
一 数据集准备

  1. 在/fcn.berkeleyvision.org/data/下新建文件夹 sbdd
  2. trianval:
    在该压缩包中找到dataset文件夹,将该文件夹拷贝到/fcn.berkeleyvision.org/data/sbdd 下
  3. test:

二 下载预训练模型

  1. 下载VGG-16的预训练模型放至/fcn.berkeleyvision.org/ilsvrc-nets/目录下,并重命名为vgg16-fcn.caffemodel
  2. 下载地址
    VGG官网 http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/research/very_deep/

三 修改代码

  1. 一般情况下不要直接修改test.prototxt和trainval.prototxt,而是执行net.py这个脚本,执行完成后也不要将test.prototxt和trainval.prototxt中的fc6和fc7替换为其他名称.

  2. 修改val.proyotxt

layer {name: "data"type: "Python"top: "data"top: "label"python_param {module: "voc_layers"layer: "VOCSegDataLayer"#annotated by yan 20171118#param_str: "{\'voc_dir\': \'../data/pascal/VOC2011\', \'seed\': 1337, \'split\': \'seg11valid\', \'mean\': (104.00699, 116.66877, 122.67892)}"param_str: "{\'sbdd_dir\': \'../data/sbdd/dataset\', \'seed\': 1337, \'split\': \'val\', \'mean\': (104.00699, 116.66877, 122.67892)}"}
  1. 修改voc_layers.py
# annotated by yan
# import caffe# import numpy as np
# from PIL import Image# import random# class VOCSegDataLayer(caffe.Layer):
#     """
#     Load (input image, label image) pairs from PASCAL VOC
#     one-at-a-time while reshaping the net to preserve dimensions.#     Use this to feed data to a fully convolutional network.
#     """#     def setup(self, bottom, top):
#         """
#         Setup data layer according to parameters:#         - voc_dir: path to PASCAL VOC year dir
#         - split: train / val / test
#         - mean: tuple of mean values to subtract
#         - randomize: load in random order (default: True)
#         - seed: seed for randomization (default: None / current time)#         for PASCAL VOC semantic segmentation.#         example#         params = dict(voc_dir="/path/to/PASCAL/VOC2011",
#             mean=(104.00698793, 116.66876762, 122.67891434),
#             split="val")
#         """
#         # config
#         params = eval(self.param_str)
#         self.voc_dir = params['voc_dir']
#         self.split = params['split']
#         self.mean = np.array(params['mean'])
#         self.random = params.get('randomize', True)
#         self.seed = params.get('seed', None)#         # two tops: data and label
#         if len(top) != 2:
#             raise Exception("Need to define two tops: data and label.")
#         # data layers have no bottoms
#         if len(bottom) != 0:
#             raise Exception("Do not define a bottom.")#         # load indices for images and labels
#         split_f  = '{}/ImageSets/Segmentation/{}.txt'.format(self.voc_dir,
#                 self.split)
#         self.indices = open(split_f, 'r').read().splitlines()
#         self.idx = 0#         # make eval deterministic
#         if 'train' not in self.split:
#             self.random = False#         # randomization: seed and pick
#         if self.random:
#             random.seed(self.seed)
#             self.idx = random.randint(0, len(self.indices)-1)#     def reshape(self, bottom, top):
#         # load image + label image pair
#         self.data = self.load_image(self.indices[self.idx])
#         self.label = self.load_label(self.indices[self.idx])
#         # reshape tops to fit (leading 1 is for batch dimension)
#         top[0].reshape(1, *self.data.shape)
#         top[1].reshape(1, *self.label.shape)#     def forward(self, bottom, top):
#         # assign output
#         top[0].data[...] = self.data
#         top[1].data[...] = self.label#         # pick next input
#         if self.random:
#             self.idx = random.randint(0, len(self.indices)-1)
#         else:
#             self.idx += 1
#             if self.idx == len(self.indices):
#                 self.idx = 0#     def backward(self, top, propagate_down, bottom):
#         pass#     def load_image(self, idx):
#         """
#         Load input image and preprocess for Caffe:
#         - cast to float
#         - switch channels RGB -> BGR
#         - subtract mean
#         - transpose to channel x height x width order
#         """
#         im = Image.open('{}/JPEGImages/{}.jpg'.format(self.voc_dir, idx))
#         in_ = np.array(im, dtype=np.float32)
#         in_ = in_[:,:,::-1]
#         in_ -= self.mean
#         in_ = in_.transpose((2,0,1))
#         return in_#     def load_label(self, idx):
#         """
#         Load label image as 1 x height x width integer array of label indices.
#         The leading singleton dimension is required by the loss.
#         """
#         im = Image.open('{}/SegmentationClass/{}.png'.format(self.voc_dir, idx))
#         label = np.array(im, dtype=np.uint8)
#         label = label[np.newaxis, ...]
