It’s such an oft repeated warning that it’s firmly embedded in nerd lore: bring a magnet anywhere near your precious computer and suffer the dire consequences. But is true? Is your computer one run in with a novelty magnet away from digital death?

它经常被反复警告,它牢固地嵌入在书呆子的知识中:在您的珍贵计算机附近的任何地方带一块磁铁,并遭受可怕的后果。 但是是真的吗? 您的计算机是否充满了新颖的磁铁,可避免数字死亡?

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-drive grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的问答环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,它是Q&A网站的社区推动组织。

问题 (The Question)

Although the anti-magnet rule has been repeated so often as to be law, is it actually a hard and fast rule of hardware safety? SuperUser reader Aequitarum Custos wanted to get to the bottom of it all:

尽管反磁规则已屡屡被重复成为法律,但实际上这是硬性和硬性的硬件安全规则吗? 超级用户阅读器Aequitarum Custos希望深入了解所有内容:

When I first started using computers, law of the land in computer class was never bring magnets near anything computer related, lest you lose all your data or screw up your monitor.


Now I am pretty sure magnets will still royally mess up a standard hard drive, and I know for a fact they screw up a CRT monitor.


Though I am also pretty sure they do not screw up a LCD monitor?


Now I have my phone which uses magnets to determine if it’s docked, and it made me wonder.


Is it the power of the magnet preventing data loss or the sheer fact that whatever memory type in the phone is immune to it?


What about ear buds, as I know those have tiny magnets in them. Are those capable of damaging any electronic device currently in use?

我知道耳塞里面有微小的磁铁,那该怎么办? 那些有能力损坏当前使用的任何电子设备吗?

I’m wondering if I’m being paranoid, but I really am not sure what magnets will damage and what they won’t!


Is there a list, or rule of thumb for determining what will be hurt by magnets and what won’t be?


Anyone who ever turned on a desk fan near or atop their old CRT monitor can certainly attest that something was happening, as indicated by the wild pattern of rainbows that erupt across the screen, but was that something permanent damage?


答案 (The Answers)

SuperUser contributor Synetech explains:


A list or rule? Sure, anything that uses electro-magnetism to function could, and would be affected by magnets. The question is what the detrimental effects, if any, would be and how strong and close do the magnets need to be. Generally the two most questioned items are the monitor and disk drives.

列表或规则? 当然,任何使用电磁功能的东西都可能会受到磁体的影响。 问题是,如果有的话,将会产生什么有害影响,以及磁铁需要保持多强和紧密。 通常,两个最受质疑的项目是显示器和磁盘驱动器。

LCD/LED monitors are not generally susceptible to magnetic interference like CRTs are because they function completely differently (remember, CRTs use magnets to deflect the electron beam, so an external magnet would obviously mess with that).

LCD / LED监视器通常不像CRT那样容易受到电磁干扰,因为它们的功能完全不同(请记住,CRT使用磁铁来偏转电子束,因此外部磁铁显然会弄乱它)。

Hard-drives are also not affected by magnets because of the way they function. You can research the details on how hard-drives work for a more thorough understanding, but the easy answer is that there is a very powerful magnet inside each hard-drive that controls the read-write head’s movement. That’s why some people like to rip open dead drives to get at the sweet, gooey super-strong magnet inside. If that magnet that is inside the drive, right beside the platters, and it doesn’t wipe them, then any magnet that you are likely to have around isn’t going to.

硬盘驱动器由于其工作方式也不受磁铁的影响。 您可以研究有关硬盘驱动器工作原理的详细信息,以便更全面地了解,但是简单的答案是,每个硬盘驱动器内部都有一块非常强大的磁铁,可控制读写头的运动。 这就是为什么有些人喜欢撕开死掉的硬盘以进入里面的甜美,粘糊糊的超强磁铁。 如果驱动器内部的那个磁体位于磁盘片的旁边,并且没有擦拭它们,那么您可能会碰到的任何磁体都不会。

As for flash drives, they are a different technology altogether so they are not going to get erased.


There is one component however that is indeed affected by magnets that most people miss: cables. While many cables are shielded, some are not and thus susceptible to a magnetic field. For example, a cable connecting the sound card to the speaker may be shielded, but the little cable connecting the CD/DVD drive to the sound card usually isn’t and ingress of a magnetic field could cause interference. Or, while rounded IDE cables (especially for IDE133) are usually shielded, ribbons usually aren’t and even at speeds of 66/100 could be affected enough to cause some corruption or at least reduce performance due to re-tried reads/writes.

但是,有一个组件确实会受到大多数人错过的磁铁的影响:电缆。 尽管许多电缆都被屏蔽,但有些电缆却没有屏蔽,因此容易受到磁场的影响。 例如,将声卡连接到扬声器的电缆可能被屏蔽,但是将CD / DVD驱动器连接到声卡的电缆很少被屏蔽,磁场的进入可能会造成干扰。 或者,虽然通常屏蔽圆形的IDE电缆(尤其是IDE133),但通常不会屏蔽带状电缆,即使以66/100的速度也可能会受到足够的影响,从而导致某些损坏,或者由于重试的读/写而至少降低了性能。

I would say that modern systems are not really vulnerable anymore because as time progresses, science and knowledge advances, but unfortunately that’s not sufficient. While that may be true, in the old days things were done right a lot more than today with all the cut corners and cost-reducing measures (eg NVIDIA’s “Bumpgate”).

我要说的是,现代系统不再真正脆弱,因为随着时间的推移,科学和知识的发展,但是不幸的是,这还不够。 尽管这可能是正确的,但在过去,通过所有偷工减料和降低成本的措施(例如NVIDIA的“ Bumpgate”),事情比今天做得要好得多。

Anyway, the point is that when it comes to modern computers (I’m counting floppy disks as not-modern), you don’t really need to worry about magnets. You can breath a sigh of relief. :)

无论如何,关键是,当涉及到现代计算机时(我将软盘算作非现代磁盘),您实际上并不需要担心磁铁。 您可以松一口气。 :)

While that answers the meat of the inquiry, you’d have to be wildly negligent with an extremely powerful magnet to cause any real damage, contributor dmckee offers an example of the effects of working around a very powerful research magnet:


I recall sitting at a computer on a major particle physics experiment when the big (10x5x3 meters, >100 tons) dipole magnet was being tested about 40 meters away. As they ramped it up the display would twist to one side by about 10 degrees. Hit “degauss” on the monitor front panel, ::blur:: then return and all would be well. Later, they’d ramp down, and the monitor would twist the other way…good times. Leave you wallet in your pocket and walk into the hall while they were doing that and you’d loose the data on the magnetic stripes on all your cards…bad times.

我记得当时坐在一台计算机上进行一次大型粒子物理实验,当时正在对40米外的大型(10x5x3米,> 100吨)偶极磁铁进行测试。 当他们将其倾斜时,显示屏将向一侧扭曲大约10度。 点击显示器前面板上的“ degauss”,:: blur ::然后返回,一切都会好起来。 后来,它们逐渐减速,显示器将以其他方式扭转……好时光。 当他们这样做时,将钱包留在口袋里,走进大厅,您就会失去所有卡上磁条上的数据,这很糟糕。

If a magnet that powerful sitting next to the monitor and computer tower couldn’t permanently decommission the machine, then surely a magnetic business card absentmindedly slapped on the side of a computer case is little case for alarm.


Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不对。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程 。



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