原标题:惊艳 | 全球最具性价比双摄手机,Blackview A9 Pro

作为Blackview首款Android 7.0双摄旗舰手机,A9 Pro承载了全体多科员工的心血。不论是从颜值上来看,还是用户体验方面,A9 Pro都远超行业其它双摄手机水准,绝对可以说是一部让四海八荒都惊艳的全球最具性价比双摄手机!

Blackview A9 Pro, as the first dual-camera flagship mobile phone with OS Android 7.0, gathering the great effort of all our staff. The pleasing appearance of A9 pro and wonderful user experience to make this phone far more than the other dual-camera smartphones, absolutely can be a stunning dual-camera phone to all of you!


拍照方面,Blackview A9 Pro首次采用三星4H8 800万像素后置双摄主摄像头,拍摄功能更加强大。黑白+彩色镜头,细节与色彩的完美捕捉,让A9 Pro能在夜里拍出清晰的画面;

This time for the newly launched A9 Pro, we adopt dual-camera of Samsung 4H8 8MP on its back, the main camera plus the deputy camera to perfect each other and make your shooting more amazing as you like. Also A9 Pro can even take a clear nice picture in the dark night;


而A9 Pro双摄摄像头最大的特点就是拍摄过程中可自由调节背景虚化,突出拍照对象,最终实现单反相机搭配大光圈镜头才能拍出的虚化效果。

The brightest feature of A9 Pro is thatyou can freely adjust the blur on image background while you are taking a picture and give prominence to the subject.

(A9 Pro实拍出来的原图与虚化后的图片)

而A9 Pro最让人过目不忘的是它极具个性,富有质感的外观设计。时尚的2.5D弧度触摸屏再加上手感漆机身的创新,不仅能让你一见钟情,更有让你拿在手中,就舍不得放下的好触感。搭配上流线型全金属一体式机身,让手机整体就像打磨过的黑宝石一般炫目而美丽;

The Fashion 2.5D arc touch screen on A9 Pro and rubber paint on its back to make a comfortable feeling while you are holding it in your hands. Streamlined full metal body design makes the whole body of this phone like a polished black gem when you see the black A9 Pro, as dazzling and beautiful as you can imagine;

5寸AUO高清显示屏,配合更为昂贵的全贴合工艺,支持多点触控,对比度高、色彩还原准确,显示效果极为出众,使得A9 Pro能够给大家呈现出与众不同的视觉体验。

5" AUO HD display, combined with high expensive Non-air-gap process, with multi-touch supported, enables A9 Pro a quite different and outstanding visual experience.

续航方面,A9 Pro采用3000mAh大容量电池,打破常规5寸手机电池低于3000mAh的设计理念,加配比克电芯,不只充电快,更用的久,整机续航时间也比同类双摄手机高出了 20%;

We success to break the rule that battery capacity should be lower to 3000mAh on 5" display of cellphone, A9 Pro uses 3000mAh large-capacity Bak battery, this battery life can be longer of 20% than thatof the similar dual-camera mobile phone;

先进的TYPE-C 2.0接口,具有数据线不分正反,一插即入和传输速度更快等方面的优势。


Advanced TYPE C 2.0 port offers the faster and more safe transmission, can be easily inserted and no difference on the both sides to make it ok while using each side, more convenient.


MTK6737 1.3GHz架构,四核处理器,28nm工艺,配合独有的降功耗措施,实现功耗与性能的完美平衡;内置2GB RAM+16GB ROM大内存,最高支持32GB内存扩展,存储无忧;

Powered by enhanced Octa-core MTK6737 1.3GHz to balance the power consumption and performance. This offers A9 Pro not only a high performance, but also a better power-saving ability. Built-in 2GB RAM + 16GB ROM, with 32GB memory extension supported;

A9 Pro拥有轻触式前置指纹识别,0.1S快速解锁更简单、方便,湿手解锁也畅快;另外,A9 Pro选择了最新的Android 7.0系统,全新UI界面能够带给你最时尚、最强大的使用体验。

A9 Pro has light touch front fingerprint identification, 0.1s flash unlock even with wet hand, more simple and convenient; In addition, A9 Pro adopts the latest Android 7.0 system, a new UI interface can bring you the most fashionable and the most powerful experience;

将独特的手感漆和双摄像头技术引入A9 Pro这款产品中,让用户体验到了时尚之美。而磨砂黑,珍珠白,香槟金,科技蓝等时尚配色,也使得A9 Pro更加具有选择性。

With unique rubber paint and double camera technique on its back, A9 Pro offers you the fashional and pleasing appearance. Like matte black, pearl white, champagne gold and Iron blue to give you more choice.

外观的精心设计,确实让A9 Pro更加出彩,也应对了大家对于手机颜值日益见长的高要求。而双摄像头也为大家带来了更有趣的拍摄体验。不得不说,内外兼修的A9 Pro完全能够满足不同用户的各种使用需求,是一部真正的全球最具性价比双摄手机。

The well-designed appearance really makes A9 Pro even more shining, also satisfies the increasing high demand of people on smartphone appearance. And the dual-camera brings you a more interesting shooting experience, you can highlight the main part of the picture with this new perfromance. We will find that A9 Pro can totally offer the various needs of various users. If you are looking for a most cost-effective smartphone, A9 Pro will be yours.

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