杰夫贝佐斯 西装

US News and World Report recently named Amazon founder Jeff Bezos one of America’s Best Leaders for 2008, in part due to his role as an Internet pioneer who established the bar for how online commerce is done. Part of the interview done with Bezos for the magazine was republished online and he gives some interesting startup advice.

《美国新闻与世界报道》最近将亚马逊创始人杰夫·贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)评为2008年“ 美国最佳领导者”之一,部分原因是他作为互联网先驱者的角色,为网上交易的完成树立了标杆。 贝佐斯对该杂志的部分采访在网上重新发布,他提供了一些有趣的启动建议。

According to Bezos, business success requires a long term plan. Part of enacting your long term plan, he says, means sticking to it and ignoring the naysayers. Pundits and critics might not understand what you’re doing, but if you believe in your plan for success, what they think shouldn’t matter.

贝佐斯认为,业务成功需要长期计划。 他说,制定长期计划的一部分意味着要坚持下去,而无视反对者。 专家和批评家可能不了解您在做什么,但如果您相信自己的成功计划,他们认为应该没什么。

“If you’re going to take a long-term orientation, you have to be willing to stay heads down and ignore a wide array of critics, even well-meaning critics,” he tells the magazine. “If you don’t have a willingness to be misunderstood for a long period of time, then you can’t have a long-term orientation.”

他告诉该杂志:“如果要采取长远的眼光,就必须愿意低着头,忽略各种各样的批评家,甚至是善意的批评家。” “如果您长时间不愿意被误解,那么您就不可能有长期的发展方向。”

Amazon has done that many times, he said, and come out the other side. “While we’re crossing the desert, we may be thirsty, but we sincerely believe there’s an oasis on the other side.”

他说,亚马逊做了很多次,然后走到另一边。 “虽然我们穿越沙漠,但我们可能渴了,但我们真诚地认为另一边是一片绿洲。”

Bezos also acknowledges the truth behind a popular adage: success requires failure. “If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate,” is a famous quote from Thomas Watson, the founder of IBM. Bezos echoes those sentiments, saying that experimentation requires failure, and success requires a willingness to fail. For a certain type of people, he says, the prospect of not succeeding is exciting. It’s what drives them.

贝佐斯还承认流行格言背后的真相:成功需要失败。 IBM创始人托马斯·沃森(Thomas Watson)有句名言:“如果您想提高成功率,则将失败率提高一倍。” 贝佐斯回应了这些观点,并说实验需要失败,而成功则需要失败的意愿。 他说,对于某些类型的人来说,不成功的前景令人振奋。 是驱动他们的原因。

We call those people entrepreneurs. Amazon tends to attract that type of person, according to the company’s founder.

我们称这些人为企业家。 据该公司的创始人称,亚马逊倾向于吸引这类人。

Bezos also talks about the virtues of being customer-focused as an organizational mandate, rather than competitor-focused. “If you’re competitor-focused, you have to wait until there is a competitor doing something. Being customer-focused allows you to be more pioneering,” he says.

贝佐斯还谈到了以客户为中心的组织使命,而不是竞争对手的优势。 “如果您专注于竞争对手,那么您必须等到有竞争对手在做某件事。 以客户为中心可以使您更具开拓精神。”他说。

That’s something we’ve talked about in the past on this blog as well. Communicating directly with your customers is also a great way to turn users into “true fans” who will evangelize your product or service. Don’t miss our four tips for how to speak directly to your customers and our list of 15 companies that really get corporate blogging, for some inspiration.

这也是我们过去在此Blog上也讨论过的事情。 直接与客户沟通也是将用户转变为“ 真正的粉丝 ”的好方法,这些粉丝将宣传您的产品或服务。 一定不要错过我们的四个直接与您的客户交流的秘诀,以及我们真正获得企业博客的15家公司名单,以获取一些启发。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/jeff-bezos-gives-advice-on-long-term-success/

杰夫贝佐斯 西装

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