
Late evening calls, reverted releases, lost revenue, and eventually fear of touching anything in legacy code not to break something. Nobody likes that. Do you know what is one of the best ways to avoid this? Integration tests!

傍晚的电话,恢复的发行,收入损失,最终担心触摸遗留代码中的任何内容都不会破​​坏某些内容。 没有人喜欢。 您知道避免这种情况的最佳方法之一是什么? 集成测试!

We at Kiwi.com use Cypress.io for some time, and we already had to rethink how we write such tests to keep them efficient and stable. One topic that plays a role in it sometimes remains forgotten: configuration. In this post, we would like to share with you some tips on how we now set up Cypress tests with Typescript support for a typical Gitlab CI pipeline.

我们在Kiwi.com使用Cypress.io已有一段时间,我们已经不得不重新考虑如何编写这样的测试以保持它们的效率和稳定性。 在其中起作用的一个主题有时仍然被遗忘:配置。 在本文中,我们想与您分享一些有关如何现在为典型的Gitlab CI管道设置带有Typescript支持的赛普拉斯测试的技巧。

在我们开始之前... (Before we start…)

You can see all topics discussed here in the following repository:


回归本源 (Back to Basics)

Beginnings are fairly easy and well described in the documentation. First, we install cypress from npm and run yarn cypress open to get the autogenerated skeleton. After adding the typescript, renaming files to .ts and reshuffling, we get a structure like this:

入门非常容易,并且在文档中有很好的描述。 首先,我们从npm安装cypress,并yarn cypress open以获取自动生成的骨架。 添加打字稿,将文件重命名为.ts并重新.ts ,我们得到如下结构:

Notice that we use monorepo setup with yarn workspaces — our tests are placed there along with our frontend. To get that, we had to change some paths in cypress.json :

注意,我们在纱线工作区中使用了monorepo设置-我们的测试与前端一起放置在此处。 为此,我们必须在cypress.json更改一些路径:

{  "fixturesFolder": "src/fixtures",  "integrationFolder": "src/tests",  "pluginsFile": "src/plugins",  "supportFile": "src/support",  "screenshotsFolder": "assets/screenshots",  "videosFolder": "assets/videos"}

Every time we run a test, all screenshots and videos are stored in the assets folder. Trust me, you don’t want to commit it accidentally, so we will add the following lines to .gitignore with possible env file:

每次我们进行测试时,所有屏幕截图和视频都存储在assets文件夹中。 相信我,您不想意外提交它,因此我们将在可能的env文件中向.gitignore添加以下行:


As we want to follow the best practices and write clean code, we will add ESLint too. Since it’s already there for the whole repository, we need to just extend it: yarn workspace cypress add eslint-plugin-cypress --dev to install eslint-plugin-cypress in our cypress workspace and then we create .eslintrc.js :

由于我们希望遵循最佳实践并编写简洁的代码,因此我们还将添加ESLint。 由于它已经存在于整个存储库中,因此我们只需对其进行扩展: yarn workspace cypress add eslint-plugin-cypress --dev以在我们的cypress工作区中安装eslint-plugin-cypress ,然后创建.eslintrc.js

module.exports = {  extends: ["plugin:cypress/recommended"],  plugins: ["eslint-plugin-cypress"],  rules: {    // does not make sense in Cypress world    "promise/prefer-await-to-then": OFF,  },};

Your exact configuration may vary, but the philosophy is the same — you should have one root ESLint configuration and override only what’s necessary for cypress workspace. For example, we force devs to use async/await in unit tests but we turned off thepromise/prefer-await-to-then rule for cypress workspace because cypress commands are not regular promises.

您的确切配置可能有所不同,但是原理是相同的–您应该具有一个根ESLint配置,并且仅覆盖cypress工作区所需的配置。 例如,我们强迫开发人员在单元测试中使用async / await,但是由于cypress命令不是常规的promise,所以我们关闭了cypress工作区的promise/prefer-await-to-then规则。

让我们写第一个测试 (Let’s write the first test)

Now it’s about the time to finally add some tests. For the beginning, we will check just that the Kiwi.com homepage is loaded, the navbar on top is shown and a user can open the hamburger menu:

现在是时候终于要添加一些测试了。 首先,我们将仅检查是否已加载Kiwi.com主页,显示了顶部的导航栏,并且用户可以打开汉堡包菜单:

describe("Landing page", () => {  it("shows navigation menu", () => {    cy.visit("/");    cy.get("[data-test='NavBar']").should("be.visible");    cy.get("[data-test='NavBar-SideNav-Open']").click();    cy.get("[data-test='NavBar-SideNav']").should("be.visible");  });});

And the resulting code is…ewww, not great, not terrible.


  • we follow best practices by using data-test attributes for selectors, but it’s a lot of writing and we have to use quotes inside the string


  • after a couple of weeks or months, it might not be clear what exactly is happening in the test


We can do a lot better! In the beginning, we might be tempted to add a custom command to select elements more easily, something like cy.getByDataTest("Navbar"). It turns out there is even a better solution. We use Testing Library for unit tests and there is a variant for Cypress too. Let’s use it:

我们可以做得更好! 在一开始,我们可能会想添加一个自定义命令来更轻松地选择元素,例如cy.getByDataTest("Navbar") 。 事实证明,还有更好的解决方案。 我们使用测试库进行单元测试,赛普拉斯也有一个变体。 让我们使用它:

  1. yarn workspace cypress add @testing-library/cypress to install the lib

    yarn workspace cypress add @testing-library/cypress安装lib

  2. In tsconfig.json, we add support for types: "types": ["cypress", "@types/testing-library__cypress"]

    tsconfig.json ,我们添加了对类型的支持: "types": ["cypress", "@types/testing-library__cypress"]

  3. We upgrade src/support/index.ts file to make use of it:


import "@testing-library/cypress/add-commands";import { configure } from "@testing-library/cypress";import "./commands";configure({ testIdAttribute: "data-test" });

And this is how we rewrite our test:


describe("Landing page", () => {  it("shows navigation menu", () => {    cy.visit("/");    cy.findByTestId("NavBar").should("be.visible");    cy.log("												

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