载文件系统 */result = f_mount(&SDFatFS, SDPath, 0);            /* Mount a logical drive */if (result != FR_OK){printf("挂载文件系统失败 (%s)\r\n", FR_Table[result]);}/* 打开文件 */sprintf(path, "%sSpeed%02d.txt", SDPath, s_ucTestSn++); /* 每写1次,序号递增 */  result = f_open(&SDFile, path, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);/* 写一串数据 */printf("开始写文件%s %dKB ...\r\n", path, TEST_FILE_LEN / 1024);runtime1 = HAL_GetTick(); /* 读取系统运行时间 */for (i = 0; i < TEST_FILE_LEN / BUF_SIZE; i++){result = f_write(&SDFile, g_TestBuf, sizeof(g_TestBuf), &bw);if (result == FR_OK){if (((i + 1) % 8) == 0){printf(".");}}else{err = 1;printf("%s文件写失败\r\n", path);break;}}runtime2 = HAL_GetTick();   /* 读取系统运行时间 */if (err == 0){timelen = (runtime2 - runtime1);printf("\r\n  写耗时 : %dms   平均写速度 : %dB/S (%dKB/S)\r\n",timelen,(TEST_FILE_LEN * 1000) / timelen,((TEST_FILE_LEN / 1024) * 1000) / timelen);}f_close(&SDFile);      /* 关闭文件*//* 开始读文件测试 */result = f_open(&SDFile, path, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ);if (result !=  FR_OK){printf("没有找到文件: %s\r\n", path);return;}printf("开始读文件 %dKB ...\r\n", TEST_FILE_LEN / 1024);runtime1 = HAL_GetTick();   /* 读取系统运行时间 */for (i = 0; i < TEST_FILE_LEN / BUF_SIZE; i++){result = f_read(&SDFile, g_TestBuf, sizeof(g_TestBuf), &bw);if (result == FR_OK){if (((i + 1) % 8) == 0){printf(".");}/* 比较写入的数据是否正确,此语句会导致读卡速度结果降低到 3.5MBytes/S */for (k = 0; k < sizeof(g_TestBuf); k++){if (g_TestBuf[k] != (k / 512) + '0'){err = 1;printf("Speed1.txt 文件读成功,但是数据出错\r\n");break;}}if (err == 1){break;}}else{err = 1;printf("Speed1.txt 文件读失败\r\n");break;}}runtime2 = HAL_GetTick();   /* 读取系统运行时间 */if (err == 0){timelen = (runtime2 - runtime1);printf("\r\n  读耗时 : %dms   平均读速度 : %dB/S (%dKB/S)\r\n", timelen,(TEST_FILE_LEN * 1000) / timelen, ((TEST_FILE_LEN / 1024) * 1000) / timelen);}/* 关闭文件*/f_close(&SDFile);/* 卸载文件系统 */f_mount(NULL, SDPath, 0);




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