

  • Be a Scientist

    • Chapter 1: Plants and Their Needs

      • Lesson 1: Plants Everywhere
      • Lesson 2: What Plants Need
      • Lesson 3: Parts of Plants
    • Chapter 2: Animals and Their Needs
      • ​​​​​​​Lesson 1: Animals Everywhere
      • Lesson 2: What Animals Need
      • Lesson 3: How Animals Get Food
    • Chapter 3: Plants and Animals Together
      • ​​​​​​​Lesson 1: Land Habitats
      • Lesson 2: Water Habitats
      • Lesson 3: Plants and Animals Need Each Other
      • Lesson 4: Food Chains
  • Earth Science

    • ​​​​​​​Chapter 4: Weather

      • Lesson 1: ​​​​​​​Describe Weather
      • Lesson 2: The Warmth of the Sun
      • Lesson 3: Measure Weather
    • Chapter 5: Seasons
      • ​​​​​​​Lesson 1: Winter
      • Lesson 2: Spring
      • Lesson 3: Summer
      • Lesson 4: Fall
  • Physical Science

    • ​​​​​​​Chapter 6: Solids, Liquids, and Gases
    • Chapter 7: Changing Matter 
      • ​​​​​​​Lesson 1: Heating Matter
      • Lesson 2: Cooling Matter
      • Lesson 3: Mixing Matter


  1. adaptation: An adaptation is a special feature that helps an animal stay alive in its habitat.
  2. balance: A balance can be used to measure mass.
  3. birds: Birds are a group of animals that have features. Birds lay eggs.
  4. boiling: When a liquid get enough heat, it boils. Boiling can change a liquid to a gas.
  5. carnivore: A carnivore is an animal that eats only other animals.
  6. cooling: Cooling means to take heat away.
  7. compare: Compare means to see how things are alike and different. You can use a Venn diagram to compare two things.
  8. communicate: Communicate means to write, draw, or tell your ideas to others. You can use a word web to communicate your ideas.
  9. classify: Classify means to group things that are alike.
  10. dissolve: Dissolve means to completely mix into a liquid.
  11. draw a conclusion: To draw a conclusion means to use what you observe to explain what happens.
  12. energy: Energy gives plants and animals the power to do things.
  13. evaporate: When a liquid evaporates, it changes from a liquid to a gas. When water is heated, some water evaporates, or goes into the air as gas.
  14. fall: Fall is the season after summer.
  15. fins: Fins help fish swim in water.
  16. food chain: A food chain shows the order in which living things get the food they need.
  17. forest: A forest is a place where there are a lot of trees.
  18. freeze: When you freeze a liquid, it turns into a solid.
  19. gas: Gas is a state of matter that spreads out to fill all the space of whatever it is in.
  20. gills: Gills help fish take in air from the water.
  21. grassland: A grassland is a dry place with a lot of grass.
  22. habitat: A habitat is the place where plants and animals get what they need to live.
  23. herbivore: A herbivore is an animal that eats only plants.
  24. insect: Insects are animals that have three body parts and six legs.
  25. leaves: Leaves use sunlight and air to make food.
  26. liquid: A liquid is a state of matter. Liquids flow and take the shape of whatever they are in.
  27. make a model: When you make a model, you make something to show how something looks.
  28. mammals: Mammals are a group of animals with hair or fur. Most mamals give birth to their young.
  29. mass: Mass is how much matter is in an object.
  30. matter: Matter is what all things are made up of.
  31. measure: Measure means to find out the size or amount of something.
  32. melting: Melting means to change from a solid to a liquid.
  33. mixture: A mixture is two or more different things put together.
  34. nutrients: Nutrients help a plant grow.
  35. observe: When you observe, you see, hear, taste, touch, or smell to find out about things.
  36. ocean: An ocean is salty water that is very large and deep.
  37. omnivore: An omnivore eats both plants and animals.
  38. plants: Plants are living things. (Most of plants can make their own food through photosynthesis by leaves)
  39. pond: A pond is a small body of fresh water.
  40. pollen: Pollen is powder inside a flower that makes seeds.
  41. predict: Predict is to use what you know to tell what will happen.
  42. properties: Properties are how something looks, feels, smells, or tastes. Color, size, and shape are also properties.
  43. put thing in order: To put things in order is to tell what comes first, next, and last.
  44. rain gauge: A rain gauge measures how much rain falls.
  45. record data: When you record data, you write down information. You can keep track of the information that you have found.
  46. reptiles: Reptiles are a group of animals that have dry skin covered with scales.
  47. roots: Roots take in water and nutrients from the soil. They also help plants stay in the ground.
  48. season: A season is a time of year. Winter, spring, summer, and fall are the four seasons of the year.
  49. shelter: A shelter is a place where an animal can be safe.
  50. solid: A solid is a state of matter that has a shape of its own.
  51. spring: Sprint is the season after winter.
  52. states of matter: States of matter are the forms of matter. They are solid, liquid, and gas.
  53. summer: Summer is the season after spring.
  54. Sun: The sun is a star. Energy from the Sun heats Earth.
  55. Temperature: Temperature is how cold or warm the air is.
  56. texture: How an object feels is its texture. Solids might feel smooth or rough.
  57. thermometer: A thermometer measures the temperature of air and water.
  58. water vapor: Water vapor is water that goes up into the air.
  59. weather: Weather is what the air and sky are like each day.
  60. wind: Wind is moving air.
  61. wind cane: A wind cane shows the direction of the wind.
  62. winter: Winter is the coldest season.


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