
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could print from any of your devices (desktops, phones, tablets) to any of your printers, at any time? Read on as we explore Google Cloud Print, a fantastic way to enable printing on all your devices big and small.

如果您可以随时从任何设备(台式机,电话,平板电脑)打印到任何打印机,这不是很好吗? 在我们探索Google云打印时,请继续阅读,这是一种出色的方法,可在您所有大小的设备上进行打印。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want to Do This?)

The best workflow and computer tweaks make your life easier, and that’s certainly true of setting up Google Cloud Print. Once you have learned about the system and configured it, you’ll be able to print to all your devices without a bunch of annoying go-between steps.

最佳的工作流程和计算机调整可让您的生活更轻松,并且设置Google Cloud Print确实如此。 一旦了解了系统并对其进行了配置,就可以打印到所有设备,而无需进行一系列烦人的步骤。

In other words, there will be no more “OK, I looking at this file on my Android phone, so I’ll save it to my phone, copy it to my Dropbox account, go over to the computer and get it from Dropbox, and then send it to my home printer.” There will be only “OK, I’ll print this.” and the Cloud Print system will delivery it right from your phone (wherever you are in the world) to the printer you’ve selected.

换句话说,不再需要“确定,我正在Android手机上查看此文件,因此我将其保存到手机中,将其复制到我的Dropbox帐户中,转到计算机并从Dropbox中获取它,然后将其发送到我的家用打印机。” 只有“确定,我将打印出来。” 然后Cloud Print系统会将其从您的手机(无论您身在何处)直接发送到您选择的打印机。

Easy printing from a desktop computer has long been a cinch; Google Cloud Print brings that same ease of one-click printing to everything else in your stable of electronic gadgets.

从台式计算机轻松进行打印一直很困难。 Google Cloud Print将一键式打印的便捷性带入了您的电子小工具箱中的其他所有内容。

我需要什么? (What Do I Need?)


To use Google Cloud Print you need three primary things:


  • A Google Account.一个Google帐户。
  • A Cloud Print-enabled printer or computer capable of running Chrome connected to the printer.


  • A device capable of printing to Cloud Print (e.g. an Android phone, iOS device, laptop, or tablet).能够打印到“云打印”的设备(例如,Android手机,iOS设备,笔记本电脑或平板电脑)。

The glue that binds everything together is your Google Account and the Cloud Print servers. What is bound together depends on your personal setup. If you have a newer Cloud Print-enabled printer (check the list here) you won’t need a computer to act as a print server.

将一切绑定在一起的粘合剂是您的Google帐户和Cloud Print服务器。 绑定在一起的内容取决于您的个人设置。 如果您有更新的支持Cloud Print的打印机(请在此处查看列表),则不需要计算机即可充当打印服务器。

If you don’t have a Cloud Print-enabled printer, you’ll need a computer that is on and connected to your printer during the times you want to print (if you have an always on home-server, now would be an idea time to configure it to print to your home printer so you can use it instead of your desktop).

如果您没有支持Cloud Print的打印机,则需要一台要在要打印的时间内打开并连接到打印机的计算机(如果您始终在家庭服务器上,则不妨考虑时间来配置它以打印到家用打印机,以便可以使用它而不是台式机)。

The final component is the device you wish to configure to print to your Cloud Printer. This device (or devices) will most likely be mobile because, after all, your permanently located devices like home office computers and such are likely already configured to print to your home computer via traditional methods.

最后一个组件是您希望配置为打印到云打印机的设备。 该设备(一种或多种)极有可能是移动设备,因为毕竟,您永久定位的设备(如家庭办公计算机)可能已经配置为通过传统方法打印到您的家庭计算机。

如何配置打印机? (How Do I Configure My Printers?)

The first order of business is getting the actual physical printer online and part of your Cloud Print network.


If you have a Cloud Print-enabled printer, the best way to configure it is to refer to the manual–look for a Getting Started with Cloud Print section or the like. Setup should be as simple as plugging in a few items in the configuration panel of your printer.

