1. Like you would even know dick about fraculation.

你懂个屁的fractulation. (像你会知道......)

2. Intervening with puberty?


3. That's my catchphrase.

catchphrase 口头禅

4. Okay, unaccaptable!


5. Because there's somthing about having a wiener that would make me better at walking through a hole?

6. Yeah, no duh.

哦 你现在当然想了。

7. The plot thinkens.


8. Like it was my dream to watch.


9. Good in the neighborhood.


10. Your slave is ill-mannered.

ill-mannered 缺乏管教的

11. Was this really the time to make that point, Summer?


12. I love to dance on the grave of my enemies.

13. For real times a million. 比珍珠还真。

14. What are you in for?


15. bad bangs 刘海难看

16. This is gonna be cake. 这一点都不吓人。

17. So they may head bakc to their weird plant, where women are kind of equal but not really.

18. I can't take this anymore. 我忍受不了了。

19. I would rather breathe posion than live another minute with you.

20. My life has been a lie! 我的人生就是一个谎言!

21. God is dead! The government is lame! Thanksgiving is about killing Indians! Jesus wasn't born on Christmas! They moved the date. It was a pagan holiday!

22. There you are. 你在这阿。

There he is.他在那。

23.  It's a thankless job. 吃力不讨好的工作。

24. You did the best you could.

25. I hope he's eating enought.

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