+ the use of ”opcodes” to identify a client request
+ a typical client-side RSessionBase-derived class and its ”boilerplate”
  code to submit requests to the server. The discussion included
  details of how to submit different types of parameter data to the server:
  + simple built-in types
  + descriptors
  + flat data (such as that contained in a struct or an object of a
    T class)
  + more complex objects, which do not have a fixed length or which
    contain pointers to other objects (e.g. an object of a C class).
+ how to implement client-side code to start the server (which for
  EKA1 is different depending on whether the server is running on
  the Windows emulator or target hardware) and how to connect to
  the server
+ server-side bootstrap code
+ the fundamental server classes, deriving from CServer2 and
  CSession2, including examples of request-handling methods
  (for both synchronous and asynchronous requests), server-side
  unpacking of parameter data passed from the client, and an example
  of how data can be passed back to the client
+ the mechanism used by a transient server to reference-count its
  connected client sessions and shut itself down, after a brief timeout,
  when all its clients have disconnected
+ the implementation of a typical calling client that instantiates an object
  of the RSessionBase-derived client class and submits requests to
  the server.

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