LeetCode 面试题 03.06. 动物收容所

  • 题目
  • 解题
    • 解题一
    • 解题二
    • 解题三



"dequeueAny" 是要 dequeue 猫和狗中最老的。



// javascript
var AnimalShelf = function() {this.queueAnimal = [];
};/** * @param {number[]} animal* @return {void}*/
AnimalShelf.prototype.enqueue = function(animal) {this.queueAnimal.push(animal);
};/*** @return {number[]}*/
AnimalShelf.prototype.dequeueAny = function() {let ret = [-1, -1];if (this.queueAnimal.length !== 0) {ret = this.queueAnimal.shift();}return ret;
};/*** @return {number[]}*/
AnimalShelf.prototype.dequeueDog = function() {let ret = [-1, -1];for (let index = 0; index < this.queueAnimal.length; index++) {if (this.queueAnimal[index][1] === 1) {ret = this.queueAnimal.splice(index, 1)[0];break;}}return ret;
};/*** @return {number[]}*/
AnimalShelf.prototype.dequeueCat = function() {let ret = [-1, -1];for (let index = 0; index < this.queueAnimal.length; index++) {if (this.queueAnimal[index][1] === 0) {ret = this.queueAnimal.splice(index, 1)[0];break;}}return ret;

需要注意的是,JS 中 Array 的 splice 函数返回的是一个包含所有被删除元素的数组,本身这里存储的每个元素都是 [编号,猫或狗],所以获取被删除元素时要加索引 [0]。


// javascript
var AnimalShelf = function() {this.cat = [];this.dog = [];
};/** * @param {number[]} animal* @return {void}*/
AnimalShelf.prototype.enqueue = function(animal) {if (animal[1] === 0) {this.cat.push(animal);}else {this.dog.push(animal);}
};/*** @return {number[]}*/
AnimalShelf.prototype.dequeueAny = function() {if (this.cat.length === 0) return this.dequeueDog();if (this.dog.length === 0) return this.dequeueCat();let catIdx = this.cat[0][0], dogIdx = this.dog[0][0];if (catIdx < dogIdx) {return this.dequeueCat();}else {return this.dequeueDog();}
};/*** @return {number[]}*/
AnimalShelf.prototype.dequeueDog = function() {if (this.dog.length === 0) return [-1, -1];return this.dog.shift();
};/*** @return {number[]}*/
AnimalShelf.prototype.dequeueCat = function() {if (this.cat.length === 0) return [-1, -1];return this.cat.shift();

记录下面的写法纯粹是为了熟悉 array of arrays 的操作:

// javascript
var AnimalShelf = function() {this.queueAnimal = [[], []];
};/** * @param {number[]} animal* @return {void}*/
AnimalShelf.prototype.enqueue = function(animal) {let [order, group] = animal;this.queueAnimal[group].push(order);
};/*** @return {number[]}*/
AnimalShelf.prototype.dequeueAny = function() {let [queueCat, queueDog] = this.queueAnimal;if (queueDog.length === 0) return this.dequeueCat(); // 没有待领养的狗if (queueCat.length === 0) return this.dequeueDog(); // 没有待领养的猫const oldestDogIdx = queueDog[0], oldestCatIdx = queueCat[0];// 比较最老的狗和最老的猫谁更老if (oldestDogIdx < oldestCatIdx) {return this.dequeueDog();}else {return this.dequeueCat();}
};/*** @return {number[]}*/
AnimalShelf.prototype.dequeueDog = function() {let ret = [-1, -1];let [ , queueDog] = this.queueAnimal;if (queueDog.length !== 0) {ret = [queueDog.shift(), 1];}return ret;
};/*** @return {number[]}*/
AnimalShelf.prototype.dequeueCat = function() {let ret = [-1, -1];let [queueCat, ] = this.queueAnimal;if (queueCat.length !== 0) {ret = [queueCat.shift(), 0];}return ret;

上述解法有一个要学习的地方是 多赋有意义的变量名,因为 queueAnimal 数组里包含数组,属于 Array of arrays,如果想把编号和类型数组直接存进猫或狗的数组中,会变成 三层数组:queueAnimal 数组由 猫数组 和 狗数组 组成,猫 / 狗数组里的元素也是数组,语义不明显的话写起来容易错,别人读的时候光看见 [0][0][0],也不明白其中含义。


用数组做 shift 时会把剩余元素都前移一位,效率不高,自己写了一个 LinkedList 的方法。

// javascript
var ListNode = function (val) {this.val = val;this.next = null;
};var AnimalShelf = function() {this.dogHead = this.dogTail = new ListNode(0);this.catHead = this.catTail = new ListNode(0);
};/** * @param {number[]} animal* @return {void}*/
AnimalShelf.prototype.enqueue = function(animal) {let newNode = new ListNode(animal);if (animal[1] === 0) {this.catTail.next = newNode;this.catTail = this.catTail.next;}else {this.dogTail.next = newNode;this.dogTail = this.dogTail.next;}
};/*** @return {number[]}*/
AnimalShelf.prototype.dequeueAny = function() {if (this.dogHead.next === null) return this.dequeueCat();if (this.catHead.next === null) return this.dequeueDog();if (this.dogHead.next.val[0] < this.catHead.next.val[0]) {return this.dequeueDog();}else {return this.dequeueCat();}
};/*** @return {number[]}*/
AnimalShelf.prototype.dequeueDog = function() {let ret = [-1, -1];if (this.dogHead.next !== null) {ret = this.dogHead.next.val;this.dogHead.next = this.dogHead.next.next;// 如果 队列 空了(只剩下伪头节点),把 tail 指针重新指回 headif (this.dogHead.next === null) {this.dogTail = this.dogHead;}}return ret;
};/*** @return {number[]}*/
AnimalShelf.prototype.dequeueCat = function() {let ret = [-1, -1];if (this.catHead.next !== null) {ret = this.catHead.next.val;this.catHead.next = this.catHead.next.next;if (this.catHead.next === null) {this.catTail = this.catHead;}}return ret;

写的时候犯了些错误,一是注意 dequeue 中如果队列空了(只剩下伪头节点),要把 tail 指针重新指回 head,否则 tail 还指着被删除的节点,而 head.next 已经为 null,enqueue 时会往 tail 后面加新节点,head 再也找不到这些节点。

还有大概是脑子糊掉了,竟然写出 this.cat.head 这种鬼 T.T。

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