运行Java程序的时候,报错:EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005);


EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATIONIn rare circumstances, a Java program could stop with a message similar to the following:An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x7c042340, pid=1743, tid=122Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.4_02)
Problematic frame:
C [ntdll.dll+0x2430]
Essentially, Java will stop with a message such as the above if a "serious" error occurs that means the JVM can't continue to function. Usually, the most discriminating line is the first mention of a DLL, such as the line in bold above. The source of the error could be any of the following:1. a bug in the JVM itself; search Google and/or the Java web site fora mention of ntdll.dll+0x2430;2. a bug in some non-Java code that was being run at the time: e.g.Java might have been calling into a printer driver, graphics driveretc.If you're not sure what to do but are not using the latest version of the JVM for your system, then a good first course of action is usually to upgrade your JVM. If the bug is in some other DLL, e.g. a printer driver, database driver, graphics driver etc, then it is best to see if you can upgrade the component in question.If the error is occurring in some native code that you have written, then you need to find out which line of code corresponds to the offset mentioned (in this case, 0x2430, although the DLL isn't one of ours in this example). Usually you can tell your compiler to generate a "map 

1. a bug in the JVM itself; search Google and/or the Java web site for
a mention of ntdll.dll+0x2430;
一个JVM自身的bug,访问谷歌或者Java网站寻求(根据 ntdll.dll+0x2430这个信息)
2. a bug in some non-Java code that was being run at the time: e.g.
Java might have been calling into a printer driver, graphics driver



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