
create table class
classid int primary key,
classname varchar(20)
insert into class values(1,‘G1T01’);
insert into class values(2,‘G1T02’);
insert into class values(3,‘G1T03’);
insert into class values(4,‘G1T04’);
insert into class values(5,‘G1T05’);
insert into class values(6,‘G1T06’);
insert into class values(7,‘G1T07’);
create table student
studentid varchar(20) primary key,
studentname varchar(20),
studentage int,
studentsex char(10),
studentaddress varchar(50),
classid int references class(classid)
insert into student values(‘2010001’,‘Jack’,21,‘男’,‘湖北襄樊’,1);
insert into student values(‘2010002’,‘Scott’,22,‘男’,‘湖北武汉’,2);
insert into student values(‘2010003’,‘Lucy’,23,‘女’,‘湖北武汉’,3);
insert into student values(‘2010004’,‘Alan’,19,‘女’,‘湖北襄樊’,4);
insert into student values(‘2010005’,‘Bill’,20,‘男’,‘湖北襄樊’,5);
insert into student values(‘2010006’,‘Bob’,21,‘男’,‘湖北宜昌’,6);
insert into student values(‘2010007’,‘Colin’,22,‘女’,‘湖北襄樊’,6);
insert into student values(‘2010008’,‘Fred’,19,‘男’,‘湖北宜昌’,5);
insert into student values(‘2010009’,‘Hunk’,19,‘男’,‘湖北武汉’,4);
insert into student values(‘2010010’,‘Jim’,18,‘男’,‘湖北襄樊’,3);
create table computer
studentid varchar(20) references student(studentid),
score float
insert into computer values(‘2010001’,90);
insert into computer values(‘2010002’,80);
insert into computer values(‘2010003’,70);
insert into computer values(‘2010004’,60);
insert into computer values(‘2010005’,75);
insert into computer values(‘2010006’,85);


select s.studentid 学生编号,s.studentname 姓名,c.score 计算机成绩
from student s
left join computer c
on s.studentid=c.studentid


select student.*
from student,computer
where student.studentid = computer.studentid


select student.studentid 编号,studentname 姓名,classname 班级名称,score 计算机成绩
from student
left join computer
on student.studentid = computer.studentid
right join class
on student.classid = class.classid


select student.studentid 编号,studentname 姓名,studentage 年龄,score 计算机成绩
from student
left join computer
on student.studentid = computer.studentid
where studentage > 19


select student.studentid 编号,studentname 姓名,score 计算机成绩
from student
left join computer
on student.studentid = computer.studentid
where studentname like "%c%"


select student.studentid 编号,studentname 姓名,score 成绩,classname 班级名称
from student,class,computer
where computer.score > 80 and student.classid = class.classid and student.studentid = computer.studentid


select student.*,score
from student
left join computer
on student.studentid = computer.studentid


select classname 班级名称,avg(score) 平均分, max(score) 最高分,min(score) 最低分
from class,computer,student
where student.studentid = computer.studentid and student.classid = class.classid
group by classname


select classname 班级名称,avg(score) 平均分
from class,computer,student
where student.studentid = computer.studentid and student.classid = class.classid
group by classname
having 平均分 > 80
order by 平均分 desc


select *
from student
where studentaddress = (select studentaddressfrom studentwhere studentname = "Jim"


select *
from student
where student.classid > 3


select avg(score) 平均分
from class,computer,student
where class.classid > 3 and student.classid = class.classid and student.studentid = computer.studentid


select student.*
from student
left join computer
on student.studentid = computer.studentid
right join class
on student.classid = class.classid
where class.classid > 3


select studentsex 性别,avg(score) 平均分,max(score) 最大值,min(score) 最小值
from student
left join computer
on student.studentid = computer.studentid
group by 性别
select studentsex 性别,avg(score) 平均分,max(score) 最大值,min(score) 最小值
from student,computer
where student.studentid = computer.studentid
group by 性别


update student,computer
set studentage = 20
where student.studentid = computer.studentid


select classname 班级名称,avg(score) 平均分
from class,computer,student
where student.studentid = computer.studentid and student.classid = class.classid
group by 班级名称


update student,computer
set score = null
where studentname like "%c%" and student.studentid = computer.studentid


select student.studentid 编号,studentname 姓名,classname 班级名称,score 计算机成绩
from student,computer,class
where classname = "G1T07" and student.studentid = computer.studentid and student.classid = class.classid


select student.studentid 编号,studentname 姓名,studentage 年龄,score 计算机成绩
from student,computer,class
where studentage >=20 and studentage <=25 and student.studentid = computer.studentid and student.classid = class.classid
select student.studentid 编号,studentname 姓名,studentage 年龄,score 计算机成绩
from student,computer,class
where studentage between 20 and 25 and student.studentid = computer.studentid and student.classid = class.classid


select student.studentid 编号,studentname 姓名,score 计算机成绩,classname 班级名称
from student,computer,class
where score = (select max(score)from computer
and student.studentid = computer.studentid and student.classid = class.classid


select classname 班级名称,avg(score) 平均分
from student,class,computer
where student.studentid = computer.studentid and student.classid = class.classid
group by 班级名称
having 平均分 > 70
order by 平均分 desc

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