
  • 自带函数存在问题
  • PLY_Write函数说明
  • ply_write函数代码







这是一个很老的matlab函数了,具体见文未。作者:Pascal Getreuer 时间:2004

%% PLY_WRITE writes 3D data as a PLY file.
%   PLY_WRITE(DATA,FILENAME) writes the structure DATA as a binary
%   PLY file.  Every field of DATA is interpreted as an element
%   and every subfield as an element property.  Each subfield of
%   property data must either be an array or a cell array of
%   arrays.  All property data in an element must have the same
%   length.
%   A common PLY data structure has the following fields:
%      DATA.vertex.x = x coordinates, [Nx1] real array
%      DATA.vertex.y = y coordinates, [Nx1] real array
%      DATA.vertex.z = z coordinates, [Nx1] real array
%      DATA.face.vertex_indices = vertex index lists,
%         an {Mx1} cell array where each cell holds a one-
%         dimesional array (of any length) of vertex indices.
%   Some other common data fields:
%      DATA.vertex.nx = x coordinate of normal, [Nx1] real array
%      DATA.vertex.ny = y coordinate of normal, [Nx1] real array
% = z coordinate of normal, [Nx1] real array
%      DATA.edge.vertex1 = index to a vertex, [Px1] integer array
%      DATA.edge.vertex2 = second vertex index, [Px1] integer array
%   Many other fields and properties can be added.  The PLY format
%   is not limited to the naming in the examples above -- they are
%   only the conventional naming.
%   PLY_WRITE(DATA,FILENAME,FORMAT) write the PLY with a specified
%   data format, where FORMAT is
%      'ascii'                  ASCII text data
%      'binary_little_endian'   binary data, little endian
%      'binary_big_endian'      binary data, big endian (default)
%   PLY_WRITE(DATA,FILENAME,'double') write floating-point data as
%   double precision rather than in the default single precision.
%   Example:
%   % make a cube
%   clear Data;
%   Data.vertex.x = [0;0;0;0;1;1;1;1];
%   Data.vertex.y = [0;0;1;1;0;0;1;1];
%   Data.vertex.z = [0;1;1;0;0;1;1;0];
%   Data.face.vertex_indices = {[0,1,2,3],[7,6,5,4], ...
%         [0,4,5,1],[1,5,6,2],[2,6,7,3],[3,7,4,0]};
%   plywrite(Data,'cube.ply','ascii');
%  Licensing:
%    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
%  Modified:
%    01 March 2007



