

SeCtiOn A

ShOrt COnVerSatiOn

M: Oh, I'm SO SOrry I forgot to bring along the book you borrowed from the Iibrary?

W: %rhat a terrible memory you have! AnyWayJ I WOnt t need it UntiI Friday night? AS IOng as I Can get it by then, OK?

Q: %rhat do We Iearn from this conversation?

W: Doctor, I haven, t been able to get enough SIeeP lately, and

I' m too tired to COnCentrate in CIaSS?

M: WelIJ you know, SPending too much time indoors With all that artificial Iighting Can do that to you. YOUr body IOSeS track Of Whether it, S day Or night?

Q: %rhat does the man imply?

13? M: I think It 11 get One Of those new T-shirts, you know, With the SChOOIt S IOgO

On both the front and back?

W: You" 11 regret it. They are expensive, and I' Ve heard the

Printing fades easily

When you WaSh them?

Q: What does the WOman mean?

14. W: I think your article in the SChOOI newspaper is right On target, and your ViewPOintS have CertainIy COnVinCed me.

M: Thanks, but in VieW Of the general responses, you and I are definitely in the minority?

Q: %rhat does the man mean?

M: DaiSy WaS furious yesterday because I IOSt her notebook? ShOUId I go See her and apologize to again?

W: WelIJ if I Were you, I' d Iet her COOI Off a few days before I approach her?

Q: Wrhat does the WOman SUggeSt the man do?

M: WOUId you PIeaSe tell me Where I Can get batteries for this brand Of Camera?

W: Let me have a IOOk? Oh, yes, go down this aisle, PaSS the garden tools, you" 11 find them On the SheIf next to the Iight bulbs?

Q: Wrhat is the man IOOking for?

M: OUr basketball team is PIaying in the finals but I don' t have a ticket? I guess I, 11 just WatCh it On TV. DO you Want to COme over?

W: ACtUalIy I have a ticket? BUt I' m not feeling WeI1? YOU Can have it for What it

COSt me.

Q: %rhat do We Iearn from the conversation?

M: Honey, I' IIbe going Straight to the theatre from WOrk this evening? COUId you bring my SUit and tie along?

W: Sure, it' S the first PerfOrmanCe Of the State SymPhOny

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