
Whether you want to backup your game saves because you’ve worked so hard on them or you want to import game saves precisely so you don’t have to work so hard, we’ve got you covered.


Image adapted from icon set by GasClown.


There are a multitude of reasons you might want to export and import game saves from your Wii including: saving the progress on your favorite games before sending in your Wii for service, copying the progress to a friend’s or your secondary Wii, and importing saved games from the web or your friend’s Wii so that you don’t have to bust your ass to unlock all the specialty items yourself. (Here’s looking at you Mario Kart and House of the Dead: Overkill.)

您可能有多种原因要从Wii导出和导入游戏保存,包括:在将Wii送去维修之前,保存您喜欢的游戏的进度,将进度复制到朋友或您的辅助Wii,以及导入保存的游戏通过网络或朋友的Wii上网,这样您就不必自己动手就能自己解锁所有特色商品。 (在这里,您是在看Mario Kart和《亡者之屋:大杀手》 。)

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

For this job you’ll need the following items:


  • Your Wii您的Wii
  • An SD CardSD卡
  • A computer capable of reading and writing to the SD card能够读取和写入SD卡的计算机

Unlike many Wii tips and tricks that require a hacked Wii (such as hacking your Wii for homebrew, installing a Wii game loader for easy backups and fast load times, and setting up anti-brick protection to safeguard and supercharge your Wii), this tutorial doesn’t require any sort of console modding or warranty voiding and will work on any Wii with zero risk.


将游戏存档从Wii复制到计算机 (Copying Game Saves from the Wii to Your Computer)

First let’s look at how to get your saved games off the Wii and onto the SD card. Pop your SD card in your Wii (or use the one already in there if you’ve completed some of the hacks we linked to above and already have a dedicated Wii SD card). Fire up your Wii and navigate to Wii Options –> Data Management –> Save Data –> Wii. You should be at a screen that looks like so:

首先,让我们看一下如何将保存的游戏从Wii转移到SD卡上。 将SD卡弹出到Wii中(或者,如果您已经完成了上面链接到的某些技巧并且已经拥有专用的Wii SD卡,则可以使用其中的SD卡)。 启动Wii并导航至Wii选项–>数据管理–>保存数据–> Wii 。 您应该在一个看起来像这样的屏幕上:

Right now you’re looking at all the Wii game saves stored on the Wii’s internal memory. Select any game you want using the Wiimote and then press the Copy button in the dialog box that pops up, like so:

现在,您正在查看所有保存在Wii内部存储器中的Wii游戏存档。 使用Wiimote选择您想要的任何游戏,然后在弹出的对话框中按“复制”按钮,如下所示:

When it’s done copying, eject your SD card from the Wii and take it over to your computer. We’re using a PC running Windows 7 for this tutorial but any computer that can read the FAT file system will work just fine. Plug in the SD card and navigate to the directory /private/wii/title/. Here is where all of the saved games you’ve transferred to the SD card are located. If this is your first transfer you’ll only see one directory, if you’ve copied multiple game saves you’ll have multiple and confusingly named directories within the /title/ folder, like the screenshot below:

复制完成后,从Wii弹出SD卡,然后将其转移到计算机上。 在本教程中,我们使用的是运行Windows 7的PC,但是任何可以读取FAT文件系统的计算机都可以正常工作。 插入SD卡,然后导航到目录/ private / wii / title / 。 这是您已转移到SD卡的所有已保存游戏的位置。 如果这是您的首次转移,则只会看到一个目录;如果您复制了多个游戏保存,则将在/ title /文件夹中具有多个名称混乱的目录,如以下屏幕截图所示:

How do you decode that mess? The easiest way is to consult a list of Wii game codes, such as this massive list at WiiSave. If you want to geek out for the sake of geeking out, you can also use a simple algorithm to figure out which game is which. The first letter indicates the system (R for Wii, N for N64), the second letter is the first letter of the game name (such as M for Mario), the third letter is the fourth letter of the name (such as I for Mario) and the last letter of the game code is the region code (such as E for English or J for Japanese).