#         return label# class SBDDSegDataLayer(caffe.Layer):
#     """
#     Load (input image, label image) pairs from the SBDD extended labeling
#     of PASCAL VOC for semantic segmentation
#     one-at-a-time while reshaping the net to preserve dimensions.#     Use this to feed data to a fully convolutional network.
#     """#     def setup(self, bottom, top):
#         """
#         Setup data layer according to parameters:#         - sbdd_dir: path to SBDD `dataset` dir
#         - split: train / seg11valid
#         - mean: tuple of mean values to subtract
#         - randomize: load in random order (default: True)
#         - seed: seed for randomization (default: None / current time)#         for SBDD semantic segmentation.#         N.B.segv11alid is the set of segval11 that does not intersect with SBDD.
#         Find it here: https://gist.github.com/shelhamer/edb330760338892d511e.#         example#         params = dict(sbdd_dir="/path/to/SBDD/dataset",
#             mean=(104.00698793, 116.66876762, 122.67891434),
#             split="valid")
#         """
#         # config
#         params = eval(self.param_str)
#         self.sbdd_dir = params['sbdd_dir']
#         self.split = params['split']
#         self.mean = np.array(params['mean'])
#         self.random = params.get('randomize', True)
#         self.seed = params.get('seed', None)#         # two tops: data and label
#         if len(top) != 2:
#             raise Exception("Need to define two tops: data and label.")
#         # data layers have no bottoms
#         if len(bottom) != 0:
#             raise Exception("Do not define a bottom.")#         # load indices for images and labels
#         split_f  = '{}/{}.txt'.format(self.sbdd_dir,
#                 self.split)
#         self.indices = open(split_f, 'r').read().splitlines()
#         self.idx = 0#         # make eval deterministic
#         if 'train' not in self.split:
#             self.random = False#         # randomization: seed and pick
#         if self.random:
#             random.seed(self.seed)
#             self.idx = random.randint(0, len(self.indices)-1)#     def reshape(self, bottom, top):
#         # load image + label image pair
#         self.data = self.load_image(self.indices[self.idx])
#         self.label = self.load_label(self.indices[self.idx])
#         # reshape tops to fit (leading 1 is for batch dimension)
#         top[0].reshape(1, *self.data.shape)
#         top[1].reshape(1, *self.label.shape)#     def forward(self, bottom, top):
#         # assign output
#         top[0].data[...] = self.data
#         top[1].data[...] = self.label#         # pick next input
#         if self.random:
#             self.idx = random.randint(0, len(self.indices)-1)
#         else:
#             self.idx += 1
#             if self.idx == len(self.indices):
#                 self.idx = 0#     def backward(self, top, propagate_down, bottom):
#         pass#     def load_image(self, idx):
#         """
#         Load input image and preprocess for Caffe:
#         - cast to float
#         - switch channels RGB -> BGR
#         - subtract mean
#         - transpose to channel x height x width order
#         """
#         im = Image.open('{}/img/{}.jpg'.format(self.sbdd_dir, idx))
#         in_ = np.array(im, dtype=np.float32)
#         in_ = in_[:,:,::-1]
#         in_ -= self.mean
#         in_ = in_.transpose((2,0,1))
#         return in_#     def load_label(self, idx):
#         """
#         Load label image as 1 x height x width integer array of label indices.
#         The leading singleton dimension is required by the loss.
#         """
#         import scipy.io
#         mat = scipy.io.loadmat('{}/cls/{}.mat'.format(self.sbdd_dir, idx))
#         label = mat['GTcls'][0]['Segmentation'][0].astype(np.uint8)
#         label = label[np.newaxis, ...]
#         return label
import caffeimport numpy as np
from PIL import Imageimport randomclass VOCSegDataLayer(caffe.Layer):"""Load (input image, label image) pairs from PASCAL VOCone-at-a-time while reshaping the net to preserve dimensions.Use this to feed data to a fully convolutional network."""def setup(self, bottom, top):"""Setup data layer according to parameters:- sbdd_dir: path to SBDD `dataset` dir- split: train / seg11valid- mean: tuple of mean values to subtract- randomize: load in random order (default: True)- seed: seed for randomization (default: None / current time)for SBDD semantic segmentation.N.B.segv11alid is the set of segval11 that does not intersect with SBDD.Find it here: https://gist.github.com/shelhamer/edb330760338892d511e.exampleparams = dict(sbdd_dir="/path/to/SBDD/dataset",mean=(104.00698793, 116.66876762, 122.67891434),split="valid")"""# configparams = eval(self.param_str)self.sbdd_dir = params['sbdd_dir']self.split = params['split']self.mean = np.array(params['mean'])self.random = params.get('randomize', True)self.seed = params.get('seed', None)# two tops: data and labelif len(top) != 2:raise Exception("Need to define two tops: data and label.")