
Installing on Mac & Windows

While “containers are Linux,” Podman also runs on Mac and Windows, where it provides a native podman CLI and embeds a guest Linux system to launch your containers. This guest is referred to as a Podman machine and is managed with the podman machine command. Podman on Mac and Windows also listens for Docker API clients, supporting direct usage of Docker-based tools and programmatic access from your language of choice.


On Mac, each Podman machine is backed by a QEMU based virtual machine. Once installed, the podman command can be run directly from the Unix shell in Terminal, where it remotely communicates with the podman service running in the Machine VM.

For Mac, Podman is provided through Homebrew. Once you have set up brew, you can use the brew install command to install Podman:

brew install podman

Next, create and start your first Podman machine:

podman machine init
podman machine start

You can then verify the installation information using:

podman info

More advanced information can be found here.


On Windows, each Podman machine is backed by a virtualized Windows System for Linux (WSLv2) distribution. Once installed, the podman command can be run directly from your Windows PowerShell (or CMD) prompt, where it remotely communicates with the podman service running in the WSL environment. Alternatively, you can access Podman directly from the WSL instance if you prefer a Linux prompt and Linux tooling.

See the Podman for Windows guide for setup and usage instructions.

Installing on Linux

Linux Distributions

Arch Linux & Manjaro Linux

sudo pacman -S podman

If you have problems when running Podman in rootless mode follow the instructions here

Alpine Linux

sudo apk add podman

For further details, please refer to the instructions on the Alpine Linux wiki.


Podman is available in the default Extras repos for CentOS 7 and in the AppStream repo for CentOS 8 and Stream.

sudo yum -y install podman


The podman package is available in the Debian 11 (Bullseye) repositories and later.

sudo apt-get -y install podman



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