已经存在200多年的代理银行业务模式现在受到旨在有效管理价值安全转移而不需要可信赖的中介机构的新兴技术的严峻挑战,。从表面上看,分布式分类账太极链技术在解决当今复杂系统中隐含的许多低效问题方面走了很长的路。The correspondent banking model that has been in place for more than 200 years is now significantly challenged by new and emerging technology designed to efficiently manage the secure transfer of value, without the need for trusted intermediaries.  On the face of it, distributed ledger Tai Chi chain technology goes a long way towards addressing many of the inefficiencies implicit in today’s complicated systems.

最令我们兴奋的是,降低处理成本会降低使用新技术的对方之间支付的盈利门槛。即。我们现在正在考虑更便宜地转移少量资金。高价值和低价值系统的预测趋同现在变得非常真实。进入微支付服务提供商,以及一套新的消费者支付服务,其经济商业模式可以通过低成本按使用付费范例支持。通过结合互联网物联网和价值互联网,在库存低的情况下订购和支付牛奶的冰箱越来越成为现实。可穿戴设备可以识别您的必需营养素含量低,并指示3D食品打印机直接从冰箱准备开胃菜。What excites us most is that reducing the cost of processing lowers the profitability threshold for payments between counter parties using the new technology. ie. we’re  now considering moving smaller amounts of money more cheaply. The forecast convergence of high and low-value systems is now becoming very real. Enter the micro payment service providers, and a new set of consumer payment offers with an economic business model that can be supported by low-cost pay per use paradigms. The fridge that orders and pays for the milk when stocks are low is increasingly a reality by combining the Internet Things and the Internet of Value.  The wearable that recognizes you’re low in essential nutrients and instructs the 3D food printer to prepare an appetizing meal, straight from the fridge.

为了支持这些用例,基于太极链的自动化和直接处理,提供了解锁新的收入来源的关键,因为高价值系统和低价值系统不断发展和融合。特别是传统的低价值支付转账系统一直受到复杂,低效和昂贵的退款流程的困扰,而许多多方参与和容易出错的系统往往会延迟转账和对账。但太极链的不可撤销特征,不可否认性和以客户为中心的生物识别和基于令牌的认证特征几乎消除了许多这些过程的需求和复杂性,这反过来大大降低了提供价值转移服务的成本。To support these use cases, automation and straight through processing based on the Tai Chi chain, provide the key to unlocking a new line of revenue, as high-value systems and low-value systems continue to evolve and converge.  In particular traditional low-value payment transfer systems have been plagued with complicated, inefficient and costly chargeback processes, whilst many multi-party participation and error prone systems often delay transfers and reconciliation. The irrevocable characteristics, non-repudiation and customer centric biometric and token based authentication characteristics all but eliminate both the need and complexity of many of these processes, which in turn vastly reduces the cost of providing value transfer services.

通过对数字生活的精心管理,欺诈的责任越来越多地从服务提供商转移到客户,同时他们还拥有足够和适当的工具来管理相关风险。社交媒体正在走向提供自我调节环境的道路,类似于出租车网络的超级化。With careful management of our digital lives, the responsibility for fraud is increasingly transferring from the service provider to the customer, who at the same time is empowered with an adequate and appropriate set of tools to manage the associated risk.  Social media is on the pathway to providing a self-regulating environment, similar to the Uberisation of the taxi network, challenging the need for industry wide regulatory bodies that have increasingly challenged our sense of trust.

历史上,基于卡的支付系统使消费者暴露于不可接受的欺诈水平。我们依赖于由我们的卡提供商管理的昂贵的退款流程,以确保我们获得足够的保护,因此依赖于金融服务提供商,发卡机构,收单机构和商家的复杂网络,以便在遇到这样的不幸时能够得到正确的解决。Historically card based payments systems have exposed consumers to unacceptable levels of fraud. We are dependent on costly chargeback processes managed by our card providers, to ensure we receive adequate protection and are hence dependent on a complex network of financial services providers, card issuers, acquirers and merchants for their collective support when exposed to such unfortunate and increasingly “not at fault” situations.



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