
The task is to find the length of the longest subsequence in a given array of integers such that all elements of the subsequence are sorted in ascending order. For example, the length of the LIS for { 15, 27, 14, 38, 26, 55, 46, 65, 85 } is 6 and the longest increasing subsequence is {15, 27, 38, 55, 65, 85}.

In this challenge you simply have to find the length of the longest strictly increasing sub-sequence of the given sequence.

Input Format

In the first line of input, there is a single number N. In the next N lines input the value of a[i].


1 ≤ N ≤ 106

1 ≤ a[i] ≤ 105

Output Format

In a single line, output the length of the longest increasing sub-sequence.

Sample Input


Sample Output



{2,7,8} is the longest increasing sub-sequence, hence the answer is 3 (the length of this sub-sequence).




DP[i] = max{DP[j], j<i && a[j]<a[i]} + 1, i>1



考虑函数f(L):长度为 L 的 Increasing Sequence (IS) 的最小结尾, 显然f(L)是单调递增的。



显然我们以a[i]为key,二分查询f(L),得到max{L, f(L)<a[i]}


这一类DP优化方法可归纳为 加速DP Query

using namespace std;
const int MAX_N=1e6+10, oo=1e6;
int A[MAX_N], f[MAX_N];
//二分法: binary_search(y, f())
//可以在O(log N)的时间内求解以下问题:

int binary_search(int y, int l, int r){ //y is the keyint mid;while(r-l>1){ //r is illegalmid=(l+r)>>1;if(f[mid]<y){l=mid;}else r=mid;}return l;
}int main(){//freopen("in", "r", stdin);int N, ans=0;scanf("%d", &N);for(int i=1; i<=N; i++) scanf("%d", A+i);f[0]=0;for(int i=1; i<=N; i++) f[i]=oo;for(int i=1; i<=N; i++){int tmp=binary_search(A[i], 0, ans+1)+1;ans=max(ans, tmp);f[tmp]=min(f[tmp], A[i]);}printf("%d\n", ans);return 0;



仍观察DP方程 DP[i]=max{DP[j], j<i && a[j]<a[j]} + 1

我们考虑用数据结构加速查询,查询的键值 (key) 是a[i], ( 第一个条件 i<j 是自然满足的), 对应的value就是max{dp[j], a[j]<=a[i]}。我们把用于查询的 <key, value> 维护成线段树。其中key就是节点的L, R, 这样<key, value> 查询就是RMQ(Range Maximum Query)。

这样可以优化到O(NlogM),M是a[i]的最大值,可通过NlogN的离散化优化到NlogN (M比N大很多时才有必要离散化)。

using namespace std;
const int MAX_M=1e5+5, MAX_N=1e6+5;
int ma[MAX_M<<2];
void insert(int id, int L, int R, int pos, int v){if(L==R){ma[id]=v;}else{int mid=(L+R)>>1;if(pos<=mid){insert(id<<1, L, mid, pos, v);}else{insert(id<<1|1, mid+1, R, pos, v);}ma[id]=max(ma[id<<1], ma[id<<1|1]);}
int query(int id, int L, int R, int l, int r){if(l<=L && R<=r) return ma[id];int mid=(L+R)>>1;int res=0;if(l<=mid){res=max(res, query(id<<1, L, mid, l, r));}if(r>mid){res=max(res, query(id<<1|1, mid+1, R, l, r));}return res;
int a[MAX_N];
int main(){//freopen("in", "r", stdin);int N;//single case, leave out initializationscanf("%d", &N);int rb;for(int i=0; i<N; i++) scanf("%d", a+i), rb=max(rb, a[i]);int ans=0;for(int i=0; i<N; i++){int tmp=query(1, 0, rb, 0, a[i]-1)+1;ans=max(ans, tmp);insert(1, 0, rb, a[i], tmp);    //over-head
    }printf("%d\n", ans);return 0;




insert(1, 0, rb, a[i], tmp); 

这个操作往往并没有增大 (0, a[i]) 区间的最大值,但是这里每次更新都要深入到叶子节点,不能不说是一种冗余 (树状数组就很好地避免了这种冗余)。

其实没必要用线段树来维护查询,注意到每次查询的区间左端都是0,可用树状数组(Binary Indexed Tree, BIT)代替。


using namespace std;
const int MAX_N=1e6+5, MAX_M=1e5+5;
int bit[MAX_M], M;
int a[MAX_N];
int query(int i){int res=0;while(i){res=max(res, bit[i]);i-=i&-i;}return res;
void modify(int i, int v){while(i<=M){if(bit[i]>=v) return;bit[i]=v;i+=i&-i;}
int main(){//freopen("in", "r", stdin);int N;scanf("%d", &N);M=0;for(int i=0; i<N; i++)  scanf("%d", a+i), M=max(M, a[i]);int ans=0;int tmp;for(int i=0; i<N; i++){tmp=query(a[i]-1)+1;modify(a[i], tmp);ans=max(ans, tmp);}printf("%d\n", ans);return 0;


P.S. 写这篇随笔时,专门考虑了如何用BIT维护prefix maximum。最初的想法是将prefix maximum维护(表示)成prefix sum,发现行不通。结论是自己学得太死,全不知变通。其实BIT和线段树一样,两者的节点表示的都是区间,可以说没有本质差别。而我只知道BIT可维护prefix sum, 但对于BIT是如何维护prefix sum的却不了然,所以不能灵活应用。

Given a table of elements, it is sometimes desirable to calculate the running total of values up to each index according to some associative binary operation (addition on integers, for example). Fenwick trees provide a method to query the running total at any index, in addition to allowing changes to the underlying value table and having all further queries reflect those changes.


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