function ply_write ( Elements, Path, Format, Str )if ( nargin < 4 )Str = '';if ( nargin < 3 )Format = 'binary_big_endian';elseif strcmpi(Format,'double')Str = 'double';Format = 'binary_big_endian';endend[ fid, Msg ] = fopen ( Path, 'wt' );if ( fid == -1 )error(Msg);endPlyTypeNames = {'char','uchar','short','ushort','int','uint','float','double', ...'char8','uchar8','short16','ushort16','int32','uint32','float32','double64'};FWriteTypeNames = {'schar','uchar','int16','uint16','int32','uint32','single','double'};MatlabTypeNames = {'int8','uint8','int16','uint16','int32','uint32','single','double'};PrintfTypeChar = {'%d','%u','%d','%u','%d','%u','%-.6f','%-.14e'};IntegerDataMin = [-128,0,-2^15,-2^31,0];IntegerDataMax = [127,255,2^16-1,2^31-1,2^32-1];
%  write PLY header
%fprintf(fid,'ply\nformat %s 1.0\ncomment created by MATLAB ply_write\n',Format);ElementNames = fieldnames(Elements);NumElements = length(ElementNames);Data = cell(NumElements,1);for i = 1 : NumElementseval(['tmp=isa(Elements.',ElementNames{i},',''struct'');']);if ( tmp )eval(['PropertyNames{i}=fieldnames(Elements.',ElementNames{i},');']);elsePropertyNames{i} = [];endif ( ~isempty(PropertyNames{i}) )eval(['Data{i}{1}=Elements.',ElementNames{i},'.',PropertyNames{i}{1},';']);ElementCount(i) = prod(size(Data{i}{1}));Type{i} = zeros(length(PropertyNames{i}),1);elseElementCount(i) = 0;endfprintf(fid,'element %s %u\n',ElementNames{i},ElementCount(i));for j = 1 : length(PropertyNames{i})eval(['Data{i}{j}=Elements.',ElementNames{i},'.',PropertyNames{i}{j},';']);if ( ElementCount(i) ~= prod(size(Data{i}{j})) )fclose(fid);error('All property data in an element must have the same length.');endif ( iscell(Data{i}{j}) )Type{i}(j) = 9;Data{i}{j} = Data{i}{j}{1};endfor k = 1 : length(MatlabTypeNames)if ( isa(Data{i}{j},MatlabTypeNames{k}) )Type{i}(j) = Type{i}(j) + k;break;endendif ( ~rem(Type{i}(j),9) )fclose(fid);error('Unsupported data structure.');end
%  Try to convert float data to integer data
%  Array data.
%if ( Type{i}(j) <= 8 )if any(strcmp({'single','double'},MatlabTypeNames{Type{i}(j)}))if ~any(floor(Data{i}{j}) ~= Data{i}{j})  % data is integerMinValue = min(min(Data{i}{j}));MaxValue = max(max(Data{i}{j}));% choose smallest possible integer data formattmp = max(min(find(MinValue >= IntegerDataMin)),min(find(MaxValue <= IntegerDataMax)));if ~isempty(tmp)Type{i}(j) = tmp;endendendelse        % cell array dataeval(['Data{i}{j}=Elements.',ElementNames{i},'.',PropertyNames{i}{j},';']);tmp = 1;for k = 1:prod(size(Data{i}{j}))tmp = tmp & all(floor(Data{i}{j}{k}) == Data{i}{j}{k});endif tmp  % data is integerMinValue = inf;MaxValue = -inf;for k = 1:prod(size(Data{i}{j}))MinValue = min(MinValue,min(Data{i}{j}{k}));MaxValue = max(MaxValue,max(Data{i}{j}{k}));end% choose smallest possible integer data formattmp = max(min(find(MinValue >= IntegerDataMin)),min(find(MaxValue <= IntegerDataMax)));if ~isempty(tmp)Type{i}(j) = tmp + 9;endendend% convert double to single if specifiedif rem(Type{i}(j),9) == 8 & ~strcmpi(Str,'double')Type{i}(j) = Type{i}(j) - 1;endif Type{i}(j) <= 8fprintf(fid,'property %s %s\n',PlyTypeNames{Type{i}(j)},PropertyNames{i}{j});elsefprintf(fid,'property list uchar %s %s\n',PlyTypeNames{Type{i}(j)-9},PropertyNames{i}{j});endendendfprintf(fid,'end_header\n');switch Formatcase 'ascii'Format = 0;case 'binary_little_endian'fclose(fid);fid = fopen(Path,'a','ieee-le');Format = 1;case 'binary_big_endian'fclose(fid);fid = fopen(Path,'a','ieee-be');Format = 2;endfor i = 1 : NumElementsif ~isempty(PropertyNames{i})if ~Format          % write ASCII datafor k = 1:ElementCount(i)for j = 1:length(PropertyNames{i})if Type{i}(j) <= 8fprintf(fid,[PrintfTypeChar{Type{i}(j)},' '],Data{i}{j}(k));elsefprintf(fid,'%u%s ',length(Data{i}{j}{k}),sprintf([' ',PrintfTypeChar{Type{i}(j)-9}],Data{i}{j}{k}));endendfprintf(fid,'\n');endelse            % write binary dataif all(Type{i} <= 8) & all(Type{i} == Type{i}(1))% property data without list types (fast)tmp = zeros(length(PropertyNames{i}),ElementCount(i));for j = 1:length(PropertyNames{i})tmp(j,:) = Data{i}{j}(:)';endfwrite(fid,tmp,FWriteTypeNames{Type{i}(j)});elseif all(Type{i} > 8)% only list typesType{i} = Type{i} - 9;if length(PropertyNames{i}) == 1% only one list propertytmp = FWriteTypeNames{Type{i}(1)};for k = 1:ElementCount(i)fwrite(fid,length(Data{i}{1}{k}),'uchar');fwrite(fid,Data{i}{1}{k},tmp);endelse% multiple list propertiesfor k = 1:ElementCount(i)for j = 1:length(PropertyNames{i})fwrite(fid,length(Data{i}{j}{k}),'uchar');fwrite(fid,Data{i}{j}{k},FWriteTypeNames{Type{i}(j)});endendendelse% mixed typefor k = 1:ElementCount(i)for j = 1:length(PropertyNames{i})if Type{i}(j) <= 8fwrite(fid,Data{i}{j}(k),FWriteTypeNames{Type{i}(j)});elsefwrite(fid,length(Data{i}{j}{k}),'uchar');fwrite(fid,Data{i}{j}{k},FWriteTypeNames{Type{i}(j)-9});endendendendendendendfclose(fid);return


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