

If you’re a PC gamer, you probably use too many game stores. Steam, Epic, Origin, Uplay, Twitch, GOG, Battle.net, Bethesda—it goes on and on. Playnite is a universal library for all your PC games, and it’s open source.

如果您是PC玩家,则可能使用了太多游戏商店。 Steam,Epic,Origin,Uplay,Twitch,GOG,Battle.net,Bethesda都在不断发生。 Playnite是所有PC游戏的通用库,并且是开源的。

Using Playnite is simple: Just download and install the free Playnite application for Windows, go through the quick setup process. It will automatically scan your PC for installed games and show them in the Playnite application window. Playnite supports Battle.net, Bethesda, Epic, GOG, itch.io, Origin, Steam, Twitch, and Uplay.

使用Playnite很简单:只需下载并安装免费的Windows Playnite应用程序,然后进行快速设置即可。 它将自动扫描您的PC上是否有已安装的游戏,并将其显示在Playnite应用程序窗口中。 Playnite支持Battle.net,Bethesda,Epic,GOG,itch.io,Origin,Steam,Twitch和Uplay。

Here’s why this is awesome: Playnite does all of this automatically. Whenever you launch the application, it scans for new games, and you can also manually trigger a scan. Just press F5 or click menu>Update Game Library>Update All. You can even have Playnite connect to your accounts so it can show you games you own but don’t have installed right now, although this feature is optional.

这就是很棒的原因:Playnite会自动执行所有这些操作。 每当您启动该应用程序时,它都会扫描新游戏,也可以手动触发扫描。 只需按F5或单击菜单>更新游戏库>全部更新。 您甚至可以将Playnite连接到您的帐户,以便可以向您显示您拥有的游戏,但目前尚未安装,尽管此功能是可选的。

You can also manually add games to the library just by dragging and dropping them into the window, which means you can add Minecraft, any games you purchased from the Windows Store, and anything else you like. Playnite supports emulators, too.

您还可以通过将游戏拖放到窗口中来手动将游戏添加到库中,这意味着您可以添加Minecraft ,从Windows应用商店购买的任何游戏以及您喜欢的其他任何东西。 Playnite也支持模拟器。

When you want to play a game, click the “Play” button and Playnite will automatically launch the appropriate launcher and start the game. You can also open the full-screen interface (press F11) and use a game controller to launch your games.

当您要玩游戏时,单击“播放”按钮,Playnite将自动启动相应的启动器并启动游戏。 您还可以打开全屏界面(按F11键)并使用游戏控制器启动游戏。

Rather than pinning a huge number of game launchers to your taskbar and then trying to remember which games are where, you can see them in a single application. Games like Apex Legends, Fortnite, and Overwatch will be in the same launcher as all the games you own on Steam. Free games you get from Twitch Prime or the Epic Game Store will be right there along with your other games, too.

您可以在一个应用程序中查看它们,而不是将大量游戏启动器固定到任务栏上,然后尝试记住哪些游戏在哪里。 Apex LegendsFortniteOverwatch等游戏将与您在Steam上拥有的所有游戏都位于同一启动器中。 您可以从Twitch Prime或Epic Game Store获得免费游戏,以及其他游戏。

We keep seeing Playnite recommended in comments on websites, forum threads, and posts on Reddit. That strong word of mouth inspired us to try it, and it’s great.

我们在网站,论坛主题和Reddit上的帖子中不断看到推荐的Playnite。 强大的口碑激发了我们尝试的机会,这很棒。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/see-all-your-pc-games-in-one-place-with-playnite/



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