如果您拥有支持Cloud Print的打印机,则配置它的最佳方法是参考手册-查找“ Cloud Print入门”部分或类似内容。 设置应该像插入打印机配置面板中的几个项目一样简单。

If you don’t have a Cloud Print-enabled printer, there are a few extra (although trivial) steps to complete. In order to complete them, you will need to be on a computer that is 1) on when you want to print 2) has Google Chrome installed and 3) can print to the printer you wish to print to remotely.

如果您没有启用了云打印的打印机,则需要完成一些额外的(尽管很简单)步骤。 为了完成它们,您将需要在1)要打印的计算机上; 2)安装了Google Chrome的计算机;以及3)可以远程打印到要打印的打印机上的计算机。

Note: Before we proceed, we highly recommend going into the Devices and Printers menu on your machine and removing any old printers.


We, for example, had several phantom printers installed that were no longer in service in our home office. If you don’t remove them, they’ll end up being listed in your Google Cloud Print account as useless clutter.

例如,我们安装了几台幻影打印机,这些幻影打印机在我们的家庭办公室中不再使用。 如果不删除它们,它们最终将被列为无用的杂物。

First, you need to enable Google Cloud Print in your installation of Google Chrome. This will allow Chrome to act as a print server for the Cloud Print service and send documents to the printers accessible to the computer on which it is enabled.

首先,您需要在安装Google Chrome时启用Google云打印。 这将允许Chrome充当“云打印”服务的打印服务器,并将文档发送到启用该功能的计算机可以访问的打印机。

Click on the Menu button in the upper right hand corner of the Chrome interface and select Settings. Within the Settings menu scroll down to the bottom and click on “Show Advanced Options”. When the advanced options are displayed, scroll down until you see “Google Cloud Print”.

点击Chrome界面右上角的菜单按钮,然后选择设置。 在设置菜单中,向下滚动至底部,然后单击“显示高级选项”。 当显示高级选项时,向下滚动直到看到“ Google Cloud Print”。

If you are not signed into your Google Account within Chrome, the button will say “Sign in to Google Cloud Print”. If you are already signed in (e.g. you’ve enabled syncing for this installation of Chrome), the button will read “Add printers”. Sign in if necessary and then click “Add printers”; in addition, take a moment to ensure that “Continue running background apps…” under the System section is checked to ensure your Cloud Printer server stays active even when you’re not actively using Chrome.

如果您未在Chrome中登录Google帐户,则该按钮将显示“登录到Google云打印”。 如果您已经登录(例如,已为此安装的Chrome启用同步),则该按钮将显示为“添加打印机”。 如有必要,请登录,然后单击“添加打印机”; 此外,请花点时间确保选中“系统”部分下的“正在继续运行后台应用程序…”,以确保即使不使用Chrome时您的Cloud Printer服务器也保持活动状态。

After you hit “Add printers”, you will be presented with a confirmation screen that indicates you don’t actually have to do this step to use the Cloud Printer service. That’s true, you could use Cloud Printer strictly to print PDF files to your Google Account–that’s an awesome feature, but it’s not our goal today. Our goal is to get physical printouts from our printer.

点击“添加打印机”后,将显示一个确认屏幕,指示您实际上不必执行此步骤即可使用云打印机服务。 没错,您可以严格使用Cloud Printer将PDF文件打印到您的Google帐户-这是一个了不起的功能,但这并不是我们今天的目标。 我们的目标是从打印机获取物理打印输出。

Go ahead and click the blue “Add printer(s)” button to continue. This step automatically adds all the printers available on your computer to your Google Cloud Print account. It’s important to only do this on one computer that can access your printers–otherwise you’ll end up with a mess of duplicate printers listed in your account.

继续并单击蓝色的“添加打印机”按钮以继续。 此步骤会自动将计算机上所有可用的打印机添加到您的Google云打印帐户。 重要的是,只能在一台可以访问打印机的计算机上执行此操作,否则您的帐户中将列出一堆重复的打印机。

Once you have added all your printers you can view/manage them by visiting this link:


There are two things worth noting in the screenshot above. First, the “Share” button and second, the “Owned by me” flags beside all the printers we just added into the system. Cloud Print makes it as easy to share printers with people as it is to share documents in Google Docs. Rather than set up some sort of complex networking arrangement, you can simply give your friend’s Google Cloud Print account permission to use your printer. Printers people share with you will appear here but will be flagged “Owned by [Friend’s Name Here]”.

