• Talib

    real = MAVP(close, periods, minperiod=2, maxperiod=30, matype=0)
  • periods的意义

    This is what the function does. It gets an input price array, and a periods array that are the same length. The output price array is the moving average at the point using the specified period at the point. So, if you have an array of [1, 5, 3, 8] and you specify periods [2,3,3,2] then the output will be:

    [SMA(2)[0], SMA(3)[1], SMA(3)[2], SMA(2)[3]]

    With the exception that it puts maxperiods number of nan’s at the front, for some reason so you’d need to call it like:

    >>> prices = np.array([1,5,7,8], dtype=float)
    >>> periods =np.array([2,3,3,2], dtype=float)
    >>> ta.MAVP(prices, periods, maxperiod=3)
    array([        nan,         nan,  4.33333333,  7.5       ])>>> ta.SMA(prices, 2)
    array([ nan,  3. ,  6. ,  7.5])>>> ta.SMA(prices, 3)
    array([        nan,         nan,  4.33333333,  6.66666667])
  • References

  1. Ta-Lib: What is the Idea of Periods in MAVP - (Moving average with variable period)?


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