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And you thought theory was boring. Read this book to change your mind. Spinuzzi's snazzy prose is part hardcore social theory, part corporate soap opera. He takes theoretical discussion of actor-network theory and activity theory in new directions, bringing them together in a productive tension to illuminate critical issues in human-computer interaction, computer-supported collaborative work, and organizational design. The empirical substrate for the theoretical work is a tour de force ethnography of a large telecommunications company. Spinuzzi talks and listens to the little people, he delves fearlessly into the complexities (and muddles) of the big theories, and is kind and generous to all. A must read." -Bonnie Nardi, School of Information and Computer Sciences, University of California, Irvine "In this marvelously readable and yet theoretically challenging case study of work in a telecommunications company, Spinuzzi rethinks the (post)modern workplace-distributed, networked, spliced, improvised. He puts two of the leading explanations of such workplaces-actor-network theory and activity theory-into dialog as he follows workers and managers doing what he terms 'net work.' Through his fine-grained and always fascinating stories of their daily attempts to make sense and make do, he shows a way beyond earlier theories to a new understanding of (post)modern work and workplace learning. This is one of those rare books that is both a must-read for researchers and a good read for anyone looking for insight into how work actually gets done today

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