


#!/bin/bash# 1. size of pos : neg = 1:1.
# 2. size of testing set = min(25k, len(all_data) * 0.1), others is traning set.
# 3. distinct train set and test set.set -e# Download data
echo "Downloading Amazon Electronics reviews data..."
# wget
# wget
echo "Downloading mosesdecoder..."
# wget unzip
# rm
# Preprocess data
echo "Preprocess data..."
export LC_ALL=C
UNAME_STR=`uname`if [ ${UNAME_STR} == 'Linux' ]; thenSHUF_PROG='shuf'
fimkdir -p tmp
# python -i reviews_Electronics_5.json.gz
python -i reviews_Digital_Music_5.json.gz
# uniq and shuffle
cd tmp
echo 'Uniq and shuffle...'
cat pos_*|sort|uniq|${SHUF_PROG}> pos.shuffed
cat neg_*|sort|uniq|${SHUF_PROG}> neg.shuffedmin_len=`sed -n '$=' neg.shuffed`
echo `sed -n '$=' neg.shuffed`
if [ $test_num -gt 12500 ];thentest_num=12500
train_num=$((min_len-test_num))head -n$train_num pos.shuffed >train.pos
head -n$train_num neg.shuffed >train.neg
tail -n$test_num pos.shuffed >test.pos
tail -n$test_num neg.shuffed >test.negcat train.pos train.neg | ${SHUF_PROG} >../train.txt
cat test.pos test.neg | ${SHUF_PROG} >../test.txtcd -
echo 'train.txt' > train.list
echo 'test.txt' > test.list# use 30k dict
# rm -rf tmp
mv dict.txt dict_all.txt
cat dict_all.txt | head -n 30001 > dict.txt
echo 'Done.'


# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-"""
1. Tokenize the words and punctuation
Usage:python -i data_file [random seed]
"""import sys
import os
import operator
import gzip
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from optparse import OptionParser
import json
from multiprocessing import Queue
from multiprocessing import Pool
import multiprocessingbatch_size = 5000
word_count = {}
num_tokenize = max(1,multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 2)  # parse + tokenize + save
max_queue_size = 8
parse_queue = Queue(maxsize=max_queue_size + num_tokenize)
tokenize_queue = Queue(maxsize=max_queue_size + num_tokenize)def create_dict(data):"""Create dictionary based on data, and saved in data_dir/dict.txt.The first line is unk \t list, input data by batch."""for seq in data:try:for w in seq.lower().split():if w not in word_count:word_count[w] = 1else:word_count[w] += 1except:sys.stderr.write(seq + "\tERROR\n")def parse(path):"""Open .gz file."""sys.stderr.write(path)g =, 'r')for l in g:yield json.loads(l)g.close()def tokenize(sentences):"""Use tokenizer.perl to tokenize input sentences.tokenizer.perl is tool of Moses.sentences : a list of input sentences.return: a list of processed text."""dir = './mosesdecoder-master/scripts/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl'if not os.path.exists(dir):sys.exit("The ./mosesdecoder-master/scripts/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl does not exists.")tokenizer_cmd = [dir, '-l', 'en', '-q', '-']assert isinstance(sentences, list)text = "\n".join(sentences)tokenizer = Popen(tokenizer_cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)tok_text, _ = tokenizer.communicate(text)toks = tok_text.split('\n')[:-1]return toksdef save_data(instance, data_dir, pre_fix, batch_num):"""save data by batch"""label = ['1' if pre_fix == 'pos' else '0' for i in range(len(instance))]lines = ['%s\t%s' % (label[i], instance[i]) for i in range(len(label))]file_name = os.path.join(data_dir, "%s_%s.txt" % (pre_fix, batch_num))file(file_name, 'w').write('\n'.join(lines) + '\n')def tokenize_batch(id):"""tokenize data by batch"""while True:num_batch, instance, pre_fix = parse_queue.get()if num_batch == -1:  ### parse_queue finishedtokenize_queue.put((-1, None, None))sys.stderr.write("Thread %s finish\n" % (id))breaktokenize_instance = tokenize(instance)tokenize_queue.put((num_batch, tokenize_instance, pre_fix))sys.stderr.write('.')def save_batch(data_dir, num_tokenize, data_dir_dict):"""save data by batchbuild dict.txt"""token_count = 0while True:num_batch, instance, pre_fix = tokenize_queue.get()if num_batch == -1:token_count += 1if token_count == num_tokenize:  #### tokenize finished.breakelse:continuesave_data(instance, data_dir, pre_fix, num_batch)create_dict(instance)  ## update dictsys.stderr.write("save file finish\n")f = open(data_dir_dict, 'w')f.write('%s\t%s\n' % ('unk', '-1'))for k, v in sorted(word_count.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), \reverse=True):f.write('%s\t%s\n' % (k, v))f.close()sys.stderr.write("build dict finish\n")def parse_batch(data, num_tokenize):"""parse data by batchparse -> tokenize -> save"""raw_txt = parse(data)neg, pos = [], []count = 0sys.stderr.write("extract raw data\n")for l in raw_txt:rating = l["overall"]text = l["reviewText"].lower()  # # convert words to lower caseif rating == 5.0 and text:pos.append(text)if rating < 3.0 and text:neg.append(text)if len(pos) == batch_size or len(neg) == batch_size:if len(pos) == batch_size:batch = pospre_fix = 'pos'else:batch = negpre_fix = 'neg'parse_queue.put((count, batch, pre_fix))count += 1if pre_fix == 'pos':pos = []else:neg = []if len(pos) > 0:parse_queue.put((count, pos, 'pos'))count += 1if len(neg) > 0:parse_queue.put((count, neg, 'neg'))count += 1for i in range(num_tokenize):parse_queue.put((-1, None, None))  #### for tokenize's input finishedsys.stderr.write("parsing finish\n")def option_parser():parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: python "\"-i data_path [options]")parser.add_option("-i", "--data", action="store", dest="input", help="Input data path.")parser.add_option("-s","--seed",action="store",dest="seed",default=1024,help="Set random seed.")return parser.parse_args()def main():reload(sys)sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')options, args = option_parser()data = options.inputseed = options.seeddata_dir_dict = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(data), 'dict.txt')data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(data), 'tmp')pool = Pool(processes=num_tokenize + 2)pool.apply_async(parse_batch, args=(data, num_tokenize))for i in range(num_tokenize):pool.apply_async(tokenize_batch, args=(str(i), ))pool.apply_async(save_batch, args=(data_dir, num_tokenize, data_dir_dict))pool.close()pool.join()file(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(data), 'labels.list'),'w').write('neg\t0\npos\t1\n')if __name__ == '__main__':main()


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