
角色之间可能要发生战斗(fight),每场战斗都是一个角色与另一角色之间 的 一 对 一 战 斗 。 每 个 角 色 都 有 自 己 的 生 命 值 (hitPoint) 、 魔法值(magicPoint)、攻击力值(damage)和防御力值(defense)。每种角色都有一种武器进行攻击(fight);在程序运行中,可以动态修改角色的武器(setWeaponBehavior)。




// An highlighted block
* 这是文档注释
* @author 张光远
* @version 创建时间:2020年6月14日 下午2:33:38
package zhangguangyuan5377.characters;import zhangguangyuan5377.behavior.*;// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
/*** The Class Characters.*/
public abstract class Characters {/** The Id. *///类的实现private int Id;/** The name. */private String name;/** The hitpoint. */private int hitpoint;//生命值/** The magicpoint. */private int magicpoint;//魔法值/** The damage. */private int damage;//攻击力值/** The defense. */private int defense;//防御力值/** The point. */private int point[]=new int[4];//记录角色自身各项值,切换武器时用以恢复初始值/** The weapon. */protected WeaponBehavior weapon;//武器/** The magic. */protected MagicBehavior magic;//魔法/** The skill. */protected String skill[]=new String[3];//平a技能,武器技能,魔法技能/** The feature. */protected String feature;/*** Instantiates a new characters.*/public Characters() {this.Id=0;this.name="未命名";hitpoint=800;magicpoint=200;damage=80;defense=15;point[0]= hitpoint;point[1]=magicpoint;point[2]=damage;point[3]=defense;}/*** Instantiates a new characters.** @param name the name*/public Characters(String name) {this();this.name=name;/*hitpoint=800;magicpoint=200;damage=80;defense=15;*/}/*** Fight.** @param c the c* @param choice the choice* @return the int*/public int fight(Characters c,boolean choice) {//完成本角色攻击角色 c 的操作       int hurt=0;if(choice) {hurt=weapon.useWeapon(this.getDamage(),c);}else {hurt=-this.getPoint()[2]+c.getDefense()*2;c.setHitpoint(hurt);}if(c.getHitpoint()<=0) {return 1;//游戏胜利}else if(this.getHitpoint()<=0) {return 2;//敌方胜利}elsereturn 0;//游戏未结束}/*** Perform magic.** @param c the c* @param e the e* @return the int*/public int performMagic(Characters c,Characters e) {//if(getMagicpoint()>=50) {return magic.useMagic(c,e);
//          setMagicpoint(-50);
//      }
//      else
//          System.out.println("magicpoint is not enough");}/*** Sets the weapon behavior.** @param w the new weapon behavior*/public void setWeaponBehavior(WeaponBehavior w) {this.weapon=w;this.skill[1]=weapon.getSkill();rePoint();//恢复角色无武器状态值//int a[]=getPoint();setDamage((int)(w.getAt()*getDamage()));setDefense((int)(w.getDe()*getDefense()));/*int t = 0;boolean wea[]=new boolean[4];wea[0]=w instanceof KnifeBehavior;wea[2]=w instanceof AxeBehavior;wea[1]=w instanceof BowAndArrowBehavior;wea[3]=w instanceof SwordBehavior;for(int i=0;i<4;i++) {if(wea[i]) {t=i;break;}}double da = 0,de = 0;switch(t) {case 0:da=0.1;de=0.5;break;case 1:da=0.4;de=-0.1;break;case 2:da=0.3;de=0;break;case 3:da=0.2;de=0.25;break;default:System.out.println("error");}da*=getDamage();de*=getDefense();setDamage((int)da);setDefense((int)de);*/}//改变武器/*** Sets the magic behavior.** @param m the new magic behavior*/public void setMagicBehavior(MagicBehavior m) {this.magic=m;/*int t = 0;boolean wea[]=new boolean[2];wea[0]=m instanceof HealBehavior;wea[1]=m instanceof InvisibleBehavior;for(int i=0;i<2;i++) {if(wea[i]) {t=i;break;}}//double ta = 0;switch(t) {case 0:setHitpoint((int)(0.1*hitpoint));//子类能否看见break;case 1:setDamage((int)(0.1*damage));break;default:System.out.println("error");}setMagicpoint(-50);*/}//改变魔法/*** Gets the id.** @return the id*/public int getId() {return Id;}/*** Gets the name.** @return the name*/public String getName() {return name;}/*** Display.*/public abstract void display();/*** Gets the hitpoint.** @return the hitpoint*/public int getHitpoint() {return hitpoint;}/*** Gets the magicpoint.** @return the magicpoint*/public int getMagicpoint() {return magicpoint;}/*** Gets the damage.** @return the damage*/public int getDamage() {return damage;}/*** Gets the defense.** @return the defense*/public int getDefense() {return defense;}/*** Gets the skill.** @return the skill*/public String[] getSkill(){return skill;}/*** Gets the point.** @return the point*/public int[] getPoint() {int a[]=new int[4];System.arraycopy(point, 0, a, 0, 4);return a;}/*** Gets the feature.** @return the feature*/public String getFeature() {return feature;}/*** Sets the id.** @param id the new id*///能不能用protectedpublic void setId(int id) {this.Id=id;}/*** Sets the name.** @param name the new name*/public void setName(String name) {this.name=name;}/*** Sets the hitpoint.** @param value the new hitpoint*/public void setHitpoint(int value) {hitpoint+=value;}/*** Sets the magicpoint.** @param value the new magicpoint*/public void setMagicpoint(int value) {magicpoint+=value;}/*** Sets the damage.** @param value the new damage*/public void setDamage(int value) {damage+=value;}/*** Sets the defense.** @param value the new defense*/public void setDefense(int value) {defense+=value;}/*** Re point.*/public void rePoint() {//this.hitpoint=point[0];//this.magicpoint=point[1];this.damage=point[2];this.defense=point[3];}