您如何解码该烂摊子? 最简单的方法是查阅Wii游戏代码列表,例如WiiSave上的大量列表。 如果您想出于游戏目的而进行游戏,还可以使用一种简单的算法来确定哪个游戏是哪个。 第一个字母表示系统(R代表Wii,N代表N64),第二个字母代表游戏名称的第一个字母(例如M代表Mario),第三个字母代表名称的第四个字母(例如I代表游戏名称Mar i o),游戏代码的最后一个字母是区域代码(例如E表示英语,J表示日语)。

It’s neat to know that but beware that sometimes there are deviations, especially with Game Cube ports and games with tons of related titles (such as all the Metroid releases). Our own demo transfer here is proof of that, we saved Pikim (a game ported from the Game Cube) and the title code is R9IE. Let’s open up that folder and take a peek:

很高兴知道这一点,但要注意有时会出现偏差,尤其是在Game Cube端口和具有大量相关标题(例如所有Metroid版本)的游戏中。 我们在此处进行的演示传输证明了这一点,我们保存了Pikim(从Game Cube移植的游戏),标题代码为R9IE。 让我们打开该文件夹并看看:

The data.bin file is where the magic resides. Each /gamecode/ directory will have a data.bin file inside it. That self-contained file holds all of the game save data for that game. From here you can copy that game save to your hard drive, to another SD card, or pack it up and email it to your friend. Make sure to preserve the full folder structure \private\wii\title\R9IE\ for ease of restoration. If you mix up all your data.bin files there isn’t an easy way to tell them apart.

data.bin文件是魔术所在的位置。 每个/ gamecode /目录中都会有一个data.bin文件。 该独立文件包含该游戏的所有游戏保存数据。 在这里,您可以将该游戏保存到您的硬盘,另一个SD卡中,或者打包并将其通过电子邮件发送给您的朋友。 确保保留完整的文件夹结构\ private \ wii \ title \ R9IE \ ,以便于还原。 如果您混合了所有data.bin文件,则没有一种简单的方法可以将它们区分开。

Now that you know how to copy game saves from the Wii you’re ready to copy them from your computer. In order to copy your own game save backups, your friend’s game save backups, or the backups you’ve grabbed off the web, onto your Wii you just need to be able to drag and drop files.

既然您知道如何从Wii复制游戏保存,就可以从计算机上复制游戏保存了。 为了将自己的游戏保存备份,朋友的游戏保存备份或您从网络上获取的备份复制到Wii,您只需要将文件拖放到Wii。

Pop the SD card in your computer and then copy the game saves onto the SD card. If you kept the directory structure when you copied your backups it’s a breeze to copy them. Good game backup sites like WiiSave will often have zip files already structured and ready to be dumped right onto your SD card (and if not, the game codes are close at hand).

在计算机上弹出SD卡,然后将游戏保存的内容复制到SD卡上。 如果在复制备份时保留了目录结构,则轻松进行复制。 诸如WiiSave之类的优质游戏备份站点通常会拥有已经结构化的zip文件,可以直接将其转储到SD卡上(如果没有,则游戏代码就在手边)。

将游戏从计算机复制到Wii (Copying Games from your Computer to the Wii)

Let’s reverse the process now and put that copy of the Pikmin game save onto the Wii. We have the game save backup in the proper directory for the game, \private\wii\title\R9IE\, and all we have to do is put the SD card back into the Wii navigate to Wii Options –> Data Management –> Save Data –> SD Card. Select the game save you want, click Copy, and you’re in business:

现在让我们逆转此过程,然后将Pikmin游戏的副本保存到Wii。 我们将游戏保存备份保存在游戏的正确目录\ private \ wii \ title \ R9IE \中,我们要做的就是将SD卡放回Wii中,导航至Wii选项–>数据管理–>保存。数据–> SD卡。 选择您想要的游戏保存,点击复制,您就可以从事业务:

Make sure before copying the game save from the SD card to the Wii that you have removed the game from the Wii. For example, you downloaded an everything-unlocked game save for Mario Kart and you want to copy it over. You first have to delete the original Mario Kart game save that is on the Wii before replacing it with the super-duper one from the SD card.

将游戏保存区从SD卡复制到Wii之前,请确保已将游戏从Wii移除。 例如,您下载了Mario Kart的所有解锁游戏,并想要将其复制。 首先,您必须先删除Wii上的原始Mario Kart游戏存档,然后再用SD卡中的超级双面复印机替换它。

That’s all there is to it! Bug your friends or hit up some sites like WiiSave, and unlock games to your heart’s content. Have a burning question about the Wii or other consoles? Sound off in the comments and we’ll see what we can do to help.

这里的所有都是它的! 烦扰您的朋友或访问WiiSave之类的网站,并根据自己的喜好解锁游戏。 对Wii或其他游戏机有疑问吗? 在评论中发表意见,我们将为您提供帮助。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/41717/how-to-backup-swap-and-update-your-wii-game-saves/



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