上面的屏幕快照中有两点值得注意。 首先是“共享”按钮,其次是我们刚刚添加到系统中的所有打印机旁边的“我拥有的”标志。 通过Cloud Print,与人共享打印机就像在Google文档中共享文档一样容易。 您无需设置某种复杂的网络安排,而只需授予朋友的Google Cloud Print帐户使用打印机的权限即可。 人们与您共享的打印机将显示在此处,但将被标记为“ [这里的朋友的名字]拥有”。

如何打印到我的云打印机? (How Do I Print to My Cloud Printers?)

Now that your printers are Cloud-enabled, we have to attend to the most important business of all: getting documents from your devices to your printers.


If you’re printing from a Google App of any sort, life couldn’t be easier. Whether you’re using the Google Drive app on Android, or Gmail on iOS, or just logged into the web interface for Google Docs from a remote computer, you can print directly from Google Apps into the Google Cloud Printer service. For example, here are some screen shots of me sending my daughter’s chore check list from Google Drive, via my Android phone, to the printer upstairs–no special add on software or tweaks required:

如果您使用任何形式的Google App进行打印,生活都会变得更加轻松。 无论您是在Android上使用Google Drive应用程序,还是在iOS上使用Gmail,还是从远程计算机登录到Google文档的网络界面,都可以直接从Google Apps打印到Google Cloud Printer服务中。 例如,以下是我通过Android手机将女儿的琐事核对清单从Google云端硬盘发送到楼上的打印机的一些屏幕截图-不需要特殊的软件添加或调整:

All I had to do was open the document, click the menu in the upper right corner, select “Print”, select the printer, and then review the print options before clicking “Print”. By the time I walked up the stairs to retrieve the printout, it was already sitting in the tray.

我要做的就是打开文档,单击右上角的菜单,选择“打印”,选择打印机,然后在单击“打印”之前查看打印选项。 等我走上楼梯取回打印件时,它已经坐在纸盘中了。

When you’re not printing directly from a Google App or an instance of Google Chrome with account syncing turned on, you’ll need a helper application of some sort. There are helper applications available for Android, iOS, Windows, and OS X that extend the print functionality beyond Chrome/Google Apps to any print-capable application on the system (or serve as a sort of mobile print platform where you can open documents from your device and send them to the Cloud Printer).

如果您不是直接从Google App或Google Chrome浏览器实例中启用帐户同步功能进行打印,便需要某种帮助程序。 有适用于Android,iOS,Windows和OS X的帮助程序应用程序,它们将打印功能从Chrome / Google Apps扩展到了系统上任何可打印的应用程序(或用作一种移动打印平台,您可以从中打开文档您的设备并将其发送到云打印机)。

You can check out the list of apps in the Google Cloud Print Supported Apps section and grab the appropriate app for your system. If you’re curious how these apps work, you can check out our tutorial demonstrating how to use the third party Cloud Print app on Android here. Update: There is now an official Google Cloud Print application for Android.

您可以在“ Google云打印支持的应用程序”部分中查看应用程序列表,并获取适合您系统的应用程序。 如果您对这些应用程序的工作方式感到好奇,可以在此处查看我们的教程,以演示如何在Android上使用第三方Cloud Print应用程序。 更新:现在有一个官方的Android版Google Cloud Print应用程序。

Once you’ve completed the simple configuration process, the potential of the Cloud Print system is vast. You can share a printer with a friend or colleague who routinely needs to send you physical documents, you can set up a shared photo printer at your parents’ house so you and your siblings can automatically send photos of the grandchildren, and, at minimum, you’ll never have to dink around with trying to get a file off your mobile device and onto your remote printer again.

一旦完成了简单的配置过程,云打印系统的潜力就会很大。 您可以与通常需要向您发送物理文件的朋友或同事共享打印机,也可以在父母的家中设置共享照片打印机,这样您和您的兄弟姐妹就可以自动发送孙子的照片,并且至少可以您再也不必费力地尝试从移动设备上获取文件,然后再将其移到远程打印机上。




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