# data layers have no bottomsif len(bottom) != 0:raise Exception("Do not define a bottom.")# load indices for images and labelssplit_f  = '{}/{}.txt'.format(self.sbdd_dir,self.split)self.indices = open(split_f, 'r').read().splitlines()self.idx = 0# make eval deterministicif 'train' not in self.split:self.random = False# randomization: seed and pickif self.random:random.seed(self.seed)self.idx = random.randint(0, len(self.indices)-1)def reshape(self, bottom, top):# load image + label image pairself.data = self.load_image(self.indices[self.idx])self.label = self.load_label(self.indices[self.idx])# reshape tops to fit (leading 1 is for batch dimension)top[0].reshape(1, *self.data.shape)top[1].reshape(1, *self.label.shape)def forward(self, bottom, top):# assign outputtop[0].data[...] = self.datatop[1].data[...] = self.label# pick next inputif self.random:self.idx = random.randint(0, len(self.indices)-1)else:self.idx += 1if self.idx == len(self.indices):self.idx = 0def backward(self, top, propagate_down, bottom):passdef load_image(self, idx):"""Load input image and preprocess for Caffe:- cast to float- switch channels RGB -> BGR- subtract mean- transpose to channel x height x width order"""im = Image.open('{}/img/{}.jpg'.format(self.sbdd_dir, idx))in_ = np.array(im, dtype=np.float32)in_ = in_[:,:,::-1]in_ -= self.meanin_ = in_.transpose((2,0,1))return in_def load_label(self, idx):"""Load label image as 1 x height x width integer array of label indices.The leading singleton dimension is required by the loss."""import scipy.iomat = scipy.io.loadmat('{}/cls/{}.mat'.format(self.sbdd_dir, idx))label = mat['GTcls'][0]['Segmentation'][0].astype(np.uint8)label = label[np.newaxis, ...]return labelclass SBDDSegDataLayer(caffe.Layer):"""Load (input image, label image) pairs from the SBDD extended labelingof PASCAL VOC for semantic segmentationone-at-a-time while reshaping the net to preserve dimensions.Use this to feed data to a fully convolutional network."""def setup(self, bottom, top):"""Setup data layer according to parameters:- sbdd_dir: path to SBDD `dataset` dir- split: train / seg11valid- mean: tuple of mean values to subtract- randomize: load in random order (default: True)- seed: seed for randomization (default: None / current time)for SBDD semantic segmentation.N.B.segv11alid is the set of segval11 that does not intersect with SBDD.Find it here: https://gist.github.com/shelhamer/edb330760338892d511e.exampleparams = dict(sbdd_dir="/path/to/SBDD/dataset",mean=(104.00698793, 116.66876762, 122.67891434),split="valid")"""# configparams = eval(self.param_str)self.sbdd_dir = params['sbdd_dir']self.split = params['split']self.mean = np.array(params['mean'])self.random = params.get('randomize', True)self.seed = params.get('seed', None)# two tops: data and labelif len(top) != 2:raise Exception("Need to define two tops: data and label.")# data layers have no bottomsif len(bottom) != 0:raise Exception("Do not define a bottom.")# load indices for images and labelssplit_f  = '{}/{}.txt'.format(self.sbdd_dir,self.split)self.indices = open(split_f, 'r').read().splitlines()self.idx = 0# make eval deterministicif 'train' not in self.split:self.random = False# randomization: seed and pickif self.random:random.seed(self.seed)self.idx = random.randint(0, len(self.indices)-1)def reshape(self, bottom, top):# load image + label image pairself.data = self.load_image(self.indices[self.idx])self.label = self.load_label(self.indices[self.idx])# reshape tops to fit (leading 1 is for batch dimension)top[0].reshape(1, *self.data.shape)top[1].reshape(1, *self.label.shape)def forward(self, bottom, top):# assign outputtop[0].data[...] = self.datatop[1].data[...] = self.label# pick next inputif self.random:self.idx = random.randint(0, len(self.indices)-1)else:self.idx += 1if self.idx == len(self.indices):self.idx = 0def backward(self, top, propagate_down, bottom):passdef load_image(self, idx):"""Load input image and preprocess for Caffe:- cast to float- switch channels RGB -> BGR- subtract mean- transpose to channel x height x width order"""im = Image.open('{}/img/{}.jpg'.format(self.sbdd_dir, idx))in_ = np.array(im, dtype=np.float32)in_ = in_[:,:,::-1]in_ -= self.meanin_ = in_.transpose((2,0,1))return in_def load_label(self, idx):"""Load label image as 1 x height x width integer array of label indices.The leading singleton dimension is required by the loss."""import scipy.iomat = scipy.io.loadmat('{}/cls/{}.mat'.format(self.sbdd_dir, idx))label = mat['GTcls'][0]['Segmentation'][0].astype(np.uint8)label = label[np.newaxis, ...]return label
  1. 修改solve.py,参考


