



By now, the world is familiar with the physical threat of COVID-19. But the psychological impacts of the pandemic are only just beginning to come into focus. A new study from researchers at San Diego State University and Florida State University is helping to quantify how deeply the coronavirus is straining the mental health of Americans.

The study has not yet undergone peer review and formal publication, but its preliminary data are among the first to offer details on the scope of the country’s coronavirus-related psychological struggles.

The study is full of grave严峻的 findings. In April, more than 1 in 4 U.S. adults met the criteria that psychologists use to diagnose serious mental distress and illness. That represents a roughly 700% increase from data collected in 2018.

Meanwhile, roughly 70% of Americans experienced moderate to serve mental distress——triple the rate seen in 2018. While this surge in mental distress showed up across age and demographic groups, young adults and those with children experienced the most pronounced spikes 尖峰/猛增.

The size of the increase shouldn’t have come as a shock, says Jean Twenge, a co-author of the study and a professor of psychology at San Diego State University. “In some ways, this is a perfect storm for mental-health issues,” she says. “We’re dealing with social isolation, anxiety around health, and economic problems.”

Researchers unaffiliated with Twenge’s study say that on top of the loss of jobs and the obvious health risks associated with COVID-19, the element of uncertainty is causing Americans a great deal of distress.

“People don’t know when we’re going to get back to normal life, and that is quite anxiety-provoking,” says Dr. Gary Small, a professor of psychiatry精神病学 and behavioral sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles.

The COVID-19 crisis has forced U.S. politicians and public-health officials into a lose-lose dilemma: both groups are now weighing the life-and-death risk of exposing people to the virus against the manifold hardships created by stay-at-home directives and business closures.

More and more, members of each group have discussed the psychological repercussions后果 associated with each scenario—including the specter恐怖的东西 of rising depression and suicide rates. This new study appears to substantiate those concerns.

While some might point to the psychological blowback as a reason to reopen the economy and lift restrictions, Twenge says that course of action is also fraught. ” Opening up too soon and then having to shut back down could also have very negative consequences from a mental-health perspective, such as a further increase in mental distress,” she says.

“If there’s a policy message here,” Twenge adds, “it’s that people are suffering and we need to put resources into mental-health treatment.”


pandemic 全球化的疫情

epidemic 地区化的疫情

coronavirus 新冠病毒

COVID-19 新冠

quantify 量化

quantity 数量

quality 质量

strain 拉伤、使承受压力

strain the mental health of Americans

preliminary 初步的

on the scope of 在……范围内

grave 坟墓、严峻的

grave findings 严峻的发现

meet the criteria that 达到了……的标准

criterion 标准的单数

criteria 标准的复数




go up



surge 暴涨

moderate 温和的

severe 严峻的

mental distress 心里不安、心理焦虑

spike 猛增/尖峰

pronounce 发音

pronounced 显著的

pronunciation 发音

pronounced spikes 显著的尖峰

demographic 人口的

demography 人口统计学

come as 以……的身份到来,描述某样事情的影响,尤其指人们才开始发现

sth come as a shock/surprise 某件事发生地令人感到震惊/惊讶

come as a relief 松了一口气

co-author 联合作家

co-founder 联合创始人

affiliated 附属的、相关联的

unaffiliated 不相关的

associated 相关的

association 组织

element 元素

elementary school 小学

normal 正常的

abnormal 不正常的

anxiety-provoking 引起焦虑的

manifold 多种多样的

directives 指令、指示

business closures 商业的关闭

more and more 越来越

psychiatry 精神病学

psychologist 心理学家

psychological 心理上的

physical 身体上的

consequence 后果

repercussion 后果

scenario 可能发生的情况

specter 恐怖之处/幽灵

depression 抑郁/萧条

depressed 抑郁的

substance 物质/材料

substantiate 使实体化

blowback 后坐力/反作用

lift restriction 移除限制

the course of action 行为方式

fraught 令人焦虑的/担心的

resource 资源

resourceful 足智多谋的

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