The iPad has been toted as the ultimate comic book reader, but that doesn’t mean your can’t give it a run for its money with your Kindle. Here’s how to optimize and transfer your comic books and manga to your Kindle.

iPad已被誉为最终的漫画书阅读器,但这并不意味着您无法凭借Kindle赚钱。 这是优化和将漫画书和漫画转移到Kindle的方法。

Sure, tablets may have big colorful screens, which are  undoubtedly better for most comic books. But the Kindle’s e-ink screen has its place. You can read it at night without straining your eyes, you can read it outdoors in direct sunlight, and its battery is absolutely killer. Its screen may be small, but for manga and other black and white comics, it’s a perfect little device.

当然,平板电脑可能具有彩色的大屏幕,对于大多数漫画书来说无疑是更好的选择。 但是Kindle的电子墨水屏占据了它的位置。 您可以在晚上阅读它而不会费力,也可以在阳光直射的户外阅读,它的电池绝对是杀手。 它的屏幕可能很小,但是对于漫画和其他黑白漫画来说,这是一个完美的小设备。

Unfortunately, the Kindle can’t read common CBR and CBZ files out of the box. However, there is a handy tool called Kindle Comic Converter on Windows, macOS, and Linux that can convert your comics to a Kindle-friendly format, and optimize them so you get the best reading experience possible. (Note: despite its name, Kindle Comic Converter can also optimize books for Kobo, Nook and other ereaders.)

不幸的是,Kindle无法开箱即用地读取常见的CBR和CBZ文件。 但是,在Windows,macOS和Linux上有一个名为Kindle Comic Converter的便捷工具,可以将您的漫画转换为Kindle友好格式,并对其进行优化,以使您获得最佳的阅读体验。 (注意:尽管有Kindle Comic Converter的名字,它也可以为Kobo,Nook和其他电子书阅读器优化书籍。)

第一步:将您的CBR和CBZ文件转换为Kindle (Step One: Convert Your CBR and CBZ Files for the Kindle)

To get started, download Kindle Comic Converter and start it up on your computer. To add a CBR/CBZ file (or group of files), click the “Add File” button.

首先,请下载Kindle Comic Converter并在您的计算机上启动它。 要添加CBR / CBZ文件(或文件组),请单击“添加文件”按钮。

Choose your file from the list. You can hold Ctrl or Shift to select multiple files.

从列表中选择文件。 您可以按住Ctrl或Shift键选择多个文件。

You should see a list of files ready to be converted in the program’s window.


From there, choose your ereader from the dropdown on the left (I’m using a Kindle Paperwhite 3), and it should pre-select your options for you. You can adjust certain things if you need to (like “Manga Mode”, if the comic in question is read right-to-left). Just mouse over any of the other options to see what they do.

从那里,从左侧的下拉列表中选择您的电子书阅读器(我使用的是Kindle Paperwhite 3),它应该为您预先选择选项。 您可以根据需要调整某些内容(例如“漫画模式”,如果该漫画从右到左阅读)。 只需将鼠标悬停在其他任何选项上,即可查看它们的作用。

When you’re ready, click the Convert button.


The conversion may take a while depending on how many files you have selected. Once it’s finished, you should find your converted files in the same folder as the source files.

转换可能需要一段时间,具体取决于您选择了多少个文件。 完成后,您应该在与源文件相同的文件夹中找到转换后的文件。

第二步:将漫画复制到Kindle (Step Two: Copy Your Comics to Your Kindle)

If you’ve ever copied a book to your Kindle before, the next step should be familiar. Plug your Kindle into your computer using its USB cable. Open up your computer’s File Explorer and navigate to the newly-mounted Kindle drive.

如果您曾经将书籍复制到Kindle,那么下一步应该很熟悉。 使用其USB电缆将Kindle插入计算机。 打开计算机的文件资源管理器,然后导航到新安装的Kindle驱动器。

Just drag your new comic files (which will likely be in MOBI or AZW3 format, unless you’re using another ereader) to your device—on my Kindle, I’ve put them on the “documents” folder. Eject your Kindle, and you should see that they appear in your reading list!

只需将新的漫画文件(除非使用其他电子阅读器,否则可能会是MOBI或AZW3格式)拖到设备上-在Kindle上,我已将它们放在“文档”文件夹中。 弹出Kindle,您应该会看到它们出现在您的阅读列表中!

NOTE: You can also use a tool like Calibre to copy your comics to your Kindle, just like you would any other books. It’s a great tool if you have a lot of local books to organize!

注意:您也可以使用Calibre之类的工具将漫画复制到Kindle,就像其他任何书籍一样。 如果您要整理很多本地书籍,这是一个很棒的工具!

Here’s what you can expect comics to look like on your device. We selected Scott Pilgrim because the extremely simple and high-contrast line art used in the series is a good indicator of what Manga-style artwork, in general, will look like:

您可以期望漫画在设备上看起来像这样。 我们之所以选择Scott Pilgrim,是因为该系列中使用的极其简单和高对比度的线条艺术可以很好地表明漫画风格的艺术品总体上看起来像什么:

Looks fantastic, right? It’s easy to read, the line art and dialog bubbles are crisp. And the newer the Kindle you have, the better it will look.

看起来很棒,对吗? 易于阅读,线条和对话气泡清晰。 而且您拥有的Kindle越新,它将越好看。

For comparison, here’s a page from Escape from Wonderland:

为了进行比较,这是《 逃离仙境》中的页面:

Given the detail and color saturation of the original artwork, this is a really nice conversion, although you miss out on a lot of what makes the book great. This would definitely be a book to read on a tablet, but it’s nice to know it’s still workable on a Kindle.

考虑到原始图稿的细节和色彩饱和度,这确实是一个不错的转换,尽管您会错过很多使本书很棒的东西。 这绝对是一本在平板电脑上阅读的书,但是很高兴知道它在Kindle上仍然可以使用。



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