1. 从电能质量的角度来看,发生单相接地故障时,这两种接地方式的电网都可以带病运行较长时间,可在预定时间内有计划停电进行维修,这对企业的连续生产意义重大,减少了产品的损失、设备损耗以及停机时间。

In this paper, a new approach developed for ground-fault localization on ungrounded and high-resistance grounded system is described.

2. 摘 要:在中性点非直接接地电网中,单相接地及由电压互感器引起的谐振过电压均是多发性的事故。

In ungrounded distribution system the single-phase-grounding and the ferro-resonance caused by the PT are of the frequent accidents.

3. 基于MATLAB的PSB对农村10kV中性点不接地系统进行了数字仿真,分析了单相接地故障特征,开发了选线装置。

Digital simulation of rural 10kV power ungrounded system was made based on MATLAB PSB, and the character of single phase to gourd fault was analyzed with this digital simulation.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 建立了架空线短路、单相接地故障检测的数学模型,设计了装置的硬件和软件,并对装置做了模拟实验和精度测试。

Established the mathematics model of testing short circuit and single-phase to ground fault in transmit line.

5. 方法如下:采集发电机机端和中性点侧的零序电压、机端零序电流分量作为参考电量,电压互感器和电流互感器接线形式采用标准接线;根据发电机机端和中性点侧的故障分量三次谐波电压的相角相同并同时小于某一定值来判别距中性点50%范围内发电机定子是否发生内部单相接地故障;根据发电机机端零序电压和机端零序电流分量的相角关系来判别距中性点50%-100%范围以内的发电机定子是否发生内部单相接地故障。

Methods are as follows: using of generators and adjacent to the neutral point zero sequence voltage, machine-zero-sequence current component consumption as a reference, current transformer and voltage transformer wiring form of a standard wiring; under generator-and-neutral fault component adjacent to the third harmonic voltage and phase angle at the same small impose a certain value to determine from the neutral point 50 percent of the internal generator stator single-phase ground fault; under generator terminal voltage and zero-sequence - current weight-zero sequence of phase angle relationship to determine from the neutral 50%-100% within the scope of the internal generator stator whether single-phase fault.

6. 其中前两种中性点接地方式的故障馈线的零序测量电流是非故障馈线的零序测量电流的总和,但方向相反,对此有多种基于单相接地故障工频稳态量分析的小电流接地选线方法。

The compensation current of the arc-suppressing coil makes the phase and amplitude of the zero-sequence measurement current of the earthed fault feeder to vary, and increases difficulty of the detecting single-phase-to-ground fault feeder.

7. 一种检测发电机定子单相接地故障方向的方法,属于继电保护领域。

A method to detect of generator stator of a single-phase ground fault belongs to relay protection.

8. 单相接地故障全电流补偿的含意是:补偿器不仅补偿电网分布电容的无功电流,还补偿电网零序回路的有功电流,使接地故障点的残流趋於零。

The conception of the full current compensation of one-phase-to-ground fault is that the compensator compensates not only the reactive current of the zero-sequence network, but also the active current of that one, and makes the residual fault-current approximate to zero.

9. 故障定位是配电自动化的重要功能之一,由于单相接地故障是配电网中最常见的故障,研究单相接地故障定位方法对于减小停电范围、缩短停电时间及提高供电可靠性具有重要意义。

The most challenging problem encountered in locating single phase grounding fault is that the fault current is extremely weak and the fault arc is unstable too.

10. 0引言在三角形接线的不接地系统中,在发生单相接地故障时,故障接地电流为正常两相线路对地电容电流之和,该故障电流较小。

When single-phase-to-earth fault occurs in non-direct-grounding neutral system, the current relay generally will not operate since the amplitude of grounding current is too small.

11. 分析了发电机机端和中性点的零序基波及3次谐波电压故障暂态分量的特点,在此基础上提出了发电机定子绕组单相接地保护的自适应判据。

In this criterion the comprehensive effect of transient components of zero-sequence voltage and the third harmonic voltage is considered, and the ratio of spectral energy of restraint signal to that of operation signal is taken as restraint coefficient.

12. 故障自诊(短路、过电压、单相接地、电机过载、断相、堵转,加上智能程序可研判报动系统工况)。

A. Self trouble diagnose Short circuit, ove voltag, single phase frounding, notor overload, phase failure, locded rotor and the intilignet program can judage the operation condirion of drag system.

13. 小电流接地电网单相接地故障量中通常含有丰富的暂态成分,暂态成分满足选线规则,是一种有价值的信息资源。

It's usually abundant of transients in single-phase to ground fault of neutral small current earthed power systems. Transients contain fault detection information.

14. 本文以一简单系统的单相接地故障为例,阐述了GA在这一领域的应用。

The application of RGA in this field is described by a single-phase ground fault of a simple system.

15. 而对中性点非直接接地系统单相接地故障选线原理的研究,多年来取得了很多成果。

The study of line selection of single pha...

16. 结合实例,分析了单相短路和非全相运行时对不接地变压器中性点绝缘的影响,以及各种短路故障时接地变压器的耐热稳定性和耐动稳定性。

According to the fault case, the effect of singe-phase fault and open phase to transformer neutral ins.

17. 介绍了三相五柱式消弧线圈的工作原理,单相电弧接地过电压的工频熄弧理论。

The principle of arc-suppression coil with three phases and five columns, and theory of power frequency extinguishing arcing were introduced.

18. 本文提出了三种单相接地全电流补偿方式:中性点电出了各全电流补偿方式的全电流补偿条件,分析了各全电流补偿方式因调整误差对接地点残流大小的影响。

Three methods of the full current compensation of one-phase-to-ground fault were put forward: installing on leading phase a inductor in the resistance grounded system; installing a lagging phase capacitor in the resistance grounded system; installing on leading phase a inductor in the inductor grounded system.

19. 着重探讨6 kV中性点不接地系统在运行状态下,当绝缘降低时如何进行绝缘测量与监视,有别于常规的单相接地选线保护。

Most of the discussion is focused on how to detect the insulation of floating neutral point system-to-earth when the system is energized and the insulation reduced.

20. 在上述研究的基础上,本文针对南昌至永修段实际运行的电力贯通线,建立了 MATLAB 故障仿真模型,运用 BP 神经网络故障测距方法,对其单相接地故障进行了研究,测试结果表明故障测距的精度非常高,最后用图形界面实现了该测距算法。

The paper studies the CPLs between Nanchang and Yongxiu. It establishes the simulation model in MATLAB, and uses the method based on BP neural network to locate the fault position when a single-phase-to-ground fault occurs. The simulation results have proved that the method is correct. A graphical user interface has created based on the BP neural network algorithm.


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