下面展示一些 内联代码片

// A code block
var foo = 'bar';
// An highlighted block
/*** */
package zhangguangyuan5377.characters;// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
/*** The Class King.*/
public class King extends Characters {/*** Instantiates a new king.** @param name the name*/public King(String name) {this();setName(name);// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub//this.hipoint=0;/*setHitpoint(50);setMagicpoint(100);setDamage(0);setDefense(3);*/}/*** Instantiates a new king.*/public King() {// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub//setId(1);setHitpoint(50);setMagicpoint(100);setDamage(0);setDefense(3);this.skill[0]="王之圣裁";this.feature="末代皇帝,一声令下,群臣应之";}/*** Display.*/@Overridepublic void display() {// TODO Auto-generated method stubSystem.out.println("This is King showtime!");}}


// An highlighted block
/*** */
package zhangguangyuan5377.behavior;import zhangguangyuan5377.characters.Characters;// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
/*** The Interface WeaponBehavior.*/
public interface WeaponBehavior {/*** Use weapon.** @param damage the damage* @param enemy the enemy* @return the int*/public int useWeapon(int damage,Characters enemy);/*** Gets the at.** @return the at*/public double getAt();/*** Gets the de.** @return the de*/public double getDe();/*** Gets the skill.** @return the skill*/public String getSkill();


// An highlighted block
/*** */
package zhangguangyuan5377.behavior;import zhangguangyuan5377.characters.Characters;// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
/*** The Class SwordBehavior.*/
public class SwordBehavior implements WeaponBehavior {/** The id. */private int id=4;/** The at. */private double at=0.2;/** The de. */private double de=0.25;/** The skill. */private String skill="一剑化三清";/*** Use weapon.** @param damage the damage* @param enemy the enemy* @return the int*/@Overridepublic int useWeapon(int damage,Characters enemy) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubint a=-damage+enemy.getDefense();enemy.setHitpoint(a);return a;}/*** Gets the at.** @return the at*/@Overridepublic double getAt() {// TODO Auto-generated method stubreturn at;}/*** Gets the de.** @return the de*/@Overridepublic double getDe() {// TODO Auto-generated method stubreturn de;}/*** Gets the skill.** @return the skill*/public String getSkill() {return skill;}/*** Gets the id.** @return the id*/public int getId() {return id;}}


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