# annotated by yan 20171128
# import caffe
# import surgery, score# import numpy as np
# import os
# import sys# try:
#     import setproctitle
#     setproctitle.setproctitle(os.path.basename(os.getcwd()))
# except:
#     pass# weights = '../ilsvrc-nets/vgg16-fcn.caffemodel'# # init
# caffe.set_device(int(sys.argv[1]))
# caffe.set_mode_gpu()# solver = caffe.SGDSolver('solver.prototxt')
# solver.net.copy_from(weights)# # surgeries
# interp_layers = [k for k in solver.net.params.keys() if 'up' in k]
# surgery.interp(solver.net, interp_layers)# # scoring
# val = np.loadtxt('../data/segvalid11.txt', dtype=str)# for _ in range(25):
#     solver.step(4000)
#     score.seg_tests(solver, False, val, layer='score')import sys
import caffe
import surgery, scoreimport numpy as np
import ostry:import setproctitlesetproctitle.setproctitle(os.path.basename(os.getcwd()))
except:passvgg_weights = '../ilsvrc-nets/vgg16-fcn.caffemodel'
vgg_proto = '../ilsvrc-nets/VGG_ILSVRC_16_layers_deploy.prototxt'
# init
caffe.set_mode_gpu()solver = caffe.SGDSolver('solver.prototxt')
vgg_net = caffe.Net(vgg_proto, vgg_weights, caffe.TRAIN)
surgery.transplant(solver.net, vgg_net)
del vgg_net# surgeries
interp_layers = [k for k in solver.net.params.keys() if 'up' in k]
surgery.interp(solver.net, interp_layers)# scoring
val = np.loadtxt('../data/sbdd/dataset/val.txt', dtype=str)for _ in range(25):solver.step(4000)score.seg_tests(solver, False, val, layer='score')
  1. 将根目录下的一些.py文件复制到voc_fcn32s文件加下(我把有用没用的全